A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 26 Chapter 1414: Placement

Twelve years later.

There is still no news in the round table, and Green knows that in the wartime, I want to gather all the top forces in the Wizarding World to open the round table. There are many issues that need to be arranged before the Wizarding League.

Visiting Green's St. Marks Wizard is still in a constant stream, but Green can't go on like this. In these years, Green has finally adapted to the wizarding world of the new era and understands the basic pattern of both sides of the war.

As Green thought, the metal destroyer civilization is already at a comprehensive disadvantage.

If there is no means of eruption, it will only be a little bit pushed by the Wizarding Alliance to eat away all resource territory and go to destruction. This is a crucial period, the metal destroyer civilization is dying and struggling, and the last stroke.

Just as the ancient wizards faced the alienated nightmare civilization, it was in the last period of this family's survival that the reversal was completed!


The free dandelion secrets have been rehabilitated for more than a hundred years, and the annihilation tower's secrets have been vigorously multiplied. After the three-legged death crows have counted the number of races as a matter of life and death, the number of death crows has changed, scattered and scattered, and there are four or five hundred. , finally a little scale.

Even Green saw more than once, for the number of races, the death crow king even went into battle personally, leaving blood.

"This is the gateway to the world of the spiritual world. It has not been opened for a long time because of the civilized war. Now I need to carry out some special blessings to ensure that your ethnic group can safely cross such a long time and then transfer to the parasitic spore world."

Green put a piece of energy spar in the altar, and said to the crow after three deaths.

"Oh, yes, the world of the world is one of my world treasures. It has been cultivated for many years. I don't want to see chaos."

"Hey, the master is relieved!"

The three-legged death crow stared at the time and space that was distorted in this transmission array. Both of them longed for it. After so many, they finally reached their destination, the new world of death crows.

With the sage of the sage in Green's hands as an extremely high-quality energy stone, after being placed in the transmission array, the space-time portal has gradually calmed down after the earthquake, which is Green's protection for the weak newborn three-legged death crow. Measures.

However, this alone is not enough.

"Okay, let them enter the silkworm cocoon shelter."

A dead crow flies into the capsule's general metal device, and the metal protector door closes through the glass crystal. These dead crows are nervous and expecting.

After looking at the tri-color diaphragm, Green was about to set off, but in the distance there was a big scream.

"Wait, young master, let's go too."

It turned out that Xiao Ba and Ye Ye flew together and fell on Green's left and right shoulders.

"Hey, young master, let's go together, dear 哒叶叶娘子, you are by your side, and the world is also my home, what?"

Green was loved by a small gossip, and he loved a skin. He stunned his eyes and said nothing. Ye Ye was shy and said: "Really, Xiao Ba, why don't you take care of Green's feelings! Although I have already It’s your wife, there is no way to give others love, but it can’t stop others from loving me. Excellent and beautiful things will always arouse many people’s inner love, even if they don’t admit it, but their hearts But betrayed him."


Green really didn't want to say anything more on this topic. He shook his head and took the lead in the transmission array.

Immediately after Green, one capsule capsule "咻", "咻", "咻", "咻" rushed into the space-time door, disappeared.

The world of the world, full of special psionic rules.

Some resident wizards have been combined with the spiritual people to breed the descendants of the Asians and become the middle class of the world. The psionic technology has also developed vigorously in the long years, and the whole world is serving the will of Green for thousands of years.

Open a door and communicate with the door of the chaotic world at any time!

In the chaotic world, Green has already had a look. It is an extremely powerful fantasy world, but it has its own special rules. Chaotic creatures cannot leave the chaotic atmosphere, otherwise they will lose their power.

The chaotic world will erupt every time period. The endless tyrannical chaotic creatures will rush out with the chaotic fog, which will have a great impact on the whole world community. The wizarding world has used this as a weapon to change the direction of chaotic fog explosion with fate levers. Once weakened the mussel world community and the dark world community.

Green saw the vitality and treasure!

These illusory creatures are not the ultimate in perfect material for the enslaved world of the Titans.

I wanted to use this as a bargaining chip to trade with the seven-ring real spirit wizard. Now...

The world's transmission array in this bustling city suddenly opened up, causing a famous wizard in the city to appear. A psionic vehicle gathers. The wizarding world is no longer a secret. It is a paradise for all the people, but it is a paradise for all the people. Desire to reach.

Green Gu Pu Ping figure standing in the air, behind the door of time and space, one after another metal capsule protection cabin flew out, followed by the three-legged death crow figure.

"Oh, there seems to be no strong will in this world."

The three-legged death crow is keenly aware of the special features of this world. Its appearance, as a six-level natural creature, cannot be absolutely controlled by the 100% power of Green. Natural disasters appear in this metropolis, causing this. Some panic in the world.

News, radio, and psionic technology have their own characteristics.

call out! call out! call out! call out! call out!

Several wizards flew over, a third-level wizard, the other is a second-class, is the guardian of this metropolis, they perceive the powerful wizarding will of Green.

After a brief exchange and confirmation of Green's identity, the wizards were incredibly surprised, and took Green to another metropolis, where there was a portal to the parasitic spores that could only be a larger world.

Once the war wounds in this small world, no traces can be seen anymore.

Intensive population ~www.novelmtl.com~ rich urban agglomeration, even want to imitate the world of the wizard world, build several eternal spiritual space stations, the number of psionic science institutes in major cities is countless, this is a vibrant Small world.

A few months later.


Time and space are undulating, and Green comes to the parasitic spore world, the medium-sized world that gets the eye of the world.

The three-legged death crow feels this energy full of elemental energy and vitality. The excitement is hard to say. If you can recuperate in this world, I believe that it will take too long, and the three-legged death crow will inevitably return to the glory!

"This is the parasitic spore world. All the resistance will have been thoroughly cleaned by me. Later, it belongs to the death crow family."

Said, Green left a Thunderstone.

"There are several ancient temples in the world of Thunder, the Lord of the Wolf World. If there is anything that can be taken care of, give me a good job in this world. I will come over after the war. You have to remember that this world community belongs to the wizard. !" (To be continued.)

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