A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 26 Chapter 1450: Ring of Loss (5)

"Hmm, uh..."

The dull and strange tone of the chest and abdomen is different from what ordinary people imagined. Throughout the life of the king of the purgatory giant Eba Dang, it is not such a never-ending arrogance, invincibility, unparalleled power, when it is weak. In the danger of desperation and serious injury, it is common.

Otherwise, the Purgatory Furnace will not have the ability to infuse the body to repair damage.

Albanian represents the will of the purgatory giants who never retreat. The difference between the world and the resources of the Purgatory Giants is the dispute of evolution.

In the evolution of the energy of fire element, the evolutionary form of warfare and anger.

In the long history of the past, the purgatory giants who have won in the past have all evolved with the accumulation of elemental energy, and the world of the Purgatory Giant is therefore as prominent as the world of too many flame worlds, until it is cast out. The Purgatory Furnace, with its unparalleled strength, will kill the previous generation of purgatory giant Wang Shengsheng and achieve a new generation of Purgatory Giant King!

As the first Purgatory Giant King in history with war anger as the source of strength, although there were thousands of silent and unspoken purgatory giants on this path before him, there is no doubt that they are at this extreme. The way of evolution has failed.

The achievement of the king of Ebdon, like its evolutionary way, is an extreme, endless world, a kind of mutation in endless creatures.

Perhaps standing in the vast and innocent space of the endless world and the vast history of the vast world, it is only a member of the masses, but at this moment, the film is about to complete a unified world community, a short period of civilized war, no doubt, This is a star of the scorpion, one of the most powerful hidden forces of the metal destroyer's civilization to fight back!

On the one hand, it is trying to push the Purgatory Furnace to the fullestest, and to get rid of the three-ring true spirits, the Shadows of Time, and the external runes, and tolerate the golden decomposition of the two-ring true spirit witch, the money-eye ban, "哗啦", The "cracking" gold coin collided with the emptiness, which is the decomposition of the source of the omnipotent soul.

The intelligence analysis of the second ring of the real spirit wizard is correct. At the same time that the Purgatory Giants’ frontal confrontation is unparalleled, it hides the weaknesses of the unchanging means of warfare and the accumulation of warfare. Therefore, the former King of the Purgatory King has always led a huge battle. The Purgatory Giants Legion acts as a booster, and then brings its power to its peak!

Nowadays, after peeling off the veil of appearance, when all the information of Ebdan is presented to the public, under the premeditated plan, the power of the Purgatory Giant King seems to be very different.

Rather than saying that this is the contrast of the king of Ebdon, it is better to say that this is the power of the wizard, to explore the power of the truth to strip the appearance!


Unexpectedly, the sorrowful will of the stellar star, some suddenly, the beam that spread to the void battlefield is quickly retracting, as if it has learned the general form of the battlefield through its special perception.

Then, this mysterious ruled life, which was gathered by the vast red brilliance of the vast expanse of the glory, glimpsed into the past and fell into the rules of financial rules and purgatory flames. It seems to have taken some of it from it. After the energy body, these dark red beams gradually aggregate.


The violent energy is overflowing, and the gray light is in the void. These dark red beams seem to open a curse box, and a gloomy face probes from the dark red brilliance, twisting and struggling to fly out.


The dark gray and cold, accompanied by sorrowful despair, screams and screams, no doubt, this is an extremely deep illusory world!

But unlike the general deep illusory world rules, this deep illusory world seems to have a relatively close direct connection with the real material world, but it is incompatible, and it is impossible to communicate with each other like the secondary esophagus and the real world.

This is an illusory absurd world that is more extreme and mysterious than the ashes of the world!

The faces of crying are hard to count, and the degree of power is different. These grim faces that are timid and probed are attracted by the power of unknown stars. They are drilled from dark red water waves. The real world seems to have some fatal damage to them, but when these faces After perceiving the existence of the purgatory giant Wang Ai Ba Dang, the awkward, horrified faces that looked like they were violent, like a torrent, rushed to the Purgatory Giant King who was being hit by multiple attacks.


Then, these grimace faces are like the bones of the skeleton, sticking to the purgatory flame rule of the king of the Inferno giant Eba.

Twisting and squirming, in just a few moments, these ghosts, which were originally black and gray and cold, have their own forms. They are creatures in a strange shape. After completing the transformation of the body of the infernal flame, they have turned to the dark red illusion. The world flew back, and once the tragic crying turned to Xin likes to laugh.


The dark red water wave door makes people feel heavy and depressed, and the violent fluctuations make the whole water wave door vibrate. It is a last resort, and the unknown star will join the dark red light beam again, making this water wave door more spacious. Let this huge face come to the real world.

There is no doubt that this grimace has changed again before!

The Purgatory Giant King, who is imprisoned in the eyes of the money, has been spurting the purest fire of purgatory from the body, just like the explosion of Green's self-sealing, as if there is endless power for its squandering.

Any attack, even if it is not to be neglected, Ebdon has never been as painful, regretful, annoyed, worried, etc. as normal living things. www.novelmtl.com~, only anger and stronger fighting .

In this way, even the perturbation of the power of the wall can no longer suppress the anger and war of the king of Ebdon, and is about to the edge of its outbreak.

the other side.

The three-ring true spirit wizard with more profound illusory time and space knowledge, in the moment when the unknown star opened the dark red illusory door, took a deep breath and was shocked.

"This is... the other side of the Yellow Springs!"

With regard to the information on the other side of the Yellow Springs, the elemental wizard understands that it is only a deep illusion, and like the gap between the dimensions, this is a deep illusion of multiple illusions.

The gap between the dimensions is that every creature can imagine a huge and confusing illusion, and endless creatures are endless illusions, while the other side of Huangquan is the imaginary world of life after death. Every creature lives in life. The resulting killings will constitute a yellow spring in the other side.

Legend has it that the Huangquan boundary on the other side is the same as the dimension gap, which is a diaphragm between dimensional dimensions, but it cannot be confirmed because of the rules that cannot be explored.

For the understanding of this illusory world, from the ancient times to the present, all the knowledge of exploring the world of the wizarding world has only been passed down from two wizards.

The Black Witch King and the Soul Gowns of the Holy Mark Wizard!

This is also the root of the exploration of black wizarding students and death knowledge!


alarm! alarm! alarm!

The time-space locator found that the energy bearing load exceeds 10,000 quantum hours and 999 wanaz. The information will be transmitted back to the Vantage Quantum Technology Headquarters by quantum entanglement. The stellar orbital gun will be launched soon. Please contact the NPC Purgatory Giant King. Device to avoid suffering.

In the body of Ebba, there was a rushing alert message. (To be continued.) Good book, book friend's house! Unique URL:

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