A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 26 Chapter 1381: Dominant vision

"This is... the height of the field of vision that dominates the life."

Whether it is the free dandelion sacred sorcerer, the crystallization of the sorcerer, or the large and small virtual motherships, these are only the Greens during the sacred sorcerer's sorcerer's time. All the targets in the eyes of the people are just a battle victory, as interspersed. A clue on the battlefield.

At this time, the free dandelion is responsible for ensuring that the Green Bone Corps and the source of the annihilation are separated, the three-legged death crow is responsible for the local battle, the evil language sacred sorcerer, the sorcerer's charm, the sorcerer's sorcerer, the large and small scattered wizard army, the virtual mothership corps Be responsible for……

However, in the vision of Green in the battlefield, everything in front of him changed.

Yourself is the battlefield!

All the battles are carried out around themselves, trying to influence themselves through the big and small battle endings!

The Amethyst Terminator is sealed with an amber ring. This is nothing more than the harassment of the annihilation of the Star Wars during the annihilation of the Star Wars, but it is a big book for the celestial Terminator. Finally, dedicate myself to the evolution of new humans...

In the battle of Green's eyes, at this time, there is no confrontation between the same level of life, and everything on the battlefield is just a clue. Finally, these clues are used to influence the ending.

There are still 378 leftovers in the Void Mothership, and the annihilation of the Stars and Wizards, which is blessed by the dark sorcerer altar, is rapidly destroying this legion.

Two crystallizers, three black terminators, and other black terminators should be hidden in ordinary metal robots.

However, due to the fact that Green's visual field level is already too high, under the overlook, millions of metal robots are star-shaped, they can't harm Green's real body, and Green can hardly find the black Terminator figure with low-level life vision. Unless these black terminators actively ran to the Greenfield focal length concentration.

If more than 200,000 devastating corps are regrouped, if they can limit these virtual aircraft carriers to less than one hundred, they should be able to clean up the lower robots with the source of annihilation.

There are still three sources of annihilation. These physical strengths will never be exhausted. They need to carry out a new round of magical supplements. After they have finished their operations, they will not have more magical power to disperse the three avatars. Supplementary summoning can only barely maintain the three sources of annihilation.

The sorcerer's sorcerer's combat ability is not strong, and it is equivalent to the level of power of self-sealing during the peak period of his four-level sacred sorcerer.

Free dandelion belongs to the auxiliary sorcerer, and the destruction of more than 200,000 sects is far from the full power of her six-level sacred sorcerer, and her assistance is relative to the Green's ontology and even the power level of the source of annihilation. It seems that it is a bit dispensable, it doesn't matter, it is very embarrassing.

Following the Green Will, the sorcerer's sorcerer's sorcerer's sorcerer's sorcerer is only one of the world's sorcerers.

If it can be used effectively, it should also be considered a force.

What makes Green pay more attention is some changes within the world.

In Green's perception, although the will of the Tianshan sea world is not strong, it is only relative to the ruleless body and the rules of the world. If a master tries to force it, it will trigger the world's will to die. In the soul world and the seven-ring true spirit wizards and metal destroyers in the world of the world of fire, they can completely look like the king of the Inferno, the Purgatory giant in the world of the soul, and use the power of the world and the true spirit in the world. Dominating the confrontation and the true spirit domineing.

Compared to the once-infernal giant Wang Ai Ba Dang, Green at this time is undoubtedly stronger, strong enough to rely on the power of the world to compete with a master indefinitely!

Outside the world, several of the crystallizers who were at the edge of the rules of the world, Green, confirmed their identity at a glance.

It was the guard of the metal destroyer. During the war of the great world civilization, the president of the Optimus Prime Society holding the metal fire, gathered a large number of crystallizers.

Otherwise, in the normal period, the sequel to the end of the squadron is the leader of the leading army, and it is very rare to gather as many of the finalists.

"Metal Destroyer, Space-based Starship!"

Suddenly, Green thought of the key. The nearby void would inevitably wander around a metal destroyer and have already focused on the world. This is its advance army!

In this way, the guardian who represents the will of the world has become an extremely important force that Green can fight for!

In addition to these bright clues, there may still be some neutral forces in the Tianshan sea world. They all need Green to make their own choices and influence the battle. These clues are the real spirit, the battle in the eyes of the master, and the power of the rules.


Suddenly, Green pained to slap his neck with his left hand and was shunned by another pink figure.

The small and flexible figure appeared again in front of him, gathered in the air, and did not know how to live and die. It seemed that the will of revenge occupied all the minds, regardless of the crisis, and wanted to be like the former crystallizer who was sealed by Green in the amber ring. Causes the so-called essential damage to Green.

"Three feet!"

Green roared and summoned the three-legged death crow.

If it is a whole-hearted response, this crystallizer terminator is naturally worth mentioning, but at this time Green needs to maintain most of the power of the mind to destroy the Star Wars, and only use some energy without destroying the stable structure of witchcraft. And the left hand drives away these annoying flies.


The black flame was blasted by a hundred meters of golden light, and the human ancestors inside were exposed. Even the spurs, bones and black scales on the ancestral body were destroyed and some blood flowed out.

For the crystallizer terminator, this is considered to hurt the sorcerer's blame!

But for Green, it was just being stung by the bees.

"Destroy the wizard?"

The three-legged death crow flew in the air, and it was rare to see Green's tone suppressed.

“哼~www.novelmtl.com~ entangled it and created opportunities for me.”


In the safe zone, the little gossip **** the straw and tastes the juice. The three-tailed little fox is very nervous.

"There is another terrible monster attacking the Green Wizard!"

The little fox screamed with a horror, but Xiao Ba dismissed: "What a terrible monster? Mom, there is only one monster here, that is the Green Beast! I didn't see these virtual aircraft carriers, metal robots are besieging it. Hey, that is, the Green Beast, if other great sorcerers, even if they come to a team, as long as they can be threatened by these virtual aircraft master guns, here is a dead end."

"Yeah! Catch it, grab it, what is it, cover the sky?"

Under the lining of the three-legged death crow, I saw a covert sky and a large net to cover the crystallizer terminator, letting the pink figure inside struggle how to be strangled, and the giant was pinched in the hand, and then there was no interest.

The injury on the giant face was also healing quickly, and soon a new black flame was overlaid. (To be continued.)

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