A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 26 Chapter 1474: Nightmare World of Devils (3)

"What is that, the attached space?"

The evil crystal sorcerer gaze at the whirlpool of the high-altitude nightmare rule, the dark red and the ridiculous light exudes a creepy icy atmosphere, gradually forming a mouth in the rolling green mist, the passage does not know where to go.

"That is the illusory channel, the illusory space between the nightmare and the wizarding world, but it has been influenced by the nightmare rules."

Green stood at the top of the hundreds of meters of ice age seal glaciers, and the face of truth tried his best to observe the internal rules of the passage and responded.

"Hundreds of nightmare gates, that is, the source of hundreds of nightmares, do we have to defeat them one by one?"

The evil crystal sorcerer asked.

For the guardian wizard under the real spirit, it is like the guardian of the world. It is constant and boring all year round. Therefore, if Green’s answer is to defeat all the sources of these nightmare, the evil crystal sorcerer will definitely Do not hesitate to try.

However, this is obviously impossible.

"how is this possible!"

Greene said: "These bone kings, the world of dreams and bones do not know how many, the defeat will immediately be added, defeating them has no meaning, our purpose is the source of the most central nightmare diffusion, the unintentional hunter is the summoning nightmare bone The key to the overlap of the magic world. However, in the meantime, we should first understand the rules of the world of dreams and bones. In addition to the unintentional hunters and special crystallizers, I am afraid there are some more terrible things. ""

After that, Green seems to have quite grasped the door of this nightmare. He first flew into the whirlpool of the giant mouth, and the evil crystal sorcerer also followed, and the green fog around them was less and less, dark red nightmare. There are more and more things, a kind of evil spirits that can't tell the truth.

After a quarter of an hourglass, the two finally passed through a layer of film, which is the balance between the rules of the wizard and the nightmare rules, and came to the illusion of a new rule.

"Call, be careful, although there are regular channels connected, but after all, it is a shallow illusory world of debris, it is troublesome to get lost here, and the situation is not right to return to the wizarding world immediately."

Green sighed, and the evil crystal sorcerer "En" gave a sigh of relief and concentrated on observing this illusory world.

The dark sky is boundless, like a dead gray. There are green, red, yellow, white, light and dark vortexes on the top of the two heads. It is the rule of the wizarding world in spring, summer, autumn and winter, connecting the wizarding world.

The nightmare rule affects the wizarding world. In turn, the wizarding world rules also affect the nightmare world.

Of course, this is not a nightmare of the world, just an intermediary space.

The flames of black and gray are falling from the sky, and the light is dark for a while. In this dark and constantly interlaced world, Green stands in the sky of the infinite endless bones like the second esophagus. The ground seems to be breathing, and it looks like waves, high and low. indefinite.

Looking at the three-color light, I can see that there are more than a dozen strange trees in the distance that are twisted and twisted. They should all be the strange trees of the Moon Shadow Circle Wizarding School.

咔嚓, 咔嚓, 咔嚓, 咔嚓...

Suddenly, Green and the evil crystals floating in the air looked at the undulating bones of the feet.

A locust-like scorpion nightmare monster smoky, drilled out of the sacrum, covered with sloping barbs, and all locust tentacles pointed to visitors from outside the space.

Innocent, these monster locusts have the size of a normal adult. At this moment, I am afraid that I have already broken through 100,000, and more and more looks, densely packed, and still under the tibia. Drill out.

The atmosphere is getting more and more oppressive, and these locusts and bones are motionless, but they may be swarming at any time.

At this moment, Green moved first.

It is still the old lamp. On a black and white entangled wick, the soy-like fire gradually ignites. As Green's toes touch the ground gently, a layer of invisible ripples spread to the end of the sky.

"The field of alienation!"

Oh la la...

With Green as the center, the dense locust bones and bones are generally infected and disintegrated, and soon spread to the horizon, no matter what.

Although these locusts have many bones and devils, they are just the little bones of the knight's strength. It is similar to the flowers and trees that can be seen everywhere in the wizarding world. It is not worth mentioning, and there is no fighting power.

"The master's witchcraft, each has mysterious and unpredictable power, this range of influence..."

Halfway through it, the evil crystal sorcerer perceives something and fiercely wants to look at it.

But I don’t know when, just in the projection of two people, an erratic black cloak with the wind keeps shaking, the cloak is ragged, garbage bags, the power of nightmare, can not see the figure under the cloak, very Not true, only that pair of blood-colored eyes are like red beans, eye-catching, staring at the two silently.

After the yin and yang dissimilation lights were put away, the three-color brilliance under the face of Green Truth also gaze at the cloaking monster that appeared silently. The three men stared at each other for a while, and the cloak seemed to blame the black smoke, as if it were silent. The appearance of interest is general, and it has broken silently.

"Call... Did that just exist, I felt a horrible horror from his body!"

The evil crystal sorcerer's heart has a lingering look, and the finger bones are "squeaky" and "squeaky". Looking at the darkness of this space, there are more taboos.

"It should be the sneak peek of the king of nightmare, even the projections are not counted. For the lower wizards, I am afraid that it is close to the mysterious existence, but it does not affect us at all. Hey, what about snooping? With the wizarding world and nightmare The degree of the bones and the world of China and the distant time and space, those who dream of the king wants the body to come is tantamount to idiots to say dreams, and in this small space, it is impossible to separate."

After that, the figure of Green floated back again, and he was away from the ground. As the waves of the bones undulated, he flew toward a dozen strange trees in the distance.

After a while, the violent energy fluctuations were transmitted to the singular singular forest. After a while, there was restorative calm, leaving only the scars of the earth and forgetting the truth of the time and space seals.

This space is not small, a few hourglass time past ~www.novelmtl.com~ Green still has not found the bone king.

"How dare you take the initiative to break into the nightmare, hehe..."

At the moment, in front of Green, is an independent giant's leg bone demon, surrounded by hundreds of black monsters with bat wings, holding a fork-like weapon, making a "squeaky" noise, seems to be Metal generally hard body and metal forks collide.


Green stared at the leg of the golden giant and sighed: "It was a powerful creature that was rare in the second esophagus before life. Unfortunately, it was too long. It is not easy to leave this vitality. It is just a leg. Now you are only I am afraid that I can only play the second and third of my life. It’s a pity."

It is a pity that Green refers to nature. It refers to such a powerful six-level creature. I don’t even know why it has fallen in ancient history, and it has not been able to advance to endless dominance.

"The master of the tower of annihilation, there is a magical node here!"

In the distance, the evil crystal sorcerer floats over a bronze ancient scorpion. Hundreds of long-changing oil lamps are quietly burning, and they are voiced to Greene. The illusory space that has entered the nightmare rule has finally found something of value.


Green did not continue to think with this bones and nonsense, "咔嚓", "咔嚓" in the sound, the petrochemical, those bat monsters silently ignited the black flame, have fallen from the sky, the figure flashed to the evil crystal The sorcerer flew in the direction. (~^~)

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