A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 26 Chapter 1412: Home (end)

The 22nd District of the Second Ring Santa has been reorganized.

The Tower of the Sorcerer, the Free Dandelion Wizarding Academy, the Ice Age Wizarding Academy, the Muscular Wizarding Academy, the Yunyunhai Wizarding Academy, and the Great Sorcerer School.

In the future, if there are tasks, the six major wizarding schools will advance and retreat together. However, in the identity of Green, the most important task for the wizarding world is probably the dedication of the true spirit.

After a brief gathering, Millie, Mina, Free Dandelion, Jinyun, and Three-tailed Foxes left, and Green left only two disciples and three-legged death crows.

At this moment, Green is sitting in the high seat of the majesty. Below are two disciples of cappuccino and Ansimo, and the three-legged crows are temporarily resting in the secret territory.

"Teacher, the Tower of the Sorcerer's Academy has not been yours for too long, and now the source of magic is less than half of the heyday, you see..."

Beside Cappuccino, two third-level wizards stood tall, nervous and excited to stare at Green, the sorcerer of the annihilation tower that was returned thousands of years later, and was once seen as the future tenth ring by the wizarding world. Spiritual Wizard!

Finally, the hard work has finally paid off!


Green nodded, and his own annihilation tower wizard school, there are only two college deans left, even the three standard dean of the most standard rules can not be assembled.

This is weak, and it is really sad.

The dean of the old generation college has either passed away or advanced. The two deans are among the big wizards who are promoted. The only one who is willing to stay at the Wizarding Academy and dedicate himself.

"The annihilation of the will is inseparable from your selfless dedication. Unfortunately, I can't arbitrarily lower the boundary, nor can I destroy the Santa's rules and directly give too much support. You can rest assured that I will make up for the college as soon as possible through some merchant families. You have to remember The purpose of the Wizarding Academy is to guard the core area of ​​the Holy Spirit and to nurture the human civilians living on one side of the land."

Green's tri-color light glimpsed a little, and the paper group in his hand slammed.

Over the years, the wizard families of the original contractual cooperation agreement, in addition to the Zijinxiang family still abide by the contract with the tower of annihilation, other families either deduct resources, or interrupt cooperation, Green needs to move around.

Green waved and cut the gap between the dimensions. The body of a deep abyss was fallen. It was the deep abyss who had absorbed all the magical powers and disguised as the black phoenix.

Immediately after the two deans, there were more stones of the sages and two spoons of friendship.

"Hanging it on the ninety-ninth floor of the Witch Tower, this is the eternal pride of the tower of annihilation, the brilliant record of the tower of annihilation, I believe that it will not take too long, the tower of annihilation will inevitably repeat the glory."

Encouraged, the two college deans were excited and returned to the wizarding world through the transmission.

Slightly silent, Green sighed toward Cappuccino: "Talk about Hessian, I have already contacted a true spiritual wizard, and Hessau seems to have been dedicated to the true spirit."

No wonder Green is like this.

Hessian itself is a legendary sorcerer of the world, with three memories, three distinct experiences, and no idea what it is for Green.

According to Green's speculation from the black tower, this world reincarnation, although it will not appear as a black tower, but it will certainly not be a disciple of Green, it is likely to be like the black tower, the above ancient wizard Self-residence, but the identity of this world.

The relationship with Green is likely to be a friend relationship of the Wizarding Path, but it will not refute the mentoring relationship between the two.

All of this is just a means for the ancient wizards to make the road to the true spirit!

"Since he has achieved the Purgatory Nightmare Stigma Wizard, he has not contacted."

Cappuccino sighed.

"Well, you should go back first. I will look at it personally in the future. You know some of his situation and don't have to interfere too much."


After Cappuccino left, there was only Ansimo in the side of Green.

As a disciple who inherits Green Will, Green’s expectations for Anderse Seymour are actually much higher than those of Cappuccino and Hessau. Now, more than three thousand years later, Anderse’s achievements are compared to the two. Although it is not outstanding, it has actually made Green very satisfied.

"To tell the truth, your path of destruction, I am also very surprised, I thought that you will continue to study the power of annihilation."

Anderse Seymour has bitterly said: "The mentor's ring finger world rules system, even though I have tried my best to explore the mysteries, I can't completely transform my physique, so..."

Said, Anderse Seymour showed some embarrassment.

When the instructor first expected him, he couldn't keep up with the mentor's footprints.

"Everyone has their own path of wizarding. It is precisely because of this that the world of wizards is colorful. You have to know this. You only need to stick to yourself. In addition, about Grimm's Fairy Tales, how are you studying? ?"

When Green felt that he was likely to be unable to preserve in the battle of civilization, he left a copy of Grimm's Fairy Tales to Anderse Seymour as a clue to his own occurrence in the wizarding world.

The most powerful force of Grimm's Fairy Tales is that Green's perception of dimension dimension is only conceivable, unspeakable conjecture, and any language expression will be terrible and wrong.

Its greatest feature is that the last blank page of the fairy tale can be the unknown of the fate of the protagonist.

"I, I... sorry, mentor, this "Gray's Fairy Tale" hides the mystery too deeply, I can't understand the truth, I really hope for you."

Said, Anderse Seymour took out "The Grimm's Fairy Tales", his hands raised above his head and looked awkward.

"Hehehe, what is the truth? You don't have to give it back as a teacher. Just like what you see, it's just a fairy tale. The difference is that we have given it life. The true meaning of fairy tales~www.novelmtl.com~ People believe in beliefs that affect the mind and change the world. You don't believe that because you are mature, you can no longer perceive that great power."

Green did not say what kind of power it was.

"Go, let the teacher give you a task, like "Fairy Fairy Tales", copy and publish "Grimson's Fairy Tales", let more and more people voluntarily read it and experience it."

When Ansimo was suddenly awake, he couldn't believe it for a moment, and he said: "Teacher, you have to give this spirit!"

"No, I hope that I will never use the day of Grimm's Fairy Tales."

Green said that Anse Seymour did not know why, as the world sent a bang, the time and space were distorted, and the laughter of "嘎嘎嘎嘎" came, no need to say more, it must be a small eight with dew Lotus roots and leaves are coming.

"Hey, Ye Ye, Sister Jie, don't believe you ask the Green Beast. I have been waiting for you to return to the Wizarding World to see you all these days."

Lulian 嫚, the word of the leaves of the sorcerer.

"Green, you are returning to the wizarding world in the future, I think that the mystery has already been overcrowded. It seems that I am coming early. Xiao Ba said that those experiences are true, it is really unbelievable."

Green just wanted to respond, and the secret transmission team once again "squeaked" and a figure appeared.

"Oh? Super Magic Hand Stigma Wizard!"


The name is different, the two refer to the same person, and Svervenus is also about to fly, but he also stops and looks forward to the time and space.


Another holy sorcerer came.

After successive visits, Green's achievement of the Tenth Ring in the Holy Mark Wizards seems to have been expected, and the reputation is prestige. (To be continued.) Good book, book friend's house! Unique URL:

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