A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 26 Chapter 1416: Bone fear

The tower of the annihilation tower.

The altar was placed in an amazing amount of energy spar to provide sufficient energy. On the 10,000-meter platform, the three scorpions on the gray-white face of the Green kept swaying and staring at the creatures in front of them.

The exotic world creatures that Green touches are not too few, but there are not many long-term contacts, and this bone demon is one of them.


The bone creatures of the bone-devil world have their own unique evolutionary way. At this time, the three bones of the bones, the killings and the **** atmosphere, the super-mass, the whole body is full of the altar, but at the moment, this The giant was shocked by the illusion of Green's illusion.

"How can your strength reach this level, unbelievable, only thousands of years have passed, my altar is almost impossible to carry your will, you have even alerted the deepest bones of a bone-devil world. !"

At this moment, the demon can't help but be full of fantasies. This wizarding world is a terrible world of strange rules. It can make a wizard grow up in such a short time.

Compared with it, nothing at all!

If the world of the bones faces this kind of terrorist world invasion, the consequences are unimaginable.

"The altar on your side is too fragile. I am already trying my best to converge my strength. After this transaction, your altar is estimated to be scrapped. Let's take this opportunity to build a higher specification altar."

Green's words made the soul of the three bones in the eye sockets jump, the altar of his own, but the pride of the big and small bones in the old nest, I don't know how many guys rented at a high price, now they are actually annihilated by the sorcerer Speaking worthless!

Clearly angry, but the three bones can not refute.

"Destroy the wizard, what good goods do you have this time? Every time you trade, you will always surprise me. I hope that this time is the same. Oh, the income is enough. Even if I try my best, I will build a good enough to carry the ruler. Altar."


Green cut through the gaps of the dimensions, the five-level and six-level biological bones, like the **** dumping, the amazing breath on the cheekbones, can not help but let the three bones ecstasy eclipse, the body is extremely stiff.


What did these wizards do, how many skeletons of the world are the skeletons of the world!

"As you can see, this time the wizarding world has swept thousands of worlds. I have collected a part of the skeleton. If you can get the energy spar on the other side, I will provide you with enough bones. Hey, how, is it enough for you to build an altar? If there is more need, I will collect more for you in the next time the wizard world is hunting. Anyway, there are still many people in the exotic world, and they can’t kill it. It’s the sacrum of the master class. If the spar is enough, I can find it for you, oh...”

Green said it was easy and freehand, just like cutting amaranth. It seems that this kind of sweeping and slaughtering thousands of worlds, the wizarding world will be held every once in a while.

This can not help but let the three bones of the soul completely fall into endless fear.

To trade with the Wizarding World, you must be careful not to let this horrible world have a real deal with the world of the bones!

"Good! My present spar is only worth four bones. I will ask the surrounding bones and ask me to call you after I build the altar!"

At the end of the brief trade, Green received a large number of spar, but only four skeleton bones, the desperate monster Green inadvertently hunted in the second esophagus.


Now that the round table has been fixed, another thing, Green must be completed.

Rewrite the page of fate!

Antonio's page of destiny left in the small gap between the dimensions of the gap, Green in the Quanzu world community in order to rescue the free dandelion sacred marks witch, with its curse to propagate the spider, consume the fate of the road, turned into a blank page.

The ancient sorcerer, Antonio, as one of the greatest wizards born in the history of the wizarding world, has its own powerful external manifestation. In addition to the lever of destiny, it is the book of destiny, with the means and destiny of unbalanced rules. Conversation, looking for the existence of the destructive balance rule and the fate of the transaction, and then the curse of fate!

Green will not forget that in the shadow mystery world, that is, under the mirror of the Thunder World of the Fire Crystal World, there is a raw material for writing the pages of destiny!

An ancient gold Titan giant mech, the seal of the Xiahe Civilization.

It is escaping the rejection of destiny in its own unique way. It has not known how much time has been sleeping in that small space, and will sleep forever.

In the secondary esophagus, Green once encountered such a presence, which is a giant eye hiding in the underground of the skull.

"Oh, peace of mind, there will be nothing, writing the page of destiny will not involve you, you are just an endless world creature that reports to the fate to destroy the rules of the monster."

Xiao Ba has told Green more about the sacrifice process of the page of fate more than once, but Green still does not feel at ease. He is not willing to directly face the existence of an eternal eight-level existence.

"Being able to create a ring of Titan's loss, the Xiahe civilization's parliamentary system has drawn attention to fate. Also, according to those relics, this is a civilization that easily formed thousands of Titans. Every Titan giant is a world. The main level of power. It is very likely that the Xiahe civilization is taking the infinite micro-dimensional dimension dimension method!"


Green took the small eight, through the secret transmission array to the second ring Santa World transmission array ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ due to the absolute control of the power of 100%, Green did not release the sorcerer sorcerer fluctuations, there is no busy witch army I noticed the existence of Green, but the wizard who was responsible for the transmission of the array, but suddenly widened his eyes, unbelievable!

Just now, the energy consumed by the transmission array is enough to transmit dozens of 50th Legion!

With the power of today's Green, the power consumed by each time and space transmission is really amazing. Fortunately, Green has obtained a large amount of tradable resources in the Digestive Esophagus. In addition, Green has not achieved the true spirit wizard rules, and the time and space transmission has not arrived. Quality change consumption.


Once again, time and space are distorted. Green appears in a small world with a burning sensation in the air, accompanied by a small amount of shadow mystery, into Green's lungs.

Once Green arranged a no-faceted mask, Neil Mazar was stationed in this world. Today, the great wizard did not advance to the holy mark, and has passed away. Due to the civilized war, Greene was not in the wizarding world, the annihilation tower wizard school was declining. The world's wizards have almost zero control, leaving only the last symbolic city. A small number of wizards live and live in harmony with the Fire Crystal giant.

The holy city of Stormwind, once in Amonro, has now vanished.

The power of Fire Crystal has completely occupied the whole world. The Amonro family once again became the livestock rations raised by the Fire Crystal Giants, but they are always vigilant. The Fire Crystal Giants have never forgotten that the world was once dominated by the Amonro family. fear. (To be continued.)

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