A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 26 Chapter 1477: Nightmare World (6)

From the day of self-awareness, Para is already a bone demon living in the ground of the innocent collar of the King of the Wheel.

At that time, Parra, only the inferior body, was a sacrum that was still coincidentally attached to the nightmare of the nightmare, and according to instinct, it gradually added to the degeneration, which was a long tail crawling on the ground. Insects, ugly twisted faces break through to the limits of general flesh-and-blood creatures, as if they were assembled by young children.

浑浑噩噩 浑浑噩噩 在 在 迦 迦 迦 迦 迦 迦 迦 迦 迦 迦 迦 迦 迦 迦 迦 迦 迦 迦 迦 迦 迦 迦 迦 迦 迦 迦 迦 迦 迦 迦 迦 迦 迦 迦 迦 迦 迦 迦 迦 迦 迦 迦 迦 迦 迦 迦 迦 迦 迦 迦 迦 迦 迦It is by relying on the power of these fears that they will wake up again and again from the slumber, and launch the nightmare to invade the war to collect more valuable bones to complete the evolution.

For three thousand years, Parra had the privilege of seeing the true bones of the Wheelbone in this bone.

One of them is to follow the King of the Wheels to fight for another bone king. The second time is now, and will follow the King of the Wheels to conquer an unknown world!

For a long time, Para has also grown from the ignorant little bone demon of the original to a small captain of the ancient king of the car.

"Captain, the number of the regiments gathered by the King of the Wheelbone is really amazing. Not only the various clan of the Shenmo Demon on the bone desert, but also the devil of the Qiu Nan, the bite of the West, the tortoise We...oh, Scorpio!"

Followed by a small sinking demon behind the indulgent demon of Para, walked through the densely populous demons of the various clan.

Because the big and small sinking devils are too dense, the bones appear when the bones hit the crisp sound of the bones. If the difference between the strength and the weakness is too large, there will be a situation in which one side is knocked open, attracting the sarcasm of the surrounding demon.

Compared with the various bones and demons in all directions, Shen Shen's body type is undoubtedly the most insignificant and the largest number of main battle groups.

Nowadays, the little indulge who followed Palla saw that under the call of the King of the Caramel, the nearby large and small bones of the demon group gathered on the bones of the desert, and they were so excited that they were so excited that even if they were engulfed on the way. The clan was knocked down several times and was ridiculed and could not calm it down.

At this moment, it stared at the huge body of hundreds of meters flying over the sky, casting a huge shadow on the ground, can not help but scream from instinct.

"Oh, Scorpio, is a sorrowful dragon, and even it is summoned by the King of Wheels, and wakes up from the slumber! Scorpio, what a perfect body, it is so beautiful, I am going crazy!"

"Follow the captain, you can't find the little ones that you can look down, be careful!"

Next to it, another indulging sneer, the tail connected to the ribs is longer than the body, and Mi Xu's body is flexible.

The squad bypassed a pile of sacrums, and there was a powerful shadow of the scorpion, which was roaring around. The powerful body had already mutated into a dark black, and the open head of the scorpion was dark and red, and the power of the nightmare was far from the team. The front of the valley is more powerful.

"It’s the shadow clan patriarch, this is truly perfect and powerful!"

The other sinking demon crawled while enjoying the sigh.


Para stopped in front, and the more than a hundred indulging demons following him huddled together and stopped in this noisy environment.

咚, 咚, 咚, 咚, 咚, 咚, ......

A group of more than 30 meters of abhorrent monsters marched on the bones of the tibia and made a squeaking sound of "嘭", "嘭", "嘭", "嘭", and the demons along the way were flexible to avoid this crossing. The abhorrent monsters, the "哗哗啦啦" chain vibrations accompanied by these huge and bulky bodies, slowly passed.

"Hey, Gusu's cartilage heads, roll away, this route we frosted first!"

After the abomination of the monsters to avoid the road, Para is about to take the team behind the ancient snails to continue to advance, but oncoming, but a frosty demon squad, is very arrogant.

"Hey! It turned out to be the mud bones of Frost's, and the road is here. It seems that only the next team can pass!"

Then, hundreds of sinking demons swarmed each other, and they became a group. They split each other's bones, lost each other and then continued to go to their destinations. The fighting spirit was integrated into every nightmare soul. .

In the dark and dark sky, the hordes of flying-like bones flashed past, or tens of thousands of squats were at high altitude, casting light shadows on the ground.

In the midst of that madness, the dark sky formed a huge twisting vortex, gathering the power of the dark red nightmare fear, pouring into the unknown world space under the will of the King of the Wheelbone, about to follow Jia World space invaded by the Wheel King!

"I really can't wait!"

The snails of the ancient snails looked up at the door of the nightmare. Like every bone desert gathered here, they were extremely excited and excited. Even in its relatively long life course, only a looting war was carried out. Seven thousand years ago, the world of grass and wood forests plundered the war, the taste of fresh flesh and blood is still unforgettable, and the vitality of the bones for your own choice.

It was also the looting war that made it extremely powerful and formed its own clan.

"The patriarch!"

Para led the indulging demon, gathered to the ancient snails, similar to the small captain of Para, Gu Shuang's side has more than a hundred, are first-class to second-class biological strength.

"Take your ministry to the south and wait for the order, King of the Wheels... um!?"

Halfway through, Gu Luo’s fierce look at the whirlpool of the nightmare of the high-altitude, only to hear the two thunders blasting in the “噼里啪啦”, “噼里啪啦”, from another world in the center of the vortex, let the entire nightmare vortex Become unstable.

"What is that, is it the command of the King of Wheels?"

At the same time as Guluo’s doubts, other big and small dreams and bones and demons were also stunned by this sudden change. Some of them’ self-sustaining and powerful nightmare demons voluntarily flew to the high-altitude nightmare door, wanting to A glimpse of the extent to which these bones are so powerful, it is difficult for the King of the Wheels to be restrained, including the hundreds of meters of sorrowful dragons.


The whirlpool structure of the Nightmare Gate has undergone dramatic changes.

Seeing the horror of the dragon figure, the figure of hundreds of meters is close to the center of the whirlpool. Suddenly, a huge eye that occupies the center of the whirlpool of several kilometers appears. The curious look overlooks the world of the nightmare.

“Is this the nightmare world you are in?”

The sound echoed in the entire bone desert.

Compared to the giant eye that only occupies the whirlpool of the entire nightmare, even the sorrowful dragon is nothing but a small bug. In panic, the sorrowful dragon seems to suffer some kind of invisible oppression. Force ~www.novelmtl.com~ After a terrified roar, it descended from the sky.

Other powerful bone demons that converge toward the vortex are also falling like a broken kite.

The sky is in a mess.

Oh la la...

The flying bones in the sky spread out in large areas, and hundreds of millions of low-level bones trembled on the ground, which was the pressure of the overriding life level, the overlookor outside the box.

"The degree of coincidence is too low. Even my true body can't be squeezed. How can the king of nightmares squeeze over? Hey, give up running away, hey... use the crystal of the nightmare to resist. Otherwise, I have to die again. I don’t care about this time."

As the giant eye gradually disappeared, the nightmare of the world was mad, and all the nightmare bones were staring at the whirlpool of the nightmare, and the horror in the chaos.

Just, what is that! ? (To be continued.)

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