A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 26 Chapter 1400: Patch

In a critical moment, a black shadow suddenly appeared in front of the free dandelion.

Unremarkable red light quickly swept away and disappeared into the sky. Several unfortunate little wizards, slave monsters, and skeleton monsters destroyed the squad and turned into a red fireball.

"this is……"

Free dandelion gaze at the figure in the form of a human wizard, the kind that makes the energy in all directions boil, tearing the shadows in all directions, and the dark giant face under the feet of tens of thousands of meters reveals a proud smile, squatting everything, fighting side by side with the beloved The strips of silk are interspersed with the battlefield.


The strongest state of Green, Lafite wonderful time self-sealing unblocking, Green in the state!

"You go to preside over the legion, don't let the legion lose too much, these legions must bring back to the wizarding world as much as possible!"

The small and inconspicuous figure, the left hand of the "Book of Truth" "哗哗啦啦" flipped, the self-sealing runes absorbed, the right hand extreme abyss magic wand "噼里啪啦" Thunder bombing, it is a different annihilation than the previous Green The power is more pure and extreme, and the complete destruction is sublimated to a level!

Twice the state of power, the swing is between 3 million and 5 million.

Too strong, this is the strongest state that Green has never shown. The magnetic field that has been emitted has caused the real world to shake, but it cannot gather effective suppression power!

Green did not think that the space-based star guns really have locked the heart of the world of the world, although it is clear that the space-based star-studded guns that are weakened by layers are unlikely to smash the heart of the world. Do not want to gamble.

So, at the last moment, Green did not back down.

However, the space-based comet cannon is too strong. Even if it is weakened by layers, if Green wants to be hard-pressed by the ancestors, it will also hurt some of the origins, causing some magic to fight back.

This is in the midst of the war of civilization, Green is never allowed to appear!

In this way, Green had to open his self-seal and broke out of his strongest state. The whole body was filled with incredible power. After the crystallizer terminator was sucked in, the blackened crystallizer terminator was just beaten. The children, the toys that were broken by hand, were thrown into the garbage bag by Green.

Similarly, the metal destroyers are also a massacre for these holy marks wizards and the world's masters!

"呲", the source of Green's body is constantly erupting with high-density power ripples, which makes the sacred sorcerer, the world's lord, the chill of the humble red light, and some red blaze, even under the twist of the power ripple Even Green's body was not touched, and it was washed away dozens of meters away, and the red-red flame was washed away by the power ripple.

The indifferent, calm three-color gaze gaze at the metal eyes behind the crack, and the five scorpions are opposite each other.

No, it should be seven scorpions, and the blood of Lafite, the source of darkness.

"Finally, once again, the strongest skills you recorded in the Skynet Hunting List, such strength, explosiveness, regenerative power, and attribute-enhancing skills, combined with your current basic attributes, are far behind for the general elite. It’s almost invincible. Hey, but just wait until your skill disappears, everything will be reversed, and then I will be able to come to you forcibly.”

The metal destroyer had already inquired about Green's ability, and at this moment he was relieved.

It seems that the reason why it is not forced to come is to avoid the eruption of Green's self-sealing.

Also, once Green was in the era of radiation, after the eruption of self-sealing, it was clearly recorded by Skynet.

Green ignored it and violently extended his right hand. The extreme abyss magic wand was dark and staggered, lingering over the layers of annihilation, and began to infinitely expand, and was lifted by Greento as the Optimus Prime, straight to the black Behind the gap, spy on the incoming eyes.

Of course, the metal giant eyes retired.


Green's blow did not cause any blow to the metal destroyers. The light of the smashing of the smashing, the power of the smashing smashed with the thunder of the world's clothing rules, rushed into the void, and rushed toward the base of the space-based starship.

However, judging from the still serious expression of Green's truth, this blow is obviously not ideal.

"Hey, this is the space-based starship. It is the third generation of civilization technology of Vantage Quantum Technology. It is the art of war that is enough to destroy the world. It is only useless for you to do it alone. It is useless!"

From the sarcasm of the metal destroyer hidden in the void, it can also be seen that Green's attack is not ideal.


The Thunder's cracking sound did not end, and Green's willer smiled and said: "I don't know how much time you need for the second gun of your space-based starship. According to what I said in the world of radiation, it is not short. Hey."


The fast-healing world's clothing gaps, metal destroyers reacted, Skynet is clearly also making skills tips, Green is using the world's clothing rules system to make up for this gap!

With this loophole, the future of metal destroyers will be several times easier. Without this loophole, if you want to create it, you need the second gun of the space-based starship.


Booming rumbling...

Suddenly ~www.novelmtl.com~ Extremely abyss magic wand tip uploaded incredible power, "咔嚓", "咔嚓", "咔嚓" broken sound, the sky actually dropped a lot of snowflakes, or azure ice, This is the crush of Green's extreme cold crystal under the attack of the metal destroyer!


With a slam, Green fell a few times, and there were tens of thousands of dark shadows under his feet, rushing into the cracks in the sky, smashing toward the metal destroyers behind the cracks, assisting Green.

"Little eight, think about it!"

Green shouted and summoned Xiao Ba again, but this guy only showed his head from the gap between the dimensions.

"Mom, it’s hard, you really play, be careful to play off! Give, take it, use the big curse witchcraft to lock it, lock it with the space-based starship, and use the space-based comet. The quality of the ship must be that it was sucked."

After throwing a feather from the gap in the dimension, Xiao Ba quickly shrank his head back and probed his brain. The part-time job was very careful.

The most powerful thing about Xiao Ba’s cursed witchcraft is that you don’t need media!

Because Green's power is so powerful that Green can't control 100% of his power. Every time he drops, he pulls out layers of black space cracks, like spider webs, which spread in all directions. It looks like a broken mirror on one side.

The mouth of the small eight feathers, Lafite shadows continue to melt above, the following is being continuously supplied by Green's self-explosive super-roots source, blocking the black hole and moving forward together.

As Greenmour recited the spell, the red and green feathers of Xiaoba gradually melted, forming a smoky blue smoke disappearing.

At the same time, the pressure of the extreme abyss wand in the hands of Green was suddenly light, and there was no pressure. (To be continued.) Good book, book friend's house! Unique URL:

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