A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 26 Chapter 1411: Home (below)


The space-time transmission array was twisted and twisted, and Green just finished. The free dandelion came with a three-legged death crow and a three-tailed fox, and gathered to Green.

"Green, you are finally back... No, we finally came back together!"

Free dandelion sees Green returning to the wizarding world safely, the atmosphere is uncertain, the stellar orbital gunpower, the free dandelion witnessed, everything in the entire Tianshan sea world has been completely evaporated, and there is no residue.

Free dandelion does not doubt at all. If it wasn't for the last period, Green attracted the attention of the metal destroyers, and they got time for everyone to break away from the Tianshan sea world. Everyone has already vaporized and evaporated into nothingness with the Tianshan sea world.

"Oh, annihilate the wizard."

The three-legged death crow looks forward to staring at Green.

Although he did not say anything, Green knows what it thinks, and it must be that Green has promised its parasitic spore world as a matter of ethnic reproduction.

In the end, it was the three-tailed fox who had little pity, followed by the free dandelion, and the three tails behind him kept moving. It was very well-behaved, and a pair of beautiful eyes and curiosity stared at all the holy marks.

"Yeah, we are all back. We used to be in the 22nd District of the Second Ring Road. Today we only have two of us."

After the escape, Green was equally worried about the stellar orbital gunpower, and then nodded to the three-legged death crow: "I have received the friends here, and I will arrange a breeding ground for your family."

"Oh, no hurry, the master's thing is the most important thing."

The three-legged death crow should bear, through these times of contact, the three-legged death crow is still not clear about the specific strength of the wizarding world, but can easily destroy the unknown world of a medium-sized world, the degree of power, can be imagined, has been super Three-legged death crows imagine.

Coupled with some signs of the dark world, it seems to be extremely hateful and fearful for the wizarding world. The three-legged death crow only feels that he has entered an extremely terrible vortex and can never break free again.


Green's tri-color light looks at the three-tailed fox around the free dandelion.

"come here."

Green recruited a beckoning, a soft element to summon the three-tailed fox, the three-tailed fox stood up, breathing fast, the pressure of these powerful living bodies around inadvertently distributed, making her breathless.

After all, these are the existences of the upper realms of the United States, but they are just a meal, a dew, and a fox, but they are not the ones who have won the genius of the fairy spirit.

"Destroy the wizard."

The little fox sounds pitiful and pure, so that people can't bear to hurt and want to care.

"I am sorry, I promised you to take you to see a real fairy, but unfortunately we came late, the true fairy has fallen with my sister, in this cruel war."

Green’s voice is sad, on the one hand because of the fall of his master and his idol, and on the other hand, the feeling of this civilized war. There are already too many wizards who have fallen because of the war of civilization, as long as the war has not stopped, the death The wizard will not end, and more wizards will fall because of the brutal war.

At this stage, Green did not have the urge to be there. Without the tender expectation, he truly realized what it was called war and realized the cruelty of life and death.

Then, Green touched the lonely little fox head and said: "But the true fairy left his blood, you have the same strength, the power of the fairy. See you, she is called Yunyun, go Let's go."

In the eyes of the little fox who had been dead, the hope was ignited. With the encouragement of Green, the wizard slowly flew toward the clouds. The Green has learned through the truth that the deeper forces in the cloud are three. It is not the same as a general appliance, but she has only played the power of the millions of clouds.

"The slave family's nine-tailed fox family has a small pity, a heart-to-heart, a meal, a drink, and never kills. Also, please ask Jin Yunxian to give the slave a glimpse of the power of the fairy, so that the slaves have already asked the demon, and they are in the fairy class. Positive results."

The little fox bowed.

"Hey? You... the power of the Faerie, when my father was alive, I did tell you about the power of practicing the Faerie. I was too young to understand the mystery. I have only used my father’s legacy and my mother’s refinement over the years. Feelings of the body, the achievement of the holy mark. As for the power of the fairy spirit, I can even consolidate the Taoist language, I am afraid..."

Looking at the eyes of the three-tailed fox, the divine light is getting dimmer. The path of the immortal is only as difficult as the path of the sorcerer's world. It is only difficult to be qualified. It is similar to the will of the wizarding world.

Jinyun couldn't bear to hurt this little guy who came from the same world community as his father. He said: "But you can rest assured that my father has left me with a lot of treasures. I will try my best to find enlightenment. So, you will follow Beside me, we will be sisters in the future, and I will help you to condense the power of the Faerie as soon as possible."

Green and Millie are juxtaposed, quietly watching the two.

Compared with the original master sister, Xiaoyun’s temperament is obviously much weaker. There is something that the wizard has never had. It seems that the mood of the three-tailed foxes is a realm of spiritual sentiment, similar to the fact that he was a sinister. The world community, the perception of life and goodwill.

The fairyland world community seems to be very focused on this.


Hot, burning!

The power of greatness descended, and the countless squadrons in the secrets of the tower of the annihilation towers screamed and screamed in the mud, as if they were burning in the mud, like a raging sun, endless flames. In the mystery of the "booming rumbling", the original gray-colored fire sky cloud spread to the end of the sky.

The entire land is illuminated and transparent.

"The guardian of summer!"

"Spring, summer, autumn, winter, night, night, six guardians, now half have been restored, the wizarding world repeats the day of glory, just around the corner."

Regarding the relationship between Green and the Guardian of the Wizarding World in the New Summer, everyone in the field knows well, even the free dandelion sacred sorcerer who has just returned to the wizarding world has heard through various channels.

The power of the world in all directions has been ignited, and almost a moment, the three-legged death crow is surrounded.

This is the master guardian of the wizarding world. The power of the world that can be mobilized is beyond imagination, and it is by no means comparable to the guardians of the small world!

The vastness of the sea, the power of the three-legged death crows, like the little lambs drowning in water, the power of death is compressed in a poor range, and each feather has a scorching smell.

"Hey! Destroy the wizard, save... save me!"

The three-legged death crow pulled the scorpion, his eyes burst out, and his tongue sticked out, his voice was vague, and he was afraid that if he continued to do so for a while, he would be burned to ashes.

The three-tailed fox on the side has no abnormalities. It should be at a level that is too low to respond to the power of the Mina world.

"what are you?"

Arrogant and overbearing, the red-hot flame figure suddenly appeared on the top of everyone's head~www.novelmtl.com~ Overlooking the three-legged death crow, like the wizarding world sun that controls life and death, if the three-legged death crow can not give a satisfactory answer, the next moment It will burn into ashes.


The three-legged death crow can't speak at all.


Green waved the extreme abyss wand, and opened up some of the world's oppressive powers of the three-legged death crow. He said: "This is my personal friend. I have decided to join the Wizarding League. I will take it to sign the Wizarding Union contract as soon as possible."

Mina, still quite arrogant, even now has become the guardian of summer who is respected by everyone in the wizarding world!

I am afraid that it is because of this personality that she is more suitable to become the guardian of the Wizarding World Summer.

"Hahahaha, Green, you haven't become a ten-ring yet, just talk to the great summer guardian, well? Especially now in the war, dare to break into the wizarding world without the sorcerer's breath!"

"Mina, don't make trouble."

Around Green, Millie glanced at Mina.

Suddenly, the last moment was still arrogant, scared the three-legged death crow, the little pity and the unconscious atmosphere, the next moment with the majestic Hehe guardian "噗嗤" smile, disappeared.

The power of all the world dissipated. This hot and enchanting woman appeared next to Millie. Although the two sisters were somewhat similar, the breath was completely different.

"Sister, is this guy agreeing?"

Didn't get Millie's answer, just bowed and smiled, Mina understood, and turned to Green Road: "Since you have become a brother-in-law, this time you are cheaper. Right, thank you for your Phoenix Egg, hahahaha."

Brother-in-law! ?

It was said by Mina that many of the sacred marks were swept away by Green and Millie, who stood together. (To be continued.) Good book, book friend's house! Unique URL:

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