A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 26 Chapter 1380: Grab the light brain ID account?

A few inconspicuous dandelions fluttered in the wind.

"Your Destruction Corps is very tenacious. Apart from this, there are still about 220,000 left in other battlefields. It is really amazing. I am afraid it is more than the most elite slave army that has been kept for a long time by some real wizards. It is hard to imagine the Holy Mark Wizard. Launch this scale of summoning witchcraft."

The giant standing on the altar, staring at a few figures in the distance, just said: "I don't know how to assist the wizard. As a surgeon, I don't even know the exact number of the Destruction Corps. Oh, so, as soon as possible, The little guys are coming together."


This large-scale Netherfighting Fleet, faced with the annihilation of the Green Destruction of the Great Witchcraft, has two options.

One avoids the edge, flies away from the scope of the annihilation of the great wizards of the stars, and the other is to face the difficulties. At this time, the operators outside the attacking range of the fleet will fully attack and interrupt the witchcraft.

And this fleet chose the latter!

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang...

High-altitude swept tens of thousands of elements of the vortex, one star after another to break the vortex from the sky, some weak vortex element witchcraft will cause the virtual mothership AT force field cover large waves, and if it is hit by the original sin stone The AT force field cover can't bear it at all, it will break the sound, and the battleship will be broken.

call out!

The pink grit crystallizes and accumulates, the energy of the right index finger gathers, emitting a glareous spot. A black gas around the cheekbone monster on the upper right finds the sudden appearance of the crystallizer terminator, and a snake head is drilled in the chest and cheekbones. The crystallizer terminator is a black gas.


With the left hand sliding, the crystallizer terminator is the peak art of the second generation of war weapons of the metal destroyer civilization. The ripples of power that are only triggered easily shred the skeleton monster, and the debris is scattered.

Subsequently, the end of the forefinger of the right hand of the twins, the golden energy column of more than ten meters broke out.

However, this ten-meter-high golden light column is like a ruined land for low-level creatures, but for this 10,000-meter tiantian giant that wants to attack, even the elements of the real body can not be caused, and the black flames will surge and quickly Was drowned.

"No, this guy's defense is so strong that even the outer energy protection layer can't be broken. Only a close attack can cause real damage to it."

As a matter of saying, the Twilight Terminator relatively easily avoided the grasp of the black flame giant who covered the sky, and gathered again after the sandification, and then the pink figure disappeared regardless of the face of the giant.

Although the sorcerer's ability is strange and different, but the vast majority of the sorcerer's soul and spiritual core are in the head.

"You are crazy! This is the hunter list elite who leads the wizard. The first command we receive is to wait for the hunting team. The second is to interrupt its continuous skills. It is our first task to ensure our safety. Don't need to mention more of it?"

Near the Twilight Terminator, another black Terminator warned the roar.

However, the warning of the Black Terminator ushered in the disdainful sneer of the Twilight Terminator.

"You are so timid, you will not give up after no return to zero, never want to promote the 1,500-level metal destroyer, establish a guild, become the president, lead the path of new human evolution. Remember This is the difference between me and you!"

Because it is more powerful, because it stands at the higher peak, because the high-ranking person overlooks, everything is right.

The crystallizer's terminator slammed out a string of afterimages and rushed toward the target.


The black terminator cannot refute for a time.

The crystallizer's terminator is extremely fast. Even if the black flame giant is just standing, concentrate all the magic powers on the sky, and it will always emit terrible power in all directions. After the crystallizer finisher breaks through the layers of black fire waves, it comes to Black flame giant head.

The huge gray-white head of the kilometer, each eye is also hundreds of meters long, and with the flames of the head of the soul and the magic pole of the magic wand, look at the sky, and when the crystallizer terminates, Zhangkou is about to explode. At the time of the shock, the giant, one eye turned and looked at it.

So awkward, so strange, so that the finalist of the crystal is stared at by the eyes, it has a feeling of creeps!

This crystal-terminated terminator, Skynet, has a fierce spurt, and with his powerful control of willpower, he has stopped his mouth from being ruined, and his body has turned away. He quickly left the original location and only heard the sound of "嗡". It seems that there is something passing by, the bursting of the sound wave airflow makes the surface of the crystallized end of the faint skin faint, and the crystal energy flow is continuously lost.


Realizing that I am being watched by this giant, in the eyes of a needle, every crystal is alerting, then it is fully realized that this monster is really terrible!

The crystallizer Terminator once again looked up at the sky, although it was still a black flame giant, but compared with the previous seemingly random fan, it was not easy to avoid it. The speed, strength, time and space locking force was not a level, and I pressed it again. come.

All kinds of terrible about "return to zero" have been left in my heart.

"啵", the giant's tongue retracted in the mouth, and the crystallizer terminator realized that the attack of the other party turned out to be the tongue. Once it was swept away, I would probably swallow it in the first place.

As for the consequences of being swallowed into the abdomen, there will be a dead end.

"Hey, other little guys are attacking outside the altar, but you are impatient and dare to attack."


An earth-shattering energy shock wave, about a hundred meters in diameter, the golden light of the light hits the giant face, and then the pink figure flashes into the sky, trying to break away from the giant attack on the altar.

"Hmm... Hey!"

Even though Green, the face suffered such a blow, can not help but suffocate, followed by a lifetime of roaring.

The deserted crystallizer terminator was forced to resume crystallization after being washed by a layer of shock waves. The instinct of the crisis caused him to suddenly have one more thing. In the Skynet, it was a high-quality scroll.

The sound of "噗", the skill scroll was broken, and the crystallizer terminator formed a kind of space bounce force in all directions, avoiding the cover of the sky-covered giant hand, but still heard the sound of the sky net.

caveat! caveat! There is a physical, energy, and space-based blockade, and the time-light arc is in an unstable state. Please check the cause immediately. The energy is still 67%, 66%, and 6%.

"what happened!?"

The crystallizer terminator is struggling in the left and right sides of the stuck glue. The viscous things around the yellow space are getting stronger and stronger, just like being locked by time and space, and in the uncontrolled, they are like birds in the cage. Child, close to the giant, can even read the curiosity and joy in the eyes of the giant.

"It wants to capture and seal itself, plundering your own light brain ID account!?"

The Dark Wizard copy has been playing for so many years~www.novelmtl.com~ The Crystal Finalist certainly knows that those really powerful wizards have an extremely terrible skill, that is, plundering the ID account!

They will use the unknown method to cut off the connection between Skynet and the Crystal Terminator, and then use the experience currency in this account to convert into certain abilities, providing a fast-growing environment for the lower wizards.

"The crystallizer terminator caught one."

Standing on the altar, the crystallizer terminator has been completely sealed in the amber ring of Green's hand, just like the six-level peak beauty society that was once given by the world tree!

Nowadays, these world tree resins have been made into witchcraft by Green, and in the second esophagus, the blood of the ancient giant scorpion has been bred for several eras. The power is no less than the world tree amber seal itself, and it belongs to the top class witch of the sacred sorcerer. The device is a powerful power.


The battle is still going on. It seems to be just an episode. This episode is already all the battle for the Twilight Terminator, but it is another scene in the senses of Green's vast battlefield... (to be continued). )

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