A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 26 Chapter 1382: Above the throne

Called by Greene, the black flames of the Legion of Destruction, gathered around Green, are getting more and more monsters.

Between these sacred monsters, a fabulous free dandelion flies, attached to some of the monsters wounded, and occasionally appeared to resist some metal robotic army attacks.


After a skeleton monster is close to the body, the bone wing behind it is like the most slit blade. The liquid metal terminator is cut into two pieces together with the energy gun in the hand.

This skeleton monster, which has been supported from other battlefields, obviously has considerable combat experience. It is clear that the liquid metal terminator can't kill the characteristics at one time, and this mind is relatively simple, and the skeleton monster that destroys destruction as a survival purpose is just like metal. The Terminator waited around and destroyed it again and again.

Hey, hey, the liquid metal robot turned into a silver-white liquid. This time, he gave up the first head, but he first made an energy gun.


A free dandelion is made, and a beam of light is refracted, and it is ignited by itself, and it disappears silently.


Suddenly, the rushing alarm sounds, and the squatting monsters look at the body of the nails in their chests. They haven’t had enough time to reflect them.

Thousands of such small-scale battles have made the Green Wanmi Giants surrounded by the sky.

With the support of the extreme abyss magic wand and the magic of the Green, the high-altitude flying star squadron went on and on, and the squadron rushed to the dark sorcerer altar. Now, the fleet finally slammed into its own attack range and can launch it. Green of witchcraft counterattacked.

call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out……

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom……

Holding an extreme abyss magic wand and supporting the annihilation of the starry witchcraft with a dark alchemist altar, every time you fight for a little witchcraft duration, it will cause huge losses to this unprecedented size of the virtual aircraft carrier. The ring forms a mirror defense, and the mirror is attacked, swaying again and again.

"Well! Um..."

The explosion was getting denser and denser. Seeing that Green could not support it, the defensive mirror formed by the amber ring also had some deformations. The right hand held the extreme abyss magic wand tip, the magic light column was intermittent, and the feet were on the altar. Some stand unstable.

"There are more than one hundred and seventy left, and the magic is not enough."

The tumbling sea water seems to be boiling, and the black flame bones around Green's body are falling. The whirlpool of the mile of the sky magic light column is no longer desperately depressed, sparse and sparse. It seems to be dissipating at any time, the sky is falling. Stars are also relatively sparse.

"Ha ha ha, the body is coming! I am coming over at such a crucial time. Is your heart full of warmth? Don't be embarrassed, just say it, even if you praise me, let me be proud, hahahaha!"

At the crucial time, it turned out to be a large amount of free dandelion attached, and the source of scars and annihilation rushed over, and behind it tens of thousands of destroying corps, it seems that it has just solved a difficult battle.

"Oh, it’s just right."

Although Green's tone is tough, the corner of his mouth reveals a light smile.

Under a large number of artillery bombardments, Green's elements are undulating, and the magic has some scarcity. There are some hidden attacks that have penetrated the elemental body and landed on the Green Real.

call out! call out! call out!

The crystallizer terminator and black terminator, who have been around the green as if they were flies, turned their targets to the source of annihilation. Now their harassment is no longer meaningful compared to the huge fleet to interrupt the Green Stars.


"This... this is, the ancestors of the people!! In the next star of the holy **** battle, dare to ask the masters!"

Far away, attracted by the volatility of the world's mighty magic, a sacred sorcerer led more than 100,000 wizarding squads to come over, and then see the ancestors of Green's annihilation source, behind the scenes, but when Once again, he saw the fierce figure on the altar of the Dark Wizard, holding the hand of the Frost Warhammer, and he could not help but tremble. The double pupils shrank into needle tips.

Green's three-color gaze gaze at the past.

"Oh, I am the second ring of the Holy Tower, and this world belongs to the wizard's will!"


Aikesimo Hunting Group.

The president of the Ekisimo Association has a total of eleven deciduous Terminator guards. This time, he has invested more than half of it. It is conceivable that this trade union attaches importance to the Tianshan sea world, or that it attaches importance to this mission. There are too many mistakes.

"There has been no information for a long time. What happened, the skynet nodes inside the world are blocked by some kind of power."

"It should be a kind of energy tower of the wizard to emit magnetic waves. Those Skynet locusts have realized the crisis of the big limit and tried to reverse the battle. Unfortunately, they are only the locusts of Skynet, and they cannot exert the strongest power of Skynet."

"Pay attention to your words, you have violated the spirit of Vantage."

"Our mission is to destroy all the rebellious forces in the world's internal Skynet. The last time we discovered the amazing energy ripples, hopefully only caused by some natural phenomena in this world."

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The seven crystallizers of the Terminator came from outside the field, and with the direct task of destroying the mission from Skynet, it was the will of destruction. They were the external deterrent of the Ajismo trade union, the spear of destruction, and the power of the world. Enter the world, quickly break through the chaos and clouds,

In the next moment, we must destroy the existence of all the courage to resist the occupation of the metal destroyers!

Ok! ?

The seven crystallizer terminators stand in the air, the head is rapidly turning, and the frequency of the crisis alarm signal is scary.

"Warning! Warning! Found that the sorcerer is leading the elite!"

"Warning! Warning! Discover the free dandelion elite!"

"Warning! Warning! Found three-legged death crow elite!"

"Warning! Warning! Discover the great Moser elite!"

"Warning! Warning! Discover the Nile crocodile elite!"

"Warning! Warning! Find the evil sorcerer elite!"

"Warning! Warning! Find the **** warlord elite!"

"Warning! Warning! Find the pity of the charm of the wizard wizard elite!"

"Warning! Warning! Found..."

The top of the Tianshan Mountain~www.novelmtl.com~Green is simple and unrequited, and the figure is lazy, even if the absolute control of power does not have a slight breath, the rule of the second esophagus runs through the gates of several epochs of the illusion of the deepest king, Also let the silence in all directions.


The tri-color light scorned toward the sudden fall of the crystallizer to the end.

Standing on the shoulders of the little eight, surrounded by a three-tailed fox, three sources of annihilation, nine sacred sorcerers, seven wizards of the world, the hundreds of thousands of wizarding corps, the devastating army gathered, Green Pale, slender, delicate fingers grasp the extreme abyss wand, and lightly point to the seven crystallizers who are in extreme crisis.

"Get it all!"


Green's words are the wizard's will, which is the power of power.

The next moment, the source of annihilation, the sacred sorcerer, and the world's lords led the army of the heavens and the earth, rushed toward the seven crystallizers, and quickly drowned them. (To be continued.)

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