A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 26 Chapter 1413: Expected to be

The future ten rings of true spirits, this is more attractive than any holy legend.

Some of the sorcerers who have a little entanglement with Green will come to visit.

However, once Green's old friends and low-ranking wizards have passed away, there are not many sorcerers and Greens acquaintances. Can Green be truly valued, and only a limited number of wizards, the super magic hand, Sylverne, It is one of them.

At the beginning of the ruins of the world to carry out exploration missions, Green as a new five-level sacred sorcerer, because of the hijacking of new human citizens, was smashed by the singular terminator elite, and escaped without a fuss, activating a scepter with a lot of time, 闯Into the deepest illusion of streamline back, began a long career in the secondary esophagus.

At the beginning, several people who jointly performed the task, Green shared the new human specimens, and finally only Xavier returned to the wizarding world.

The leaf sacred sorcerer Lulian 嫚, because of the relationship between the small eight and the leaf, temporarily played in the secret of the tower of the annihilation, even the 19th abyss laboratory that Green most valued was also seen, apparently placed by Green The specimens of the 19th-level laboratory, the mother of the emperor, and the impermanence of the abyss of the abyss are shocked.

One after another, a sacred sorcerer visited briefly and left, but only Sylvester told Green that everything that happened during the vortex of Greene’s battle of civilization.

The annihilation tower sacred sorcerer has not been forgotten, and has even completely entered the high-level eyes!

"Oh, Green, can you imagine that we are actually being manipulated by the fragile creatures that are not as good as the bugs, and they are remotely manipulated in the cosmic world. As a game experience, they call it the quantum technology. Vantage It is their guardian, the core of the wisdom of the new mankind, which is said to be the wisdom of the end of the old mankind, just like our Wizards Union Assembly."

Sylvester has changed a lot, is much stronger, and understands his true weakness through the battle of civilization.

The dawn of the two eagle eyebrows, deep and melancholy, the battle of civilization for thousands of years, gave him extraordinary experience.

However, I don’t know why, in the face of Green, facing the sorcerer’s sorcerer’s sorcerer’s sorcerer’s sorcerer’s sorcerer’s sorrow, the sorcerer’s sorcerer’s sorcerer’s sorcerer’s sorcerer’s sorcerer’s sorrow The light of wisdom with the veil of appearance, in front of him, is like a young and ignorant child telling a young man to a coveted old man.

Wisdom determines the height of the elemental wizard.

"The seven-ring true spirit wizards should have discovered these in the early days of the Civilization War. They were in the radiation world..."

Green sighed, the seven-ring true spirit wizard also disappeared for thousands of years, but just through Hilvers, Green knows that the seven-ring true spirit wizard is actually planning to forge the cosmic world, alone to reverse this civilized war, but never again came back.

"Yes. But at that time, the new human being is the deepest secret of the wizarding world's study of the metal destroyer civilization. It is like now, for the sacred marks the wizards are already open secrets, I can't wait to see them one by one. The scene of the cosmic world light brain ID account game store!"

Sylvester smiled low.

The reason why Green has never been forgotten by the top of the wizarding world, in addition to the important factors of the large-scale new human specimens, there is also an important factor of Green, and one more is the Skynet hunting list.

The Wizarding World has cracked a lot of Skynet information.

The ranking of the Skynet Hunting List is based on the ranks of the Wizarding Alliance against the metal destroyer civilization, and Green is a member of the Skynet Hunting List!

The Metal Destroyer Civilization is so obsessed with the Tower of the Sorcerer, the Wizards World Alliance will naturally not forget, so Green's message has been known by many high-level wizards, but not spread among the lower-level wizards.

"If there is such a day... The Vantage of the Vantage of the Universe World, they should be a half-level dimension protection layer, but we are higher-level creatures. Once we break through this dimension, We are absolute masters, they don't even have the qualification to communicate."

Green will not forget that when he tried to communicate, those new human beings could not even carry their own will, and they exploded directly.

They are too weak, like a bug at the foot of a giant.

on the other hand……

Vantage's perpetual motion protection layer, the power of the dimension dimension! ?

Green's truth is the lever of the magic wand, the stick is the light of balance, the basic function has been determined, and the main body of the stick is the big world ball. It is the ultimate refuge of the ancient Jacques civilization design, trying to escape the destiny of destiny, which involves the dimensional dimension. the power of.

These, Green is not satisfied.

Green also attempted to include "Grimson's Fairy Tales" and "Book of Truth" as the second swaying lever for dimensional gap seals, adding dimensional gaps to achieve deeper dimensional dimension power, to match the power of time and space of fate leverage!

Today, Green suddenly discovers the treasure that makes his truth lever the most perfect state of perfection, Vantage Perpetual Motive!

As the first foundation of the metal destroyer civilization, the absolute protective barrier of the universe, the energy source of Vantage Quantum Metal Destroyer civilization, Vantage Perpetual Motive will not only provide Green with a deeper level of dimensional power, but more importantly, Will provide element blessing for Green.

With its incredible energy that almost drives the development of the entire civilization, if it is combined with the world ball, it will be made into a magic lever, and its elemental blessing... will be hard to imagine.

In this way, black gold as a binder between the world's world ball and the light of balance, and then provide some armed transformation and blessing for Green, instead of the body of the true devil, Green's ideal state of truth lever magic wand once formed, enough to change the process of civilization.

Green will also become the wizard leader of the new era, the peak of civilization, another Antonio!

"Oh, your statement is interesting, low-level dimension barrier?"

Sylvester stayed with Green's words and then thought of something.

"Yes, your disciple, Hessian, what is going on? Since the achievement of the purgatory nightmare sorcerer, his reputation in the wizarding world is great, if you are not the future of the ten-ring true spirit wizard, I am afraid Your tutor has been covered for a long time. In less than three thousand years, it has jumped from the fourth level to the sixth level. It is recognized that the future is true, and it is hard to imagine what secrets are hidden in him."

Sylvester stares at Green~www.novelmtl.com~ If you can pass the secret of Hessian, learn from it...

After all, he has not yet achieved the sixth-level sacred sorcerer, and has not yet conformed to the natural phenomenon. Green's return, unprecedented strength and deep stimulation of him.

"There is no secret, I just helped him on his way to the wizard, just as he helped me, nothing more."

Green did not want to talk too much with others about the black rope before he saw the black rope.


The time of the volatility of the mystery is another visit of a sacred sorcerer. It is a four-level sacred sorcerer rescued by Green in the Tianshan Sea world, but there is almost no private conversation. The way Green and Hevelness have adapted to it has ended again. A short conversation, dealing with this holy mark wizard.

When one thing becomes popular, it is a violation of the rules.

If Green did not achieve the Tenth Ring in the future, it would become an unforgivable thing. (To be continued.)

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