A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 26 Chapter 1406: Return (below)

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Five months later.

Many low-level wizards from the magnetic world are proud and proud.

I never thought that this has been entangled with the robotic corps for a long time. The world wars in which one base and each other struggled together saw such a dramatic transformation, and the war entered a new model.

These wizarding corps, who follow Green, are like the second time of the hunter, the follower of the black sorrow, the sorcerer of Green, and the awe. In this small world, Green is absolutely invincible, without any creatures. The dangers of nature can threaten Green.

Behind him, tens of thousands of hunters and dark wizards, hundreds of thousands of slave corps, which is almost the majority of the wizarding alliance in the magnetic world!

“Reporting the great annihilation wizard, seven hundred miles ahead, there is a metal robot away from the magnetite collection base, a size a, belonging to a large mining base.”, a, b, c, d, e, f, these metal destroyers The statistical term of civilization has now been cracked by the wizarding world and incorporated into some daily life of the wizarding world, which has been absorbed and absorbed by the wizarding civilization.


In fact, Green has already seen the large mining base through the face of truth.

Fully prepared, one large metal base anti-aircraft guns, high-energy mesh wall pattern, miniaturized protective cover, high-altitude fighters, and several thousands of meters of length, specially collected for the metal robots of this world high-altitude chaotic layer of magnetic ore Large mining vehicle collection platform.

In the screaming sounds of “嗡呜”, “嗡呜”, and “嗡呜”, the base is in the highest level of guard status.

alarm! alarm!

It is found that the wizarding squad is attacking, and the base of the magnetic ore jfjfb34789573489 is in the highest policing state. All dormant combat robots are out of the warehouse. Please contact the World Skynet sub-node as soon as possible, and the data information and information will be in the form of quantum entanglement. The network node performs system analysis.

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey, hehe...

One metal capsule-shaped metal silo was slowly opened, nitrogen overflowed, followed by a pair of bimetallic red squirts, a large amount of data flow sliding, looking at everything around.


Behind Green, a famous wizard was excited, nervous, and staring quietly.

"Come on, the great annihilation wizard must be shot!"

"Show the power of the Holy Mark Wizard, destroy all the enemies of the wizard!"

"Under the attacking power of the sorcerer, there is absolutely no metal robot base that can block it, absolutely not!"

In the gaze of many low-level wizards, Green has led the legion to tens of thousands of meters away from the base of magnetic ore jfjfb34789573489. This is a metal base of about a large human town in the wizarding world. The robots are full of security, even some of them. The fighter has taken the initiative to attack.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom……

Hundreds of energy cannons broke out.

"Green Beast, come on!"

Xiao Ba Da shouted, but Green has already had a residual image appearing above the base, waving the extreme abyss magic wand, understatement, not worth mentioning, there is no earth-shattering explosion, in the extremely deep cold field, the entire base is completely in an instant. Frozen and became an iceberg.


The field of gravity is distorted, and the sky is splattered.

The whole station was heavily guarded from the magnetic ore jfjfb34789573489 collection base, leaving only a ruin, and then many of the wizarding corps following the Greens cleaned up all useful resources, the locusts generally passed.

In the eyes of many wizards, admiring, infinite, and infinite, Green is low and indifferent: "Next."

At this moment, Green's upper body has completely recovered, and the legs and legs are staggered and bloody, and are being slowly repaired by alienation.

With Green's magic to restore speed, it should be able to recover in a few more months.

In this way, Green smashed all the way, where the glaciers were broken, and no one was able to compete within the magnetic world, destroying the metal-destroyer resource collection base from the magnetic world one by one, and the will is invincible. The scattered metal robot army, Green, had no intention of cleaning up and was leveled by many wizarding corps.

The higher the wizard, the more resources the world has, the reason is this.

Four months later.

The entire magnetic world has been completely unified, and without any metal robot bases, the wizards are building one after another to annihilate some of the remaining metal robots.

Poor and ridiculous, the world does not know how long it takes to return to the metal destroyer civilization. Under the pollution of the technology industry, not only the birth of the world's lord, but even the first-class creatures become less pitiful.

It is no wonder that every time a metal destroyer encroaches on a world, it will inevitably draw a separation belt to protect the native creatures.

Yes, if the time is long, it should be extinct, or extend the time to watch them.

the other side.

In the admiration of the crowd, several of the Dawn Wisdom Wizards, who are responsible for the overall coordination of this world strategy, approached and knew nothing about Green.

"Shata World?"

Green muttered, this medium-sized world is not close to the magnetic world, but it is the only world known to the wizards who have a large world transmission array.

"Alright, take the opportunity to reply to the magic."

Although the body has been restored, the magic of the Green body is empty, and the shape is not good.


One hundred and thirty years later.

In the world of Shata, three **** moons hang high, and a layer of blood is cast on the earth. The strong wizards in the space fortress are unclear and oppressed in the eyes of foreign creatures, and it is difficult to breathe.

These three 20,000-meter-diameter space fortresses have been in the world for nearly a thousand years. They have completed the World Defence mission twice, and have completed the battle line dispatching several times with the Wizarding World. There are even some holy marks wizards who perform secret missions.

Here, it is the world's most frontier world post of the metal destroyer civilization encroached by the Wizarding World.

The yellow sands of the sky, the special rules of gravity and the rules of the storm, sucking these sticky sands into the sky, gradually forming a sand column ranging from 100 meters to a kilometer, which is also the origin of the Shata world.

The indigenous sand soldiers who once built a splendid civilization in this world have now become the original wisdom creatures holding stone tools and spears to hunt under the will of the world of technology industry pollution~www.novelmtl.com~.

It’s awkward!

Suddenly, the high winds and violent winds, the team of the squadrons of the squadrons and the squadrons of the squadrons rushed to the ever-expanding vortex.

Slowly, a 10,000-meter giant face gathered by pure elements, overlooking these little little wizards, and four sorcerers who have long been stunned by this battle.

"You are the wizards responsible for the Shattar world?"

The majestic will seems to be a torrent, and there is no majesty.

"Here is the Shata World. We are the garrison of the southeastern sands. What kind of sacred sorcerer is you, what is the world of Shata?"

"What's the matter," Xiao Ba, came out, and returned to the wizarding world!"

The sound of excitement reverberates throughout the world of Shata, and the elemental clouds at high altitude are like ripples, and a circle spreads out. (To be continued.) (Sorcerer's Journey: 22649) - (Witch Tour)

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