A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 26 Chapter 1476: Nightmare Devil World (5)

After a few hourglass hours.

"Gana bones king?"

The dark sky is not its original rule, but the black smoke from the center of this enlarged altar at this moment blackens the entire illusory fragments. As for the dark red, the ridiculous and ridiculous nightmare rules represent the unrequited rebirth of the nightmare. The source of power from illusion to reality.

Green, evil crystal, two stigma sorcerers floating in the air, although there is no wind, the wide wizard robes are shaking in the "簌簌", mysterious, profound, cruel and supreme overlook, it is incompatible with the nightmare .


At the top of the altar, a figure that looks very similar to the previous forest elf floats in midair, white skin, pointed ears, green length, and the tempting lips of lilac in the dark night, but with her opening The sharp fangs of the mouth are chilling.

With a scream, a pair of bat wings spread out. In the blink of an eye, this figure completes the transformation from the forest elf to the nightmare king, a long bone whip in the hand.

Behind her, the altar's dark red nightmare power gathered, a scarlet cockroach cockroach swept back and forth, in the middle of the erect, as if there are countless monsters wanting to squeeze out!

"I was ordered to station in the nightmare channel. I didn't get into the wizarding world first. You came over and sent your body. Hey, how can I appreciate you?"

The forest elf's white face is beautiful, and at this moment the mouth cracks in an amazing arc, making people feel like the bone under the skin may burst it at any time.

Yes, for these bone demons, the skin is just a layer of clothes, just like the wizard's robes.

"Come and collect the skins of both of you as my clothes. You should be careful later, don't break my clothes, hehe..."

The King of Wheels was gracing in the interest of Green and the evil crystal sorcerer.

"For the nightmare world, can't you really feel the power of the swaying element to leverage the wizard?"

Calm voice, Green step by step to this bone demon, the power of a hundred meters range of nightmare is dispelled by the power of layers of elements, the extreme abyss magic wand overflowing the cold so that Green has condensed a layer of frost, even Even the most powerful altar of the nightmare cannot stop the spread of these glaciers.

"It seems that you are essentially the same as the nightmare creatures, just the idiots who pursue the passive evolution of slavery, but you are stupid to the extreme, enslaving those little smart nightmare creatures with their rich experience."

Green is right.

Although for many biological eyes, the wizards who pursue the rules of using small energy to incite the rules are some weak creatures, but after all, they are passive evolutionary creatures that have long experienced the elimination of the food chain. In addition to instinct observation, these creatures have more important dangerous senses. It is a dangerous creature. The more creatures that die under his hands, the more the monsters of the secondary esophagus are at the extreme.

There is no doubt that every creature that the wizard has died from the wizard apprenticeship is endless!

But these nightmare monsters are different. The world in the eyes of these nightmare monsters can only evolve the degree of direction and the degree of energy control. Although there is no forced evolutionary feature of the wandering aliens enslaved by nightmares, it is similar to the wizard civilization and the sorcerer. Civilization, but still a world of restraint in the world of dreams and bones.

The appearance of Green released slightly changed the look of the King of Wheels. It is obvious that the level of power that Green showed is far beyond its perception.


The long bones of the spine were swept out, accompanied by the illusion of distorting the figure, and shrouded the Green.

However, after the bone whip is close to the Green, it is extremely slow as if it were in the mud pool. When the bone whip is heard, the top of the bone whip falls off at the top, and the bone layer is broken to reveal the black crystal inside, and the deep bone marrow is completely chilly. An amazing black mist burst into all directions, forming a three-hundred-meter-old evil face that swallowed up to Green.

As if it would breathe on the chop bones, the bones of the bones became uneasy. It seemed to be attracted by these nightmare rules, flying out a nightmare soul, similar to the wizarding world of the Moon Shadow Academy. Evil is awkward.

Looking at the green that was swallowed by the ghost face, the King of Wheels screamed.

"Even if you are the most powerful wizard in the wizarding world, here is the nightmare of the world, the land of countless world leaders in the long years, even those who dominate can only flee like a mourning dog, it depends on you..."

Halfway through it, the king of the carnival suddenly lived, staring at the figure, incredible color.

The crystal of the nightmare that I am proud of is actually sandwiched between the three-color sorcerer wearing a gray-white mask, between the index finger and the middle finger. I can play with observations at random, and my own attack is in front of him, just like a child playing. Obsessed with the eye.

This is impossible!

"Oh, great, with this kind of purity of nightmare power, it is easier to understand the world of nightmare."

After that, Green’s left hand flashed this nightmare crystal disappeared, the right hand magic wand waved, “噼里啪啦”, the black arc was distorted in all directions, and the high-frequency shock wave broke through the entire sky and released to the illusory space. The undulating cheekbones were shattered and broken into the bones of the Jialing.


Green has just hit it, but the attack has already passed three million degrees. It is not just the desperate desperation that the Kaguna King feels indescribable. It is the evil crystal sorcerer behind him who looks at the figure of Green, and is also a bone.

Is this the power of annihilation?

Which is the mystery, how could it be so powerful!

Behind the wheel of the King of Wheels, the scarlet cockroaches smashed into a giant eye~www.novelmtl.com~ to resist the defense in front of him, but the arc was smashed to the arrow, and the scarlet cockroach and the King of the Wheelbone were passed together. Completely wiped out and wiped the sky.

Step by step to the center of the altar, the black plume spurted into the sky, and Green was full of expectations.

On the other hand, the King of the Wheelbone is a flash of light to complete the nightmare rebirth. He wants to escape without thinking about it, but it is also a "slap in the air", and the power of annihilation is wiped out.

Going to the center of the altar, facing the black smoke column, there is a hole in the middle of the bowl. Green sees the evil smile and smiles. "This is the nightmare world you are in, the coincidence is too low, even me." The real body can't be squeezed, how can those kings of nightmare come over. Hey, give up running away, hey... use the crystal of the nightmare to resist, or you have to die again, this point I don’t care about time."

Green's brutal laughter is like a devil.

After a little while, Green took a few of the collected nightmare crystals and flew to the whirlpool leading to the wizarding world. (To be continued.)

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