A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 26 Chapter 1401: Winning?

Time passed and the moon passed.

Even though Green is doing everything he can to stop his own consumption, the self-sealing eruption witchcraft is gradually approaching the limit.

What follows will be the period of weakness.

Without the shock of Green's annihilation of the big wizard's self-explosion, the Tianshan Sea World, which was temporarily out of the world, the metal robotic corps that was parked outside the world was once again ready to attack.

The air is full of pungent smells of animal rot and metal rust. These fluorescent green pollutants have completely infected every piece of land and every ocean in the Tianshan sea world, and the thorough ecological catastrophe, the Tianshan sea world will Already in an endless dormancy, the world’s self-consumption and disintegration will be astonishingly fast.

If the world will not reawaken in the years to come, and the world's energy structure will return to a balanced cycle again, then the world that waits for the Tianshan sea will only be disintegrated.

"It's still a little late, I don't know which real wizard will support me."

Through the hidden connection between the altar and the source of magic, Green has learned that there is a great spiritual wizard who supports from the nearby world. This should be the real spirit that came to explore after dozens of small and medium-sized worlds suddenly lost contact. wizard.

Plus, more importantly!

Through the altar and the source of magic, Greene felt that Millie, Saatchi, Cappuccino had a familiar but not sure will, no doubt, it must be a holy mark wizard, but Green contact is relative Who is less, who is it?

"Hey, take care of him, I am only concerned about Ye Ye, my dear Master Green, wow, are you sure that the last one is not Lulian?"

Xiao Ba kept licking his wings and asked.


Although it is still uncertain who is the vague will to try to communicate, Green can be sure that it is not Lulian.

Some familiar knowledge, if there is no advanced mark, it should have died almost!

At this time, Green is like the official wizard's degeneration after the first hunting expedition. Now Green stands in a higher field of vision and overlooks the wizarding world. The lower wizards who make up the college can be replaced from generation to generation. Even the holy sorcerer is not. Re-host, but as long as the rules are in place, the Santa Rules protect the wizarding tower with the source of magic, and the college war is banned during the Civil War, then everything in the college will not change.

This is the power of the rules.


The two sides returned to the starting point again.

The whole world is under the cover of the huge metal robot army of the space-based starship, but this time, the metal robot army has been more prepared than it once, and began to infiltrate the Tianshan sea world in a large area.

In contrast, as the defensive side of Green, not only the Tianshan sea world will sleep, but less the support of the world rules, only the rules of the world's clothing are blocked, the local tribal army has also collapsed, and even the basic defense construction work is also It was destroyed, and even itself was in a state of wilting after the eruption of self-sealing.

Green is in contrast to the metal destroyer's hand, and Green is already at an absolute disadvantage, with no chance of winning.

"Comprehensive defense!"

Green is situated on the throne of the Tianshan Mountains, and orders the sorcerer who is nervously staring at himself. These sacred marks are not in the bottom of their hearts, and the slightly flustered appearance is already on the face.

Green did not pay attention.

As a decision maker, Green only needs to take responsibility for his failure. He does not need to explain what he wants. It is Green's only goal to win. As long as he wins, everything is right, but if it fails, it itself. This is the biggest mistake.

"Come on, let the wizarding corps here drag on as much as possible, live and bring them back to the wizarding world."

Green muttered to the free dandelion around him.

If there is no dandelion interspersed on the battlefield, it is far more powerful than the hope of Green Hope. I am afraid that the witch corps lost at this time has already surpassed the Green Bottom line. Even if it is brought back to the Wizarding World, it will be difficult to attract great attention and prestige. Influence.

"Do not worry, I will try my best!"

After the free dandelion nodded seriously, it dissipated.

In the end, there were only three death crows left by Green. After experiencing the death of the metal destroyer, the three-legged death crow breathed down a lot, and it took at least a few hundred years to recover.

This crow is also trying his best for Green. At this time, he asked with a slightly tired melancholy tone: "Where the sorcerer is, what is our hope of victory?"

"We have no hope of victory at all. All the clues of war in my hands are far less inferior to this metal destroyer, and even the two are not at all a level."

Green's explanation made the three-legged death crow unbelievable, staring at Green, trembling: "Then my ethnic group..."

"Don't worry, we have no hope of victory, but you have to remember that I am a wizard, a member of the Great Wizarding World. We can't win because I am at an absolute disadvantage at this table. But now... The casino gambling is already in the wizarding world, and soon there will be other gambling tables to participate in. All we have to do is wait."

The all-out war in the Tianshan Sea world broke out again.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom……

This is a ruined world ~www.novelmtl.com~ a devastated world, after the occupation has no meaning to pollute the world, the struggle between the two sides is no longer the world itself.

What Green wants is the glory of the right to return to the wizarding world, and the metal destroyers are eager for the artifacts of Green.

Yep! ?

Above the throne, what Green found, the three-colored light suddenly stared at the past.

Through the face of truth, Green discovers something that other creatures have never seen. It is a beam of unknown attributes. This is a special clue marked in the eyes of the world. Although Green can't determine the true effect of this beam, it has a little bit. To be sure, it comes from a very, very distant place outside the world, and it is the relative coordinates of the follower Tianshanhai world in the void, locking the world!

"Star Railgun!?"

Green's body was stiff, and he stood up a little from the throne, showing his inner peace.

Almost at the same time, the high-altitude wizarding army completely resisted the metal robotic regiment. On the world's clothing, it once again slowly emerged a tens of thousands of meters of huge face made up of fire clouds, overlooking everything on the battlefield.

"Destroy the wizard, what should you do this time? What will stop me from coming?"

The last omnipotent soul, Green's last guarantee, but Green is still not sure whether it is used to escape or fight hard, so just look at the metal destroyer, the metal destroyer who wants to slowly break the crack of the world clothing.

"Come on, Ikesimo, I am here waiting for you, hehe!"

Through the world's clothing, it can be clearly seen that the previous small eight runs through the big curse, so that Ekismo can not be separated from the space-based starship until it is torn off. (To be continued.) Good book, book friend's house! Unique URL:

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