A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 26 Chapter 1399: Destroyer

This sudden change has alarmed some people.

Large-scale low-ranking regiments will not change, but the sacred sorcerers, the world's lords, and the celestial nets, which have turned on the real body, have focused their attention on the energy vacuum left by the space-based star guns in the dark. The rules prevent detection and shield everything that happens below. People can only imagine the deepest part of the darkness, the terrible things that the crystallizer terminates, and the terrible nightmare.


Suddenly, in the sky, the black hole of 10,000 meters makes a harsh rubbing sound, and the sharp tearing noise is the struggle of the metal destroyer. It has to tear the sky, break a large gap and cross the border!

Although it can't come in a short time, with the help of this already broken hole...

"What does it do?"

"what should we do?"


The **** warfare sorcerer's fifth layer of wild instinct transforms, the summer tide giant, that is the high-pressure violence control of the water element, can concentrate the high-density water element infinitely, and exert the incredible cutting effect of high-pressure impact.

At this moment, the **** warfare sorcerer led the strongest explosive power. A high-pressure water column seemed to be the sharpest laser knives, rushing deep into the dark gap.

However, there seems to be no reaction at all.

"Damn, even my strongest impact can't cause harm? Space fortress destroys the cannon and I am afraid... um!?"

As I said, the **** warfare sorcerer suddenly felt a cold feeling.

But seeing the metal eye behind the black gap hole, turned to the direction of his own, the kind of bones rising from the soles of the feet suddenly let the **** warfare sorcerer's forehead, can not help but shed a drop of cold sweat, but because of the haunt A terrible deterrent, not moving.

Obviously this strongest impact has brought some damage to the metal destroyers.

Just don't know at this time, the **** warfare sorcerer is supposed to be lucky or fearful at this time. The battlefield is particularly concerned by a dominant enemy. It is obviously not a happy thing.



Even if it was only the attention of the devastating metal, the invisible pressure caused the little witches around the sorcerer to scream from the sky, seemingly completely unconscious and lost consciousness.

However, this giant metal eyeball followed by a turn, falling on the power of the gathering of the world, rushing to the high lizard.

From the black gap hole, there is endless light golden glory. This is the light of Vantage Quantum. It is a heterogeneous rule for forcibly invading the world of Tianshan Sea. For the purity of the Tianshan Sea world, this is a forced perfusion pollution.


The old lizard guardian who rushed to the sky to lead the world, wants to do something to the metal destroyer, but the golden glow is more and more intense, from pale gold to pure gold, and then converted from pure gold to dark gold. !

Affected by this, the power of the Tianshan Sea World around the old lizard was ruthlessly washed by a bunch of different regular spots, becoming more and more sparse and thinner.

Close, closer, and getting closer!

Ten thousand meters, five kilometers, three kilometers, one kilometer, five hundred meters!


The guardian who is getting closer and closer to the black hole, the power of the world around him is becoming more and more sparse. After the 500-meter range, the last world power cannot be maintained, so the "squeaky" slams into a flame. There is no trace anymore.

Then, after a few fingers opened a lot of cracks that were significantly larger, the metal terminator had already been able to reveal the entire face. A giant metal eye once again turned to the **** warfare sorcerer, such as the feathers of the needle felt, **** battle The sorcerer screams.


call out!

The red light wire, only the thickness of the finger, is insignificant, but ignores the spatial distance, runs through the entire battlefield, and violently passes through the place where the **** warfare sorcerer is located, and disappears into the sky.

At most, the whole process continues with a breath.

After the afterimage, the **** warfare sorcerer "呜" appeared from afar, an arm, a small half of the skull and shoulder bones disappeared, and a reddish flame was burned in the wound.

These red-red flames seem to have some special attributes, and they are tenacious. The summer tide giants of more than 300 meters can't extinguish these red flames and are spreading.

In the panic, the **** warfare sorcerer can't take care of the other two wounds. The first time, all the blood and blood force will flow to the wound in the skull, but the fire will be more turbulent. In the blink of an eye, most of the head will be inundated, and the pain will be severe. Let the **** warfare sorcerer will soon lose his mind.

"I come!"

Tens of thousands of free dandelions gathered together, and a group of blue mist shrouded the past, but they saw these red flames and burned along these blue mists. In a twinkling of an eye, this free dandelion turned into a ball of fire, and the **** battle was holy. The wizard fell from the sky, and the sound of "噗" fell into the green water.

Jinghai is desperate, but the horrible red silk is inconspicuous, and it is dead!

For a time, everyone is at risk.

call out!

Soon, the second beam of red light appeared again, ignoring the space distance, the nearby sacred sorcerer and the world's main body were stiff, but did not find out who hurts~www.novelmtl.com~ Long...

"Ah, leave the space fortress..."

"The power core unit was destroyed..."

"Protect the heart of the fortress!"

Noisy, everyone looked, but it was a 10,000-meter space fortress under the **** battle of the sacred sorcerer. It was cut into two halves by the red thread, and the red flame was burning in the incision. The little wizard is like a bee that is being blown away, fleeing from a space fortress that has been cut into two and is falling.


Suddenly, the space fortress exploded in an alarming manner. In the blink of an eye, everything in the hundreds of thousands of meters was flooded. It turned out that the space fortress in the final gathering stage destroyed the energy of the cannon.

In an instant, tens of thousands of little wizards were buried on the battlefield and were flooded by energy shock waves.

call out!

It was a red ray. The target was a three-legged death crow. The scream of "呱", the three-legged death crow, although trying to avoid it, still did not avoid it, one wing was gone, the red flame was burning, Spread quickly.

"Destroy the wizard, hey, if you don't come out, the king will die."

Although it was said in the mouth, the third death paw of the three-legged crow squirmed, and the sound of "嘭" exploded into the black feathers of the sky, and then gathered again in the distance, and it was a three-legged death crow. The original body burned with a raging flame falling into the sea.

This guy, Jin Hao shelled and escaped this death.

call out!

Another red ray!

The goal of this time is to free the dandelion body. The metal destroyer discovered the free dandelion body hidden in the space crack. If it is contaminated by this red line, the free dandelion can only abandon the body, and the gecko will survive in the form of a split. . (To be continued.) Good book, book friend's house! Unique URL:

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