A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 26 Chapter 1403: 6 ring appeared

"There is nothing in this world that can stop the Eskilmo union from reaching the peak, no!"

It is a kind of loophole in the rules of the world's clothing, like a snorkeling posture, rushing into the world, squeezing, making the first time after landing in the Tianshan sea world, snorkeling to the fall of the green, killing the wizard, blasting The preparation of the unknown artifact. ∈↗Vertical novel, x.

The artifact, the reason why it is an artifact, is because of the difficulty of obtaining it, and it has the power to change the battlefield pattern of civilization.

Exploding the artifact that annihilates the wizard's blame should be considered the easiest way. Who else can stop everything from happening?

If it is possible to burst a ring of true spirit wizards, the fate lever on the hand...

alarm! alarm!

On the edge of the space-based detection of the space-based starship, the large-scale wizarding war platform is close to and close to the Tianshan sea world. Please prepare for the war and the war is coming.

alarm! alarm!

Discovering a new unknown large-scale wizard battle platform, the energy response is equal to one-twelfth of the space-based satellite ship, and the absolute mass is five times that of the space-based satellite ship. Please note that the wizard's mechanical device is not calculated at the purest energy. Has a special nature increase.

The rules of the world's clothes were stuck in the waist of Akismo, and they lived.

At this time, unexpected accidents occurred at this time!

"what happened?"

Soon, there was a picture in the guild channel, which was shot by the most low-level robotic army of the space-based starship and transmitted through the local skynet node.

The vastness is empty, endless, and the void is flowing.

In the gray and endless void of the emptiness of the void and the mysterious light, there is a metal float that is far beyond the ordinary meaning. It seems to have locked the coordinates of the Tianshan Sea world and is firmly committed.

According to Skynet information, the actual volume and absolute mass of this metal giant is even larger than that of the space-based starship. This is a new type of combat platform that has never appeared in the wizarding world. It is unprecedented in scale and is no longer a space. The fortress can be compared.

"President, this must be the secret weapon of the wizard. The ancient mechanical glory information we obtained from the Wizarding League, they are in the depths of the wizarding world, reviving a super-large war platform technology that has been completely lost. This must be They created the large war platform called the City of Sky, and it seems that our big plan must be as soon as possible!"

A wise voice, talking to Akismo.

Some extremely important information is revealed between the discourses, the Wizards World Machinery Ancient Machinery Glory Recovery Plan, the Great Destruction Plan of the Metal Destroyer Civilization...

"It is this time to appear, traps, this world must be a conspiracy of the wizarding world, is their trick!"

Ekismo, who is stuck in the rules of the world, reacted to the influence of the metal destroyer's civilization, which is already at an absolute disadvantage, and naturally associates with conspiracy theories.

"Start the highest authority, contact the Skyhawk president! I want to apply for the stellar orbital launch, destroy the Tianshan sea world! Even if it is a conspiracy, but the artifact is real, we can't get it, and we must never let the dark wizard blame We continue to hold and destroy it!"

Drops, drops, drops, drops...

Skynet node transfer, a metal skull suddenly appeared in the Ai Kesi Trade Union Channel, the link to the metal destroyer, is the Skyhawk president.

"Ai Kee Mo, your small and medium-sized world is surrounded by the big world, the star flames, the original plan, I voted in favor of the Vantage core meeting. Now it is a period of lack of war supplies, but I still leave you a bunch of stars. Light, are you sure you want to use this stellar concentrating light to destroy the Tianshan sea world?"

The stellar orbital cannon, the most feared metal destroyer civilization in the battle of civilization, the fall of the Samsung sorcerer, is precisely because of the forced landing of a medium-sized world, destroyed by the beam of the distant universe, and it is like a void. It is also the wizarding world since the war of civilization, the first fallen true spirit.

However, the cost of using the stellar orbital gun is too great. Before each use, it is not after the negotiation of the Vantage core meeting, and then the head of the eagle will lock and start.

As far as the Tianying Trade Union is concerned, it is impossible to support this big guy.

"OK! Destroy the world of Tianshan Sea!"

Hey! Hey! Hey! Oh...

prompt! prompt!

The stellar orbital gun will reach the Tianshan Sea world after three and a half million quantum hours, destroying the world of this disaster.

caveat! caveat!

All the light brain d accounts that are still participating in the copy war in the Tianshan sea world should pay attention to leave this copy as soon as possible. The copy of the Tianshan Sea World will be closed after 3.5 million quantum hours. At that time, all the light brain ids that have not left the copy will be cleared. deal with.

There are polluted fluorescent greens everywhere, and metal robots all over the world in the Tianshan Sea sky have skyrocketed and flew outside the world. Only those light brain id account players have asked each other what is going on, closing the copy. The supreme rules involved in this kind of thing are not accessible to lower players.


茫茫 emptiness.

The same is a floating continent, the city of the sky!

It is just a city of the sky cast by the ancient wizards. This city of the sky is obviously a lot more modern crafts, some of which belong to the metal mechanics of the natural development of the wizarding world, and the other part borrows the frontier technology of the metal destroyer civilization!

A space fortress with a diameter of 10,000 meters, 20,000 meters and 30,000 meters floats above the city of the sky. With the huge power of the city of the sky galloping in the void, it is unstoppable to float towards the Tianshan sea world. The volume is not matched by some of the Nether creatures. All the way, I don’t know how many Void worms are crushed.

The projection of the heart of the sky, floating in the distant sky, a fluorescent green world, a metal giant shaded the small half of the green light.

"Is it already determined, is it really a space-based starship metal destroyer?"

The voice, for the female wizard ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ words reveal a calm and uncontrollable power, as well as the destruction of the will in the deepest.

The highest conference hall is a tens of thousands of meters of empty metal room. The enchanted metal above will absorb some extra energy when it is difficult to count the magic runes, preventing the internal too too strong natural energy fluctuations and long-term loss, affecting Metal life.


In the high seat, one and another sacred sorcerer sat on the floating, the form was strange, more than one hundred, and dozens of world leaders participated.

Such a battle, low-level creatures rushed into such a closed space, I am afraid that in an instant will be oppressed and twisted!

On the supreme throne, a dark green chaos is unclear and the dark green breath keeps rolling, it is a kind of destruction that devours everything.

"The alliance has been in a state of complete victory. We will never allow any negligence. The seven-ring true spirit wizard who completed the turning point of the war has not yet returned. Our six-ring tower inherits the great will of the true spirit, and defeats any enemy. Attack, destroy them!"

It is actually the Sixth Ring Tower! (To be continued.)

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