A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 26 Chapter 1410: at home)

As early as Green, through the Tianshan sea world altar to ignite the source of magic, the 22nd District St. Marks Wizards have already noticed, and have had a willing contact with Green, and are delighted.

Nowadays, only a few hourglasses, these people who are really close to Green have arrived.

The first person to come to the secret world is the Ice Age St. Mark Wizard, Millie!

The frost is generally white and silky, and it is dust-free. The center of the forehead is a diamond-shaped crystal mang, and the 100-meter ice crystal phoenix screams and turns into a cold ice flower. After the wind rushing to the moon, Millie comes to the annihilation tower, but it is only a double scorpion. Staring at Green, for a long time without words, the depths of the eyes show the weakness that has never been seen before, and gradually become moist.

Standing in the air, Green stared at the witch, and the entanglement between the two began. The apprenticeship of the wizard had already begun. The other party’s emotions were well known, but they were unwilling to face it, even at this time.

Green is used to the journey of a person.

"Mily, you..."

In the end, Green chose to break the silence.

"Rab, trouble you to avoid first, I have something to talk to Green."

Millie’s voice was terrible.

Rab nodded and smiled. "OK, I am going to give you a cup of coffee."

Some of the language codes of the Metal Destroyer civilization have been circulated in the wizarding world and incorporated into the language of the wizard. Even the Rab, who has long been in the secret of the Tower of Destruction, will have more or less one or two sentences.

Step by step, Millie walked to the front of Green, the two are close at hand, the elemental shocks caused by each other almost merged into one, and even can feel the heat of the other party's breath, the atmosphere is a little nervous, and Green feels that his palms are floating. A layer of sweat.

What happens next?

I don't know how much time passed, but it seems to be a kind of heart and soul. The two even hug each other at the same time, hold tightly, can clearly feel the blood heat of each other's heart, and linger in the deep entanglement between the two.

However, the two chose silence at the same time and avoided.

For a long time, Green clearly felt a cold and moist neck, which made Green gradually wake up from the unspeakable emotions, hug the hands on Millipina's waist, gradually weak, it seems that the heart is for something struggle.

"Green, let's get married."

The whole body was stiff, some trembling, and Green couldn't speak.

Millie slammed Green, and looked up at Green, with a different pressure, almost making Green breathless.

"Can you still not let her go?"

"Give me some more time, just...on the day when the wizard world returns to the original point, as the date."

Green said hard and is a solemn promise.

"Well, I am waiting for you, I will wait for you all the time... Hey!"

A touch of cool slipped through the lips of Green, and Millie stood beside Green, whispering: "Remember what you said."


The Rab who saw this scene screamed, carrying coffee and licking his mouth, and kept sweeping the songs on Green and Millie.


At this time, the time and space fluctuations in the secret of the tower of the annihilation tower came again. With the return of Green, the news spread, this secret is destined to be no longer calm, and the people visiting will come to an end. Green has succeeded the history and became a low-level wizard. During the period of looking up at the heart of the Nether, the new generation of ancestors.

"It's cappuccino."

Although he has already achieved the unparalleled sorcerer, Millie and Green are still used to calling cappuccino, which is almost the name of the nickname.


Hushing and shouting, Cappuccino is also carrying three little wizards, who perceive the truth of the truth, and Green distinguishes the atmosphere of the three-person cappuccino and Ivan. Needless to say, It must be the children of both.

"How old is it, like a child, when can I grow up!"

I loved the cappuccino, and Green avoided the topic of Ivan.

"Hey, I said that the tutor will not hang up so easily. You don't know. When I heard that you were missing, the little wizards who were arrogant said that they were scattered. I was so angry that I had to blow up. As soon as I said it, the source of the magic was reduced by a small half. I didn’t eat well during that time, I couldn’t sleep well, and I broke my heart. Fortunately, the college war was forbidden during the war of civilization...”

"Working hard."


"It’s a younger brother and a cloud!"

Cappuccino waved his arms to the two figures.


Compared with cappuccino, Ansimo is obviously calmer. Although the eyebrows are equally eager to rush, but they are hidden, what surprised Green is that Anderse Seymour does not seem to be annihilated. road!

The road to destruction?

"Broken the Holy Mark Wizard, it's not bad. In the first three of your disciples, the number of your talents is the worst, and the teacher has not misread you."

Green smiled. Among the three disciples, Green chose Andre Seymour as his own heir to the will, just as Peranos chose Green as the inheritor of the will.

"Compared to the unparalleled achievements of the master sister, the second brother's purgatory nightmare, what can I do with this achievement. You don't know the mentor, as early as a thousand years ago~www.novelmtl.com~ the second brother was regarded as In the future, the two rounds of the true spirit wizard, almost no stop after he advanced to the holy mark, the fifth and sixth levels passed by, and now has been the focus of the wizarding world."

It seems to be the memory of the soul of the marriage, and the memory of Hesota II awakened.

With the knowledge memory of the two great sorcerers, the knowledge-induced elemental wizard change is easy for Hessian, and naturally it will not stay too much in the fourth and fifth-level sorcerers.

His stay will only be due to the dedication of the true spirit!

"There are people outside, there are mountains outside the mountains, and there are countless geniuses in the world of wizards. But the wizards who are as talented as your second brothers, I am afraid that even if they are not so old, there are few people."

Speaking, Green's tri-color light looked at the slightly sorcerer's witch.

The witch's body is semi-elephant, with a fascinating spring and a ghostly spirit. However, Green has discovered through the essence of the truth, and discovers that the main force of the orphans left by this master sister is Jinyun.

At the beginning, the master's husband and husband were devils, and the deity was the sacred sacred pot of the nine worlds of the fairyland world community, with a heritage of heterogeneous civilization.

This master sister is orphaned, and probably has the power of Xiannian.

"Zu Shi."

The witch wizard was respectful and a little nervous. She noticed the powerful insight of Green's truth, and all her secrets were completely exposed to the eye of the founder.

"Not bad, there is still a very powerful force in your body that has not been played. It must be the most precious gift left by your father and mother. You should cherish it. Yes, I have a friend to introduce to you, you are waiting here. Maybe, maybe, she can help you."

According to Green, the three-tailed fox is naturally pitiful. At this time, it should be on the way with the three-legged death crow and free dandelion. (To be continued.) Good book, book friend's house! Unique URL:

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