A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 26 Chapter 1404: Destruction and departure

Glut, whisper, whistle...

"It’s so tired. If there is no space-based starship, it’s not indispensable to limit the metal destroyers to the plan outside the world, but unfortunately..."

Green's original plan was to use the Tianshan sea world as a barrier to fight the metal destroyers indefinitely against the world with their own power.

If it is against other civilizations, this way is indispensable, but for the use of energy and infinite micro-metal destroyer civilization, to destroy the entire world as a war model of metal destroyer civilization, the idea is obviously too limited.

Surrounded by contaminated fluorescent green water, even under the sea floor, it has been covered with large and small pits.

There are countless vacancies of virtual airships and spaceships. The wreckage of metal robots and the bodies of witches are floating. Due to the destruction of microbial ecosystems and the lack of low plankton, these corpses are pale and edema by fluorescent green sea water, but there is no Signs of decay, holding a pair of big eyes, drifting to the unknown...

"Green, Green!"

A few dandelions found Green, with the illusion of a free dandelion sacred sorcerer, calling Green.


Quietly standing on the bottom of the sea, the three-color gaze gaze at the free dandelion, a breath, centering on itself, instantly diffusing out of the 100-meter vacuum area, expelling the fluorescent green seawater.

"The metal destroyer has left, it has left the world, we waited for support, and we won!"

Free dandelion smiled excitedly, this smile, relaxed and comfortable, after a long struggle, the dawn of victory.


Green has already known the way, and he said lowly: "Let's go."

Oh la la...

The waves rise to the sky, and a few free dandelions have disappeared, leaving only Green to see the small figure of the specific state.

"It is the annihilation of the wizard!"

"The annihilation tower sacred sorcerer, those metal robots have retreated, and we have won."

A famous wizard gathered at Green. Everyone was filled with a warm smile, relaxed and happy, waiting for the Green Hair to give orders and greet the dawn of victory.

Green looked around and probably counted the number of surviving wizarding corps. The number was about 300,000. It was not too much, but it was barely enough for Green to smash the sorcerer's sorcerer.

"Only when everyone returns to the wizarding world alive is victory."

Green muttered, at the same time, a small eight-on-one flash appeared on his shoulders.

"Hey, which real spirit is coming?"

Green's tri-color light and the small eight, staring at the sky.

The loophole of the world's clothing that was penetrated by the space-based star guns has not healed, and the general creatures can't perceive anything, but Green has the face of truth as a perceptual aid, and the three-color light gathers and concentrates on the outside world.

That is……

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang...

The space-based starship completely obscures Green's vision, but Green is still able to perceive the energy fluctuations through the face of truth, black and white energy point line stripe structure map, speculating that there is a giant and space-based starship Conduct a frontal battle.

"This is impossible. If it is the city of eternal sky, the volume is at least ten times and twenty times that of the space-based starship. The space fortress and the space-based starship have no ability to confront each other. Oh, is it..."

Green is a condensate.

"City of the Sky! The City of Eternal Sky Decomposes? Impossible! Is it the city of the surviving sky in the ancient times, similar to the hope of the disappearance of the second esophagus, only need to gather enough sand of time in front of the eternal mechanical clock, hope Scepter to summon? Or... The Wizarding World has regained the Sky City casting technology?"

Yep! ?

Suddenly, Green noticed something and turned to look at the silk thread on the horizon. The beam from the distant unknown, the light that locks the world of Tianshan, is stronger.

Through the most pure and violent light and heat, the violent will that vaporizes and evaporates everything, if Green is still not sure that this is the stellar orbital gun, it is too much to say.

"The whole army listened to the order, left the world, and gathered with the reinforcements!"

Green no longer hesitated, roaring and shouting, the majestic wizard's will is like a wave, layered and stirred up, and conveyed to every wizard present.


"The whole army listened to the order, left the world of Tianshan and gathered for the reinforcements!"

One and another wizards rose to the sky and loyal to Green's will.

The lower wizards easily escaped from the seams of the world's clothing, and the high-level sorcerer smashed the cracks together to help the world's only space fortress escape. Compared to the invasion, it is much easier to leave the world.

The city of the sky and the space-based starship ship are fully engaged in combat. Instead, they are no longer valued by the space-based starship, and even without the army stationed, these wizards have easily left the Tianshan sea world.

However, Green found a shadow that was being visited, and the Achilles Metal Destroyer!

And its direction is exactly the rule of the world of the torn space of the space fortress assisted by many sacred marks.

"The last time."

Green muttered to himself, and nodded slightly on his shoulder. Xiaoba apparently knew Green's plan and sighed: "The last omnipotent soul, maybe there is great use in the future, but unfortunately."

“After all, it’s just a consumable on the road to the true spirit.”

Green rushed into the sky, a layer of white air slid out behind the body, the air burst out of layers of stacked sound bursts, the rules of the world's clothing is only a light resistance, then smooth and unimpeded.

Green stands in the void, under the space-based starship.

"Wait for you! Destroy the wizard, since you like the world so much, with the world together, it will be the most beautiful fireworks in the endless sky map!"

Sure enough, the metal devastators of Ekismo turned their attention to Green and no longer focused on the space fortress.


A blow to the hedge, the power of the annihilation of the extreme abyss wand disappeared with the ice, the left hand amber ring mirror broken, while the metal ruins of the Eskimo retreat to the base of the space-based starship metal continent, Green as if meteorite , once again fell to the Tianshan sea world.

"I am a six-ring true spirit wizard, who is the ancient holy mark!?"

A vast expanse will pass through the battlefield and ask Green, the unspeakable excitement, utter disbelief, unbelievable, apparently has been destroyed by Green as a human wizard, preventing a complete metal destroyer union army from coming. The record is shocking.

The Wizarding World, and such a holy mark wizard?

It must be the return of the ancient wizard who traveled endlessly empty!

"The Second Ring Santa, the tower of annihilation."

Green briefly conveyed his will and fell back to the world of Tianshan.


The beam of light has become more and more bright, and everything is vaporizing. Even fluorescent green pollutants are no exception. It is evaporating everything in the world until the world is completely destroyed.

"Come on, hurry!"

The combination of light and darkness, under the absolute control of Green, is trying to converge into a twisted door of time and space, randomly leading to the unknown world nearby.

However, the formation speed of the annihilation is too slow~www.novelmtl.com~The ruined light column on the horizon has spread from a negligible thread to a diameter of tens of thousands of meters, and spread at an alarming rate, actively sucking everything in all directions. , completely gasification and decomposition.

Even the annihilation of Green, which is gathering in light and dark, is being distorted.


The crisp sound, the stellar orbital gun evaporates everything along the way, but does not make any sound, this crisp sound is so abrupt, in the Green Ears like a blue sky.

The fragmentation of the heart of the world, the world is about to be completely destroyed, this is the real end of the world, the wizarding world is also facing this day, fearing the coming of this day, the heart of the world is completely broken!

"The last hope!"

The last omnipotent soul ignited in the extreme abyss of Green's broken abyss, and the surrounding time and space also calmed down, staring at the infinitely diffusing white light column, completely condensing the whole world, and Green rushed into the annihilation In the middle.

It is dark in all directions. (To be continued.)

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