A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 26 Chapter 1405: Return (on)

From the magnetic world. √∟Vertical novel, x.

The magnetic ore floating in the turbulent layer is a special resource of the world.

Azure blank clouds fluttering, and occasionally flashed three or five teams of wizards under the sun, driving more than a dozen slave monsters disappeared into the sky, or several metal robots and fighters flashed past.

Unlike the world where virtual airships and space fortresses compete with each other on a large scale, the magnetic world is at the edge of the world of civilized civilizations. It is only for this small world to infiltrate each other and to influence the lower-level arms.

call out! call out! call out! call out!

The three dark wizards have passed away. In this world where there is no space for the fortress, there is no wizard's cover that the wizard will bless, and the dark wizard's scattered combat mode is more flexible than the large-scale army of the Ming wizard.

At this moment, the three wizards marched forward at high speed, the broad wizard's robe trembled, a pair of deep, wise, cruel and scorpion, staring at the endless darkness of the distant sea, the dark and serious.

"Is it a plan for the metal destroyer? Or is it a natural mutation in the world? Is it the influence of some extraterrestrial powerhouses?"

The old witch muttered to himself, Zhangkou, "wow" and spit out a mixture of yellow liquid.

These liquids quickly gathered into a strange baby's head, "嘻嘻嘻" infiltrated and laughed, but the back half was a fly, and the "嗡嗡嗡" translucent wings fanned at high speed.

“Hey, what do you need me to do for you?”

The laughter of the baby's head is very terrible.

"Go and see what happens at the center of the darkness, what secrets are there on the sea floor."

With a bang, this synthetic beast disappeared.

A male wizard with a younger face, pale skin and elegant posture, holding a purple gem magic wand in his right hand, his left palm open, and a black crystal ball floating.

"I feel the power of unparalleled time and space. If it is not the door of the wormhole of the metal destroyer, it is the fate lever that spurs a large space fortress to come. No matter what the outcome, the world is about to undergo major changes. We want Prepare for the worst."

Hey, hey, hey!

Among the monsters full of cancer, an old wizard drove his slave monster and could not help but sigh: "Hey..."


It’s awkward!

The source of darkness is like a ribbon, gathering toward the sky, and suddenly, the source of darkness, which was originally gathered according to some kind of weaving melody, is violently torn, followed by a black arc to emit high-frequency oscillations, and the harsh noise is coming. The whole world has been shocked.

The ground moves and shakes the waves.


The broken sound of the mirror, a group of unknown foreign objects burning with a blazing flame fell from the crack, followed by a "squeaky" sound in the crack, a hundred meters of diameter, the purest burning devastating property, white light flashed, burning everything.

In an instant, everything in the vicinity of hundreds of thousands of meters evaporated.

The scattered wizards and metal robots gathered in the source of darkness, vaporized and evaporated instantly, disappeared without any residue.

Bang, boom, boom...

This burning flaming figure slid out of layers in the sky, the tail flame left a black mark in the sky, tilted down, and gradually approached the edge of the continent, a "bang", a scorched gravel It rises into the sky, splashes in the sea and the ocean within a few hundred miles around it, leaving a 10,000-meter-diameter crater on the edge of the continent with thick steam.

"Dimorphism, grace... snoring, snoring, hateful, magic consumes too much."

The weak voice is a bit painful.

"Mom, which world is this?"

Xiaoba drilled a bit from the dimension gap. Look at the east, look at the west. After turning around, I noticed Green’s injury. After a moment, I suddenly laughed: “Wow, how are the Green Beasts burned? In this way, it is almost black carbon!"

At this moment, even if the soul of the dominating omnipotent accelerates the formation of the annihilation, it is still affected by the aftermath of the stellar orbital gun. The whole body is already black and black, losing the vitality of flesh and blood. Only the face of truth is preserved more completely, and the three eyes are kept. It is moving.

"Call...not a stellar orbital gun, even a trace of Yuwei is not a sacred mark wizard can bear. The Tianshan sea world has been completely evaporated, but fortunately, the last moment to dominate the omnipotent soul to promote the formation of the annihilation, from the time and space Otherwise, I am afraid it has already turned into ashes."

When Green spoke, there was some black smoke in his mouth, which was extremely cool.

"Wow, your legs, there is one arm left, can this arm be used, how can it be repaired without alienation?"

Xiao Ba turned around in the squatting steaming crater, watching Green's deputy corpse look like a sly mouth, high life is really tenacious, and a low life may have become a black charcoal.

call out! call out! call out! call out……

Tip: I found an unknown wizard, attached a very strong energy magnetic field, in a state of serious injury and weakness, please destroy as soon as possible.

It turned out that more than 20 metal robots flew together, and the recoil rocket device behind them sprayed the tail flame, and even raised their hands neatly, a series of energy particles came over.


Green stretched out the remaining black carbon arm and waved one hand toward the sky.

The gravitational gravitational waves shrouded these robots, and the undulating magnetic field distortions even caused the particle beam guns to bend and refract, and disappeared into the light of the majestic elements in front of Green, followed by Green’s black palm. "Booming rumbling", the earth branded the next thousand palm prints, these robots were photographed as metal residues.

The other side of the sky.

The gathered wizards witnessed it all, and the majestic elements easily ignited the changes of nature. The wind blew them up and stunned and stared at the darkness of the center of the pit.

No legs ~www.novelmtl.com~ Less one arm, only the black torso and one arm left, the face of the gray-white truth, the back of the head is also black.

Although the appearance is so miserable, the will of the wizard gathered on this figure is really amazing!

"I don't know which great sorcerer is coming to the magnetic world?"

Many of the lower-level wizards were shackled, and the highest rank was only a second-level wizard. Under the turbulence caused by such a serious injury to Green, none of these wizards could stand firm and sway.

"My name is annihilated, which holy mark wizard is responsible for this world?"

Suddenly, Green appeared in front of these low-level wizards with this image of the corpse, and the violent winds stopped suddenly. People could even see the heart of the body's "咕咚" and "咕咚" through the body of Greene Black!

"Oh, look back at the great annihilation wizard. This world is a small world from the metal destroyer civilization. The two sides have not sent a large number of troops to station, nor have they come to the holy mark wizard to command the battle. You are the first to come. The sacred sorcerer." (To be continued.)

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