A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 26 Chapter 12: Ring of Loss (7)

It is the purest milky white radiance, and all the void creatures along the way are soaring and unstoppable.

Every time the launch of a stellar orbital gun is a major event of the metal destroyer civilization. This kind of weapon defined by the metal destroyer civilization as destroying the replica world has been controversial since its birth.

As a civilization that is good at energy application and micro-world exploration, Metal Destroyer civilization has been trying to combine the two technologies to develop more extreme peaks and reach the field of science fiction.

As the war with the wizarding civilization intensifies, perhaps for the underlying Skynet light brain ID players, the extremely powerful wizard blame is only Skynet in order to make the players more enjoyable, fresher and more exciting to experience the game, and then The generated strong ethnic group wants to bring the potential of all players to the limit, regardless of any means, only to destroy the wizarding world as the ultimate goal.

But for the high-level Skynet light brain ID players and Vantage Quantum Technology's main brain, the failure of the game means that the monsters in the low-dimensional game interface will pass through the virtual dimension to the real world of the universe and descend to the new human beings. Gathering places, killing!

Dust-filled memories.

Since the birth of Vantage's perpetual motion machine, with the help of Skynet's calculations and capabilities, the new humans have lived a carefree life. The excess productivity has made these new people with relatively low material needs reach the resources on demand. Allocating, too many new human beings have been immersed in the virtual world of Tianwang in various lifetimes. Only a small number of new humans have worked tirelessly to achieve first-class citizens and even special citizens.

Game characters invade the real world?

Such information is too absurd for many new human citizens. Even in the story of science fiction, there is no such situation because it violates the rational cognition of science and technology!

In fact, it is these technologies that bind the new human beings to a deeper understanding of the endless world.

Anything that does not conform to scientific and technological explanations is a virtual game setting outside the universe.


The violent super-high frequency turbulence, because the metal robotic corps is in extraterritorial combat, has broken through the skynet, but within the scope of the wizard's will, with a number of virtual aircraft carriers, metal destroyers, established a local area network, so the trajectory of the stellar orbital gun The alarms are much slower. For these low-level metal robots, it is obviously too late, so that it is impossible to escape the range of the stellar orbital cannons in such a short period of time.

Almost at the moment when these low-metal robots saw white light, the figure evaporated and disappeared.

"That is……"

"Quickly open!"

Although this virtual battlefield is vast, it is only a desert in comparison to the long time and space that traverses the entire world community.

Whether it is a virtual mothership, an anti-gravity metal fortress, a metal robotic corps, a metal terminator, etc., or a slave monster, a mechanical cymbal, a space Feiting, a space fortress, a wizarding corps, a sacred sorcerer, even without this magnificent white light It was only slightly touched and it evaporated.

What is even more terrifying is that this purest light of destruction is accompanied by an incredible sucking force, and the people who are trying to escape the world are sucked into the scope of the destruction attack.

So it seems that this is a super long distance indiscriminate chaos attack?

The Starlight Sorcerer, as a six-level holy sorcerer who was transferred from the holy tower to the nine-ring tower, is one of the close friends of the Jiuhuan Santa, so that it was automatically rooted and transferred to the Nine Rings. Santa.

Of course, it is also related to the care of the wizarding world for the rules of the new true spirits.

Perhaps for the study of elemental killing witchcraft, the starlight flashing sorcerer is almost in the world of wizarding, but the study of time and space escape witchcraft is famous in the wizarding world, and some special transmission arrays have their own appearance. Exploring the knowledge of space-time coordinates.

The creeps are horrified.

Almost every hair is blasted at this moment. The starlight flashes the sacred mark. The sorcerer feels that his spine is cold and acupuncture. Every cell is shaking. It is the powerless despair of the small civilians facing the natural disaster. Instantly changed the wet clothes.

Finally, by virtue of his own time and space, he broke away from the scope of the devastating attack that ran through the entire battlefield. The starlight flashed the sacred mark and the sorcerer turned and spit out the breath of the chest.

If it is involved, it is a real wizard, and there is no way to live!

Calm down, the starlight flashes the sacred marks and the sorcerer's eyes regain their sanity, calculating the space-time shuttle direction of the stellar orbital gun and the world coordinates of the wizard. The strange way: "The goal is not the wizarding world?"

It is no wonder that the starlight flashes the sacred sorcerer's singularity. Although the vast world of the wizarding world is huge, even the stellar orbital gun can never break through its defense, but it will still have some huge impact.

At this moment, the target of the stellar orbital gun is not the wizarding world. The influence caused along the way is an indiscriminate attack. Is it aimed at a true spiritual wizard?


Even you can escape from the scope of their coverage ~www.novelmtl.com~ Those spiritual wizards, can not be more dangerous than themselves?

The corner of the battlefield.

"The goal is here!?"

"Well, is it it??"

The three-ring true spirit wizard who is imprisoning the Purgatory Furnace with the six-pointed star rune, and the two-ring true spirit wizard, was shocked. The metal destroyer civilization used this Purgatory Giant King as a bait! ?

Or, use the ring of loss on its hand as a bait! ?


Not only are two true spiritual wizards, but several other lords have also fled, avoiding the scope of the stellar orbital attack.

"Hey, hey, hahaha!"

Wang Aiba, the infernal giant, laughed loudly, holding his left hand up, and the ancient ring on his thumb flashed, and then the figure of the giant was gradually disappearing. Instead, it was a wizard figure, and the slightly confused wizard held high. Ring.

Suddenly, the wizard realized what he was and jerked back.

"Do not!"

After a short struggle, the wizard was overwhelmed by the purest brilliance of white, and the super-high burst occurred. It was defeated by Guanghua, which was endless in the end. Finally, this figure only had the means of repairing the Almighty, but it was the purest source of blazing light. Constantly defeated.

The two-ring true spirit wizard, the three-ring true spirit wizard, the sea king sacrifice, the king of the spot, the unknown star, the tile, the thousand, the seven masters fled in different directions, have completely avoided the impact of the stellar railgun range.


The stellar orbital guns are quite different and are divided into five bundles!

In addition to the thousandth and the wattage, the five stellar orbital guns after the split are directed toward the second ring of the true spirit wizard, the three-ring true spirit wizard, the sea king festival, the king of the sable, the unknown star.

It seems that there are certain things on the five mains that guide the orbit of the stellar orbit. (To be continued.) Good book, book friend's house! Unique URL:

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