A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 26 Chapter 1451: Ring of Loss (6)

The evil dragon world community, dominated by the black rock world, is a thousand years old.

The community of the evil dragons and the world community of the Beasts Alliance have been in dispute for a long time. They have never stopped, and they have never ended. It seems to be the real enemy of fate, and it will last for a long time.

The two world communities, compared with the Alliance of the Beasts, are composed of groups of worlds that have no origin to dominate the forces. The community of the evil dragons is much more unique, and they can achieve success in the community of the evil dragons. Great source, such as this black swan, thousands of years, the blood of the body is the branch of evil dragons.

This is only a black swan with the blood of the evil dragon branch. It can be mastered. It must be said that this community in the evil dragon world is quite rare, but it is also inevitable and cannot be added to the real evil dragon power system.

In this way, in order to have the necessary cognitive power, and at the same time, it is difficult to refuse the conditions for the two-ring real spirit wizards.

"There is no way out."

The thousand wings are stretched, the black feathers move with the wings, and the layers of phantoms are layered. The evil will in the deep blood of the body is gradually waking up. Every feather has a taunting eye, fluffy and popping, gradually forming an indescribable expression. The ugly giants.

The outer layer is a lacquered black **** body, and the sinusoidal layer is a dark eyelid. The entire **** body is like a squirming round worm. There are only two symbolic wings, followed by The round meat worms squeeze out the scarlet meat fat mouth, and the teeth are arranged in a spiral shape, like an ancient creature in a nightmare.

The evil dragon world community, the power system is the power of the evil dragon, or the power of evil, the master and master of any world in the world community, and ultimately the power of cognition.

Poor and sad.

The power of the so-called evil dragon dominated by this black swan is nothing more than a branch of the evil dragon. This situation can also be promoted to the ruler. If it is in other world communities, it is difficult to limit the achievements.

call out!

Heavy heat waves, black evil shadows break through the layers of obstacles, toward the very small, but in the thousands of eyes, but the tall and terrifying horror flame giants rushed.

Although this flame giant is powerful, no one can dominate any one of the masters here, but at this moment so many dominate the premeditated attack at the same time...

"Oh, hahahaha, my name is Ebdon!"

Breaking through the layers of defense, the black swan bird punctures into the chest of the flame giant, and the evil dragon phantom is like a torrent of power, pouring into the core of the giant.


Suddenly, the flames of the fire hit a fist, as a step by step to climb to such a level of life, the scream of a thousand screams, the body will avoid the bombardment of the Purgatory giant, just as it wants to use flexible displacement and Aba Dangdang The various negative states that Wang suffered were inconvenient. When he attacked again, he suddenly noticed something and quit his body.

However, it is obvious that there is a slight ignorance of the Purgatory Giant King. The attack of the Purgatory Giant King is not an attack on the nature of physical energy, but a war-and-sense lock. A scream of "咕" seems to be a broken kite. Go out.

"Is it okay?"

I don’t know why, because of the reason, for the black swan that fell next to him, he took the initiative to greet him.

With just one punch, the black swan dominated the damage, and the ugly dragon branch collapsed, revealing the body that was covered with goose feathers. It was being repaired by a large number of omnipotent souls, and a feather fluttered around.

However, compared to the repair of the Almighty Soul, this black swan seems to care more about the pollution of the outer body. The outer branch of the evil dragon is boiling and boiling, smashing, smashing, smashing, gradually condensing some tiny Metal particles.

"Well, you have a micro-attack, but there is no hidden spell. The ability of these extraterrestrial creatures is very strange."

The outer layer of the black swan gradually closes, but from the crack of the last crack, the faint dawn can be seen, and the flame giant is never as simple as the two wizards!


The majestic flame of light rises into the sky, melting everything around it. The first thing that responds is the two-ring true spirit wizard’s money-eye imprisonment, followed by the purgatory furnace of the three-ring real spirit wizard, time and space, struggling incredible.

On the contrary, the black mist released by the tile force is still lingering on the Purgatory giant's head furnace, and there is no slight decline.

On the contrary, the king of Eba Dang struggled to make the face of Huang Quanjie, the other side of the unknown meteor communication, even more excited. It was like a fierce piranha, ignoring the flame power of the Purgatory Giant King and tearing a piece. After the fire of Purgatory, he rushed back to the door of the water wave, and the huge face of the behemoth has already rushed out of the majority, wanting to pounce on the Purgatory Giant King!

The vast expanse of the virtual battlefield.

Each of the lords is a few hundred, and there are thousands of thousands of big and small worlds. Next, every world lord has millions of corps, soaring, endless, hard to count, each Every second, there are countless legions buried in the void, rolling energy to stir the power of the void, chaos and turmoil.


A ring of true spirit wizards and the small emperor, the two are the most top-notch myths and legends life ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ the power of control is hard to imagine, the eternal omnipotent soul application is nuanced, even the general dominating confrontation Under the circumstance of the omnipotent soul, it is also a very long time, and in the case of evenly matched forces on both sides, a battle of uncompromising concessions has been common for several years.

"A ring of wizards, your source of life is not as abundant as you have shown. When you are a child, you must drink more milk to grow taller!"

Holding the lever of destiny, a ring of true spirits lingers the power of exaggerated elements, forming a huge field space. Within this elemental field, a ring of true spirits has almost completed some of the mythical legends.

For example at the moment!

The light of Xiaodi Technology is born out of nothing. The sci-fi has a lot of incredible attack energy, auxiliary machinery and robotic corps. On the other hand, a ring of real spirits decomposes these metal robotic elements and reverses the direction and orientation rules. Perception, the second lever swaying rule super power attack...

At this time, a ring of real spirits seemed to have sensed something, and both eyes stared at the distant void.

"this is……"

From the previous dignity, to the later shock, it seems that a ring of real wizards has foreseen what, holding high the desperate lever magic wand, to spur the fate lever time and space power.


The beam is turned into a cute little emperor with a lollipop. Although the appearance is only twenty centimeters small, in the eyes of a real wizard, it is the vast void that covers the limit of vision.

"The little emperor won't let you bubble big bubble, your broken pole, don't want to bypass the little emperor!"

Behind the little emperor, a bunch of milky white beams from the depths of the distant void are crossing the time and space at an incredible speed, and come to this side of the void, and its goal... (to be continued.) Good book, book friend's house! Unique URL:

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