A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 26 Chapter 1415: Round table quota

The space-time transmission array returns to the sorcerer's world annihilation tower.

Xiao Ba and Ye Ye followed Green to play, just like Xiao Ba said, there are leaves around, where is home, happy every day, no longer sorrow, looking forward to returning to the wizarding world.

Sometimes, Green really envy them, this is real happiness, don't care about the other.

"Dimensional gap seal surgery, there is no omnipotent soul under the control, absolutely can not resist, you also saw in the secondary esophagus, no one can resist the influence of the rules of the dimensional gap. Oh, but want to open this imaginary illusory world, You need to use memory to incite, "The Book of Truth" forgets the memory of the world is endless, but the memory you borrow can only appear in the form of runes, can not be used freely."

Green has already begun to add the forgotten rune imprint on the big world ball, as well as "Gregory Fairy Tale", thus making the second gap lever movement of the dimensional gap seal!

"After all, it is the supreme sacred object that can rival or even surpass the lever of destiny in the ideal state. The birth of the truth lever magic wand is completed, and there are many necessary steps. The black gold transform can not compete with the true devil body, bringing black gold technology into the spirit. The human world is also hoping that this technological world will bring a new inspiration system to Black Gold Science."

Joining the Forgotten Rune brand is Green's next work.

Fortunately, the experiments and boring life experiences of several eras of the esophagus have provided Green with sufficient resources to allow Green's "The Book of Truth" to be able to spread the world ball.

"Green, let me ask you before my sister left. If you come to achieve the true spirit, where are you going to build a holy tower?"

Ye Ye’s not too embarrassing appearance, and then said: “And, when establishing the Santa World, are you sure of the heart of the Santa World?”

Green glanced at Ye Ye and said with apologize: "The establishment of the holy tower, no matter where it is, must be ridiculous, from nothing, and it is itself part of the devotion of the true spirit. As for the place of the world of Santa, I have A partner has been following me since I was a little wizard. I intend to give it to the heart of the Santa Claus world."


Ye Ye is slightly regrettable, she obviously does not need this quota, it should be other friends.

However, such a precious place is almost equivalent to directly raising from the lower life to the world's Lord, how can Green easily give it.


Thirty years later.

Green, who is in the secret experiment, suddenly jumped up in front of a witch coin and turned into a golden little man.

"The tower of annihilation, five years later, the city of the sky, the round table will be held by thirty-one true spirit wizards, four holy marks wizards, a total of thirty-five people. Note that this is top secret, do not disclose to third parties ""


The Greens did not expect that the two-ring true spirit wizards used this way to transmit information. Even the little eight who yawned outside the lab did not notice.

Thirty true spirit wizards!

The Samsung Spiritual Sorcerer has fallen, and the four-ring true spirit wizard has been supplemented and added nine rings. Thus, the elemental wizard has nine, the abyss refining body is four wizards, the knight is one, and the sea is two. The king of the black witch, the eternal mechanical spirit, a true spiritual wizard, this is the existence of nineteen true spirits.

In the eternal space of the Sky City, there are also twelve true souls that will be extinguished by the fire of the soul!

Four holy marks, I am only one of them, who is the other three?

"I know, I would like to ask the Second Ring Spirit Wizard, what needs special attention?"

Green cautiously asked, joining the round table is basically the same as entering the peak of the wizarding civilization. Words and deeds determine the fate of hundreds of millions of wizards, and the original intention of the round table is to suppress the contradictions of the wizard world. At least let the wizarding world appear on the surface of peace and prosperity, complete the hunter expedition plan, and save the wizarding world.

The so-called Wizards Union Conference, basically all the content has been discussed at the round table, the Union Assembly is just to appease the appearance of the foreign dominance, take a form.

"After all, you are still only a holy mark. If you have no strength, try not to interject at the conference. If you have any questions and a ring, it will be fine. In the wartime period, you will join the round table and hope that in the future, when you are dedicating, other The true spirit can provide the power and help to clear the obstacles for your true spirit."

The two-ring real spirit wizards will be the gold coins of the villain while talking, while hanging around in the Green's laboratory, for the famous St. Marks Wizard Lab, the second ring of the real spirit wizard is also very curious.

"So, to what extent can a great circle of true spiritual wizards have a discourse right in a round table?"

Green cautiously asked.

Among the several spiritual dedication plans of Green, the true devotion of the true spirit and the dedication of the true strength of the rule are the dedication of the true spirit of the wizard.

Once this is used as a true spiritual devotion, I am afraid that there will be an unprecedented storm in the wizarding world, which will trigger a systemic change in the wizarding world. In this case, the internal contradictions in the wizarding world will no longer be suppressed!

Thus, for the true dedication plan of the ancestor of the Spider of Life, Green is trying to hide in the deepest part of his heart, and he is afraid that he will become the center of the whirlpool. Although the opportunity is accompanied by danger, the revolution may fail. If it is a failure, now the wizard world The external contradiction has not been resolved, but the wizard world system has collapsed on its own.

"Hey, you have to remember that the Wizarding World has been absolutely dominant since the birth of the Elemental Wizard. You don't have to fear any strong authority, because we are the authority of the Wizarding World! But... for the Wizarding World System, the round table The meeting adopted a one-vote veto system. One ring has a veto power. Any resolution that is unfavorable to the elemental wizard can be vetoed."

“Who else has a veto?”

Green finally caught the key, the key to the real power system of the Wizarding League!

This one-vote veto ~www.novelmtl.com~ is the true supreme right of the Wizarding Alliance, the supreme right to maintain the peace system, and the sacred spirit of the ancestors of the sorcerer will break the contradiction, which is this superficial peace system.

"Black Witch King, the ancient seventeen rounds of true spirit wizards, a ring of true spirit wizards, only three."


In the battle of civilization, the Black Witch King did not participate. The 17th round of the ancient spirits, Purdunus, did not participate in the war, and the war of the real spirits led by the real wizard!

"Who are the four holy marks?"

Seeing the desire of the Second Ring Spirit Wizard to leave, Green seized the precious opportunity and asked.

For the true spirit wizard, in addition to the true spirit of sleep in the city of eternal sky, the wizard world wizard, Green has more or less information, in contrast, Green can participate in it in addition to himself. Stigma Wizard, more curious.

"The Purgatory Nightmare Stigma Wizard is the wedding dress of the ancient St. Mark. If the true dedication plan is successful, it will be the future Eryuan Spiritual Wizard. Should you be more clear about his situation?"

The gold coin smiled and gradually returned to a witch coin form.

"There are two remaining stigmata, one of which is the most likely to replace Samsung's Icelandic Dragon Witch Wizard in the future. The other, like you, has only recently returned to the Wizarding World, this is a legacy of the ancient wizarding world escape. The wandering sorcerer in the distant world community, with the existence of a true spiritual wizard, the soul of the sacred sorcerer." (To be continued.)

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