A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 26 Chapter 1379: Continuous skills?

"The number of original sin stones has been unable to keep up with the magical powers of witchcraft. Although some witchcraft powers have been supplemented by the vortex structure element witchcraft, they are not as good as the stone of the original sin, and it seems that the world is in the world. It must be done."

Standing on the dark altar of the dark, the real body of the human body supports the real body of the soul of the soul of the soul, under the majesty, the heart has flowed through such thoughts.

The extreme abyss magic wand tip, the mighty majestic magic light column straight into the sky, stirring up a group of elemental vortex, the back element is really nine hundred and ninety-nine Yan soul bird head one after another, will be a piece of original sin stone, The ice-fire witchcraft with twenty-fold elemental structure blessing is sprayed into the sky, and then it is a feast of ruining the end of the world!

With the dark sorcerer altar to bless the true life of the Greens, the most powerful power wars to destroy the elemental witchcraft, the world disaster!

The high-altitude vortex clouds exude a heart-rending repression, and then the devastating corps that are not afraid of the death shocks look up to the sky, what seems to be felt in their life instinct, after a brief silence, they snarl and scream from the bottom of their hearts. Hysterical shouting at the place.

call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out……

Among the majestic whirlpools, a little slamming slowly, followed by a slamming wave with a long tail flame falling from the sky, breaking the stable vortex structure, pointing to the huge fleet of this gathering.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

The crystallizer's terminator turned his head stiffly, and the eyes of the twins stared at the sudden emergence of the monsters that destroyed the witchcraft.

"Notice, the Achilles Morgan Trade Union Hunting Group will come after the 75 million quantum time. Please be sure to delay the time, save the Legion Force, and complete the mission of destroying and destroying the Wizarding Elite."

"Warning! Warning! Destroy the wizard to lead the elite to launch a wide range of continuous skills. The attack fluctuates between 100,000 and 1.5 million degrees. The duration is unknown. It is expected to cause damage to the fleet within 7,500 quantum hours. It will be destroyed by 7.5 percent, and will continue to increase by 1% per 3,000 quantum hours. Please interrupt the continuous skills of swearing witches as soon as possible."

"Warning: FDHIJV29389342 virtual airship crashed, DJKSDF3943028 virtual airship crashed, DJASJD29322833 virtual airship crashed..."

Destroy the Legion.

With a grand wave of will, these sacred monsters that exude a second-order esophage breathe seem to have received orders, and they have given up and fight with those cold, mechanical, and emotional-free robotic corps, and then return to the giants to gather around.

One of the monsters wearing a tattered cloak seems to be the most powerful. It is actually sucking the darkness that overflows from the giants, allowing him to have a level beyond the peak of the three poles and reach another height.

"嘎嘣", "嘎嘣", "嘎嘣", the monster chews a metal robot head, steel metal for it, like meat fat, no specific.

"My Lord, what instructions do you have?"

The cloak monster squats in the air, sag the eye sockets, the rotten eyeballs are excited to stare at the giant black flames and become more and more powerful, and the vortex is making this huge army fall into the edge of destruction.

Destruction and killing are the instinct to destroy every monster of the legion, and the meaning of their existence.

"嗡", a hundred-meter-wide width of the soul of the bird stretched over, the apricot yellow mullion double eyes directly look at this three-meter height monster, with the evil spirit, cruel, low voice: "To find the world Guardian, I can feel its existence, it is approaching here. Remember, be ceremonial, and invite me to come here with my sincere greetings."

World Guardian?

The sly monster under the cloak slowly lowered his head, and a rotten eyeball "snap" slammed down and quickly bounced up. There was still a bloodline thread connected, but a pair of skins could fall off at any time.


The monster "噗", the action is agile and rushing out of the monster group that gradually closes in all directions, disappearing into the sky.

Snoring, snoring, snoring, snoring...

Another monster fell, this giant winged bat with a length of ten meters, the two claws put a stunned wizard carefully, and used it to rub the general harsh sound of the wood, hoarsely: "Master, this is me. A distinguished wizard found on the battlefield, but it has fallen into a deep coma. I don't know why, those metal robots did not kill him, but wanted to seal the statue of this distinguished wizard."

Saying, a grayish white air, this monster will lift the stun wizard, close to the soul of the birds.


The soul of the bird is gradually approaching this monster. Suddenly, the giants who are full of arrogance and arrogance from time to time, one eyelids gaze down and sneer.

"Oh, the fifth one."

Through the face of truth, Green discovered that the wizard was a black Terminator. After the disguise of the black Terminator, the head of the flaming soul bird opened fiercely, lightning fast, and there was no chance of reaction, together with the shin bone that returned the black terminator. The bat monster swallowed together!

Surrounded by tens of thousands of skeleton bone monsters, standing on the altar of the Dark Wizards, Green is destroying the stars and witchcraft. It is impossible to distinguish too much. Only after withdrawing the "Book of Truth" with the left hand, the amber ring will be summoned again.


An earth-shattering explosion, swallowing the black Terminator’s flaming soul, the head of the bird burst into flames, and the whole bird’s head disappeared in an instant. However, for the 10,000-headed bird with the speeding regeneration talent, this trauma is not worth mentioning. ~www.novelmtl.com~咻! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out……

A few far more than the general metal robot's corrective fitness attack, the three-legged death crow actually chased after the panic, apparently these elites got the Skynet instructions, completely abandoned the entanglement with the three-legged death crow, want to stop Green's witch Surgery.

"This monster! It is more dangerous than the original one on the Skynet Hunting List!"

"According to Skynet information, it has been 3,500 years since it last appeared. It has never appeared in the past. It should be secretly cultivated in the wizarding world. This time suddenly appeared here, it is probably our raid. Let the wizard be caught off guard, and he has to send it to emergency support to explore the situation in the world. If he can stay in the world forever, the contribution is enough to compare the half-real witches!"

"DJMYK997447 Black Terminator sneak attack plan failed. Hey, but it is also reasonable, such a powerful monster, unless you find the core area for blasting attacks, it is difficult to achieve results. According to Skynet information, this monster has Unimaginable regenerative resilience, we can only destroy the skills to interrupt it under the premise of ensuring its own safety, and then delay as much as possible, waiting for the slaughter of the hunting team." (To be continued.)

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