A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 26 Chapter 1472: Nightmare Devil World (1)

one day later.

The guardian has left, as a low-level guardian who has traced all the way from the depths of the sea. He belongs to the guardian of the spring, and he has left the guardian field for such a long time. It is time to go back.

In this way, Green and the evil crystal sorcerer and the two continue to go on the road, continue to find the roots of the unknown and ridiculous.

Hey! call out!

In midair, Green and the evil crystal sorcerer stopped at the same time.

"This is the Ring Shadow Wizard Academy."

The low-pitched tone, the evil crystal sorcerer overlooks the ruined wizarding school, mourning the pain, apparently having had some stories with this wizarding school.

The Wizarding Academy was built on the top of the mountains, and the peak of the mountain peaks a vast pool of clear pools. This is a sorcerer school floating on the water.

Nowadays, it has been ruined by fluorescent green pollution. The flesh and blood of the body have melted, leaving only the green bones and mechanical wreckage, and quietly displayed.

These miserable green bones have been painfully struggling, holding their arms high and trying to scratch, and some are desperately licking their necks, trying to breathe hard, seemingly experienced a long struggle of fear before death.

Suddenly, the evil crystal sorcerer turned his head and sagged his eyes and eyes to see Green, who had been silent for a long time. He suspected: "What, what did you find?"

Green nodded, the three-color ray was flickering, and the pupils were frequently switched into various shapes. In the field of view, the rock frame of the whole mountain was black and white, and the texture covered with a thickness of nearly 100 meters, chaotic fluorescent green chaotic energy. Become a thorny embellishment in black and white, cold and heat reaction, energy lapse, dynamic micro...

As the field of vision of Green Truth switched more and more frequently, gradually, the various images of the nineteenth phase of the Green Truth project gradually overlapped. This is what Green and all wizards have been pursuing, breaking the surface. Pointing to the essence of truth.

Green never reveals to others the world of truth in his eyes at this moment. This is a brand new world!

Rules consisting of hundreds of millions of squares of correct runes. These rules include the gravitational force of the earth, making the mountain meteorites, making the temperature difference of the four seasons make the various materials uneven and hot, so that the direction of the wind can not be self-conflicting, the passage of time, The gap between the spaces makes each creature spread a layer of invisible force after self-awareness, affecting the range of everything around and the scope of self-recognition.

Each of the regular silk threads, the interior colorful, is made up of thousands of different rules.

Although it was not polluted by nightmares, Green, who observed the most meticulous state of the truth at the moment, found the unknown and ridiculous rules belonging to the nightmare world from thousands of rules, like a dark red silk, with parasitic attachment. The wizard's world rule chain affects the wizarding world.

At this moment, the nightmare of the ruins of the mountains, the nightmare rules that Green feels, especially rich!

"Go ahead and see what might be found."

Said, Green took the lead to the mountain green pool, "啵", Green light stepped on the green pool, walking step by step like a flat, seems to be looking for something, behind the evil crystal holy mark wizard also in Trying to sense something, but not discovering it at all, I only think that this annihilation tower is becoming more and more mysterious.

"Found it, here."

Green stood in the flat and unscented face, looking at the direction of the power of the nightmare that the two had originally flew, and condensed: "Going forward, we will really enter the scope of the nightmare of the nightmare, that is, the nightmare." The part of the world of the bones and the world that the witches are trying to overlap with. The vast world of the world is really a predatory illusory world. If the average small and medium-sized world is already looming the whole world."

Glut, whisper, whistle...

The calm water suddenly burst into a lot of bubbles, and then the bubbles floated in the air, and gradually appeared a scarlet color, like blood, showing a grimace around the green and evil crystal sorcerer Greedy but fearful.

"Oh? It really is a nightmare node, interesting."

The polluted fluorescent green mist in the sky is getting richer and thicker. In this green mist, there are some dark red, which makes people depressed and breathless. It seems that there is something at all that is out of this fog, from that unknown. The ridiculous illusion of sleeping world monsters.

"Oh, hello."

A white gypsum frog jumped out from the fluorescent green mist and stepped on the water.

The strange thing is that on its back, there are two distorted figures, one crying and two different gestures. At this moment, it is this smiley face that screams to Green and the evil crystal sorcerer.

The evil crystal sorcerer smiled coldly, so he stood behind Green and did not speak. He was full of greed in his depths.

"Oh, hello."

In the face of Green Truth, there was some evil arc in the corner of the mouth, responding.

The gypsum frog is very happy, the smiling twisted face looks so hypocritical, then the other side of the crying figure faintly said: "These are my children, they are the most pitiful soul of the world of dreams, I I want to... Don’t bother to dedicate your skin and put on some clothes for these poor and naked children?”

"We want to wear clothes, oh..."

These black bubbles cried and burst into a tail, and a row of sharp white teeth kept clinging together, making a cry of "呜呜" and turning into an ugly, green and evil crystal streak. The wizard is close.

At the same time, I wonder if it was because Green answered the frog's words. Under the Qingtan, a mossy branch came to Green, and Green was to be banned.


"its mine!"


Green stood still in the same place, thousands of ugly madness, and came to Green.

At this moment, it feels like Green is like a huge egg + child that attracts these parasitic sperm + worms and completes the rebirth.

Any branch near the 10m radius of Green, silently and silently collapsed, Green smiled indifferently, and a bronze lamp appeared in his hand~www.novelmtl.com~ A fire on a black and white winding wick, slowly ignited by rice grains To the size of the nail, as the three colors of the green light lifted up, the sound of "嗡", all the nightmare metal of all kinds of dreams collapsed and was disintegrated by alienation.


It turned out that the evil crystal sorcerer behind him screamed.

In the eyes of the creeping tentacles of the alienation, the sorcerer of the evil spirits of the Green Bricks continued: "This is a very precious illusory specimen, and I have not seen their strange way of life form!"

"If you want, the rest will be for you."

As he said, Green stepped on the water step by step and walked toward the ruins of the central college.

Hidden, a twisted towering phantom swaying, this is a towering old tree, a twisted face on the dry bark that is pulled down, waving the branches of the sacred bones, with hundreds of mourning heads on the branches The cry of "呜呜". (To be continued.)

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