A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 26 Chapter 1473: Nightmare World of Devils (2)

"Master, save me, hehe..."

"I am so hungry, I want to die..."

"I don't want to be a monster..."

These heads hanging on the top of the branches, mourning and weeping, there are men and women. It seems that they were all wizards of this college during their lifetime. A pair of turbid eyes turned in the rotten eye socket, and the head swayed with the giant tree. The two sacred sorcerers of Green and Evil Crystal came for help.

If it is some low-level wizards, I am afraid that I have already been horrified by this scene, but Green and the evil crystal sorcerer, regardless of disregard, continue to move forward, revealing some curious colors.

"It's them, these two powerful wizard monsters."

A group of green and wild fires, actually pointed to the monsters of Green and evil crystal sorcerer, this scene is really different.

However, after Green looked at this group of wildfires, he said: "Only one nightmare reborn, it seems that the powerful nightmare rules sensed before are here."

This wildfire was actually the rebirth of the previous gypsum frog nightmare.

咔嚓, 咔嚓, 咔嚓, 咔嚓...

Slowly, the green cheekbones on the ground writhed and struggled to stand up. The many skulls on the branches of the giant trees also stopped mourning, and they were stiff and seemed to be controlled by this giant tree.

The skeletons that stood up were the bones that had lost their heads, and they gradually swayed into a row. Some of them even held magic wands, and they were summoning the power of elements to cast witchcraft!

"Witcher, let's escape in fear. The nightmare will cover the world. We will not only recapture the stolen nightmare fragments, but also turn all the souls of the world into fear, oh..."

The twisted face of the dry bark pulled down and smiled. With his sneer, the heads of the stiff wizards at the top of the branches also became stiff from crying, and they turned and they stared at Green and Evil. The crystal sorcerer gradually revealed a cruel and strange smile.

唰, 唰, 唰, 唰, 唰, 唰...

One by one, the bones suddenly leaped, lingering with the power of the dark red nightmare, and the greens in front of them rushed over, the speed was amazing, almost a residual image.

There are also some headless cheekbones that hold the skeleton of the magic wand, gather the power of the elements, and use the remote witchcraft. Although there is no rule of the wizard to incite the leverage, there are some powers of nightmare, mixed with a lot of absurd illusions and negatives. mood.

"Hey, I will use this specimen to compensate you."

Green evil smiled, under the subtle control of the double force, the 100-meter range formed a continuous interlacing layer of broken, the bones entering this range were broken into powder, those with the power of nightmare Witchcraft was waved by Green's Extreme Abyss wand and was easily erased.

"he came!"

The green ghost screamed and fled to the distant green mist. In these polluted airs with the rules of nightmare force, the wildfire was like a duck, and several flashes disappeared.

Green sees this, a gossamer in his hand flashes, followed by a scream in the sky, it is Green's soul net to capture it.


Suddenly, a mossy black branch hits Green. The top of the branch is an old wizard's head. There should be a three-level look before life. At this moment, it is full of light, a dark red flame in the nostrils, and a big mouth to Green. Bite.

Green is indifferent, and spits a few words under the face of truth.

"Ice Age Seal."

Oh la la...

It turned out that Green waved the extreme abyss magic wand, not only erased the nightmare witchcraft launched by the sorcerer controlled by the blame tree, but also triggered the extreme deep cold of the extreme abyss magic wand.

With Green's extreme abyss wand power, it is easy to freeze a city under the swing, covering a quarter of the ruins of this wizarding school is not a problem, but Green has carried out elemental control in the extreme cold. With Millie's famous seal witchcraft, although not as subtle as Millie, but the Green Sixth level wizard, the frozen strange tree is not a problem.

咔嚓, 咔嚓, 咔嚓, 咔嚓, 咔嚓, 咔嚓...

Hundreds of ice snakes came in from all directions, swept through the weird trees, even though some ice snakes were smashed by the blame trees, but more ice snakes came up and covered the previous ice snakes. On this layer, one layer after another, the endless stream of ice swept.

"Bone King save me!"

The strange tree slammed the face and finally shouted, and it was completely frozen.

A hundred meters of icebergs stand on the ground.


This black strip that was originally going to attack Green, but broke through the scope of the Ice Age seal, but also covered with a layer of frost, straight in front of Green, the nightmare flame in the old wizard's nostrils melted the frost The mouth is instinctively one by one, and wants to continue to bite Green.


Green blew his breath, blowing this hoe, and turned to the body behind the evil crystal stigma: "These nightmare monsters have the same ability to regenerate, kill one or two, but are very afraid of the seal, and we are very afraid of the seal." The Wizarding World is a world that is good at all kinds of seals! Hey, how about this specimen?"

After seeing the frozen blame tree, the evil crystal sorcerer suddenly screamed and shook his head.

"I am stupid, and it takes too long to guard the wizard under the real spirit. Compared to your hunting witches, there are too few opportunities for us to reach out to the exotic world. We can only speculate through the specimens brought back." ......"

Reaching out, the strange fluctuations, under the exquisite manipulation of the evil crystal sorcerer, the smoky ash that was blown away by Green actually regrouped ~www.novelmtl.com~ struggling in the palm of the evil crystal sorcerer.

"It is influenced by the strange tree body. The ontology is only suppressed by the conservation of material energy, and it falls into a sleep. The body does not die. It is sheltered by the nightmare of illusory rules. It is immortal and transforms from illusion to reality. It is really sent to the nightmare wizard. The precious specimens from the door will have an essential breakthrough in the study of the nightmare wizard system."

After the bang, the cockroach in the hand was crushed again, the evil crystal sorcerer said: "Although it doesn't matter to us, it is too dangerous if it is a low-level sorcerer's words. Destroy the structure, or add a layer of hidden ban."

In the absence of mastery of space-time seals, the choice of material conservation conservation seals and hidden prohibitions is the best choice. Many legendary seals of exotic worlds will be guarded by ethnic groups for generations. This is the reason.

Including some of the ancient battlefield residual seals in the Wizarding World, there are many, such as the arm seal of the Abyss of the Abyss that Green had explored.

"Don't ignore this little thing, let's go to the so-called bone king here."

Green stared at the green mist that was rolling in the sky, and the dark red nightmares that were mixed in them were gathering together. Green put away the ghost face bound by the soul net, and said: "This should be a deeper nightmare door. Or the tunnel, the nightmare rule radiates from here to the wizarding world. According to the radiation area of ​​the door of this nightmare and the area affected by the three-ring tower, there are at least one hundred of these nightmare gates." (~^ ~)

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