A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 26 Chapter 1478: Nightmare World (7)

Out of the power of the dark red nightmare, Green and the evil crystal sorcerer appeared again at the Ring Shadow Wizards College.

"The power of nightmare really weakened and diluted a lot."

The evil crystal sorcerer quietly felt the flow of the surrounding space = muttering, said.

"Well, but it is estimated that there will soon be a new bone king who will replace the King of the Wheels. Let's go, our goal is unintentional hunter."

Green immediately sealed the ice-filled nightmare tree of the previous Moon Shadow Academy. The Book of Truth was closed, and the three-color gaze gambled around. Some shadows in the pale green mist were like scared. The worms spread quickly, and the figure of Green flashed, and the sorcerer with the evil crystals continued to fly to the center of the nightmare.

While moving forward, Green said in a low way: "According to the coincidence speed of the power of nightmare, I am afraid that it will take at least ten years to provide a space-time passage that supports the dominance of the cross. When the Wizarding World is afraid that the virtual battlefield has already been resolved, the goal will be turned. It’s here. After preparing for such a long time, the unintentional hunter may not be unaware of this, so why should it carry out this plan?”

"Master of the Tower of the Desolation, as far as I know, the Three Rings Real Spirit Wizard is one of the earliest contacts to study the true spirit of the nightmare rule. Although it is not successful, it will give the opportunity to a true spirit, but the Santa is still There are some unique studies about the nightmare world, maybe you can try to find the answer from the book of the Three Rings."

The evil crystal sorcerer stunned, and added: "Before the five-ring true spirit wizard has not collected it as a sorcerer's history, the book of the Three Rings is nourished by the rules of the Holy Tower, and it is impossible to collapse too much. Fast, I wonder if the master can give me a nightmare crystal?"

The crystal of the nightmare is the black crystal collected by Green from the attack of the King of Wheels.

"take it."

Green did not say much, gave the crystal of the evil spirits of the sorcerer's sorcerer, and the evil crystal sorcerer took out the crystal ball and connected it with the other guardian sorcerers of the Three Rings Santa World.


After a few hourglass hours.

"I have not read it wrong. There are already so many virtual airships smuggled into the wizarding world. What are the guardians doing?"

The evil crystal sorcerer was shocked. From the distant layers of the polluted pale green mist and nightmare power, dozens of virtual motherships were found, and the metal robots gathered around were even more difficult to count.

"Without the battle of the void, you may not know much about the situation there."

Green shook his head, and it seemed to be as early as expected. "Let's ignore this, go around, or it will take quite a while."

Green did not say that through the crystal ball soul information sensing, it has been able to clearly perceive the existence of black cord.

the other side.

While Green perceives the black cord, Hessian also perceives Green.

"The tower of the annihilation tower?"

The change of Hessian made a witch who was next to him different: "What?"

Shaking his head, the black ropeway: "It is the mentor of my life, the sorcerer's tower of the great sorcerer, he has found it here, then the wandering sorcerer Silvana, the abyss blade Ashura should be faster."

"The Tower of the Oblivion" is the first person to complete a round of the nightmare wizard rule, the elemental wizard closest to the tenth ring. According to those real spirits, the strongest of the four of you should be the elemental wizard. ”

The witches are eye-catching, but they are the sorcerers of the sorcerer's world, which are very rare and good at cursing. There are scattered objects around them. The test benches, tables and chairs, and experimental equipment are the cursing media used by the unintentional hunter.

"But those kings of nightmare have not yet lowered their projections. What should I do?"

"No, you don't understand that my mentor is really strong. I can't even fight for the frontal battle. Even if I join forces with the Abyss Blade, Ashura, and the Wandering Sorcerer Silvana, it can't be his opponent. I am from his soul. I felt the incredible power. Even the famous ancient wizards and ancient wizards in the memory of my previous two lives, no one can stand alone against him now. He has exceeded our cognitive limit of the holy mark wizard! ”

The words of the black ropes surprised the witches, and the diamond magnifying glass in front of them flashed through a light mark.

"What to do, if you really have such a powerful force, you..."

"It's very simple. I went directly to him. The new human dominance of the nightmare wizard can give up, or let the elemental wizard and the mechanical wizard fight for it. We only need the king of nightmare to kill the mystery of the nightmare creature. Go, see me. Mentor!"

Hessian said, so he took the witch to take the initiative to gather in the past.


"Oh, hahahaha, the truth is so wonderful, this is the true talent of the human race, the secret of the strong people!"

At the edge of the Sanhuan Santa Pagoda, Ashura, the abyss of the eternal body of the Wanmi people, was excited and excited. At his feet, he was a sea corpse and a nightmare sea corpse.

"The reason why those elemental sorcerers give the seas shelter is to fear that the abyss sculpt sorcerer gains this power? The three rings, the fourth ring, the seven rings, and the second ring are seriously injured. After this war of civilization, the elemental wizards used what to stop the abyss. The refining sorcerer is going to be strong. We must not only open up the true power of the human race, but also complete the abyss summoning, and move the abyss and sorcerer to the peak!"

At this moment, the abyss of the people of the abyss is really at the foot of the earth. It seems to be alive. The land dyed by the corpses of the sea is in the way of the will of the world, and the source of the human race is constantly being added.

As these blood-stained plots were gradually digested by the human race, Ashura ended the human race and was slightly burdened. He gasped: "These nightmares are used as excuses for war! No one can stop the abyss sorcerer A pulse to the peak, the abyss refining wizard will never go to history, we are the world's leader and ruler!"


The wandering wizard Silvana also came to the Santa Croce area.

However, as an ancient wizard who has been in exile in the exotic world for many years ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Silvana's cognition of the wizarding world is still in the ancient times.

Compared to the ancient times, the formation of the Wizarding League, the Demon Expedition Plan, the division of the interior of the Wizarding World, and even the legend of the true spirit of Antonio, everything is so fresh.

All the way, all the way to observe, according to some tracking means, Silvana came to the Santa Croce area, but met an unexpected existence.

Only a few pieces of clothing covered his graceful enchanting body, and the proud eyes looked at himself, the red wavy lines fluttered, and the guardian of the wizarding world, Mina.

"The guardian of summer?"

Silvana's salute, compared to the Wizarding World Guardian at this time, the status of the world's guardian in the ancient times is obviously much higher.

"I have a mission for you to complete. There is a group of wizards in the polluted area. You are responsible for sending them to the Sixth Ring Santa area. Hey, as for the Wizarding World betrayal mission, you can rest assured that by then I Will take you with you." (To be continued.)

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