A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 26 Chapter 1378: call

Absolute control of power!

Then, the sorcerer's charm and the surrounding metal robots all returned to normal.

Just like walking through life and death, the sorcerer of the sorcerer's sorcerer's sorcerer's sorcerer, although knowing that this powerful sorcerer can't harm himself, it is really uncomfortable for this fate to be in the powerlessness of others.

The war of civilization has been going on for so long, but I have never heard of such a powerful sacred sorcerer's record. Such a horrible power can affect the local battlefield situation of the civilized war, but it has been "snow" by the wizarding world. It is the deepest hidden secret among the wizards of the Wizarding World!

Is it... the tenth ring of the future! ?


The giant who just turned off the black Terminator was suspicious.

"Young Master, Green Beast, fast, fast, here!"

I have just destroyed nearly 100 virtual airships and rescued the sorcerer of the sacred charm. The voice of the little eight is heard in the soul. The giant "hmm" snorted and ignored. With hundreds of thousands of low-level robots in all directions, cleaning up these little things is by no means a high-level wizarding task like Green.

The replies rippled and smashed thousands of black spots in a short period of time. A wave of hundreds of meters of waves rushed out, and Green’s sorrowful charms in front of him said: “There seems to be some trouble. Solve, you are trying to get together the lost wizarding corps here, compared to what will happen in the world after that, but now it’s just a small fight.”

After Green finished, he no longer cares about the sacred mark wizard. The black flame figure of Wanmi is so "squeaky" and suddenly disappears!

It’s so awkward, and even the sorcerer of the sorcerer’s charm can’t help but create some illusions, some self-questioning!

Just happened, is it true?

call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out……

After the disappearance of the Green Man’s ancestors, the black clouds and the free light in the sky disappeared, the sea wrath was returning to calm, and the sorcerer’s sorcerer’s sorcerer’s sorcerer’s sorcerer’s sorcerer’s sorcerer’s sorcerer’s sorrow This sudden figure came.

Green Real can ignore these low-level robots, but the sorcerer's charm is not possible!


After taking a deep breath, the sorcerer's sorcerer's sorcerer's sorcerer took the mission of the sorcerer's corps, and quickly left the open sea.


"Oh, the raging sky is also trembling, and the rolling ocean is also awkward. Listen to the call of the great Eight Rainbow Nevis, the passage through time and space, the strongest summoning beast, the Green Beast!"

In the space-time passage, Green heard the call of a small gossip.


In the air, the 10,000-meter giant suddenly appeared in the rough seas, and the little eight snarled: "Striking, Green Beast! Destroy the strongest army gathered in front of the metal destroyer civilization, this world is ours!"

The three-color light smashed the small eight one, and Green's hand flashed amber ring, forming a defensive mirror, refracting several particle beam guns, and an unknown explosive "bang", making an earth-shattering explosion, more than 100,000. Degree may be a very powerful attack for others, but for the Amber Ring of the Green Man's ancestors and the ancient scorpion's blood smelting several eras, it is not.

Looking at it again, Green couldn't help but scorn.

"Well? Hey, here is a fleet of such a large scale."

Green knows why Xiao Ba is summoned, and there are hundreds of virtual motherships. The liquid metal terminator, the black terminator, and the crystallizer terminator hidden in it do not know how much to hide. At this time, there is only one piece of scattered. The Destruction Corps responded that only a thousand bone demons have been wiped out and may be destroyed at any time.

I don't know why, the three-legged death crow actually chose here, free dandelion and small eight follow, and helpless little eight summoned Green.

A second-level wizard flew over and faced the horrible pressure from the Green. It was the deepest trembling from the bottom of my heart. For the higher respect of the powerful wizards who stood in the peak of knowledge, they stared at the black flame of more than 10,000 meters. The elemental giant is a real body, and the head of a scorpion scorpion fish swims in the sky, forcing the body to raise its irresistible admiration, and expecting that one day it will become so.

"I have seen the Great Tower of the Oblivion."

The second-level wizard respectfully bowed, Green looked at Xiao Ba, and the other side gathered free dandelions. The white silk was flowing and laughed and said: "It is my arrangement."

The little sorcerer looked at the appearance of the free dandelion and looked at it. After being encouraged and affirmed, he once again faced the real elements of Green’s elements, and swallowed his mouth and water. “This is the Metal Destroyer’s Legion of the Tianshan Sea World. The most primitive invading army is the most powerful force that the metal destroyer civilization has gathered in this world. Please ask the annihilating tower to mark the great sorcerer and give the most severe punishment to these squadrons who have caused numerous killings to the wizard!"

Silent, quiet in the sky for a short time.

After a while, Green whispered: "Your request will be executed by the most severe execution of the wizard, destroying, and the enemy of these wizards will eventually end!"

Green said, the right hand is holding a far-reaching magic wand. After the left hand is opened, the space is fluctuating. The "Book of Truth" appears silently. With the surge of Green's magic, "The Book of Truth" "哗哗啦啦" quickly flips. The smell of sweat and the unforgettable atmosphere, a crack slowly cracked.

Then, a quaint, cruel, dark 10,000-meter altar slowly squeezed out of the crack and landed in front of Green.

"The dark sorcerer altar, hehe."

Green stepped into the altar step by step, and suddenly, a virtual mothership did not care about the heavy equipment collision. The huge hull of more than 2,000 meters was placed on the AT force field cover. The main gun gathered the most powerful energy of the ability to comply. Skynet ordered to go to death and desperately collide.

Looking for a dead end!

Disdain 哼~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The black space crack, the extremely far-reaching magic wand of 10,000 meters slammed on the battleship ship, the AT force field cover shattered, and a layer of frost spread on the metal shell, followed by the extremely far-reaching magic wand to the unimpeded force and space crack The impulse hits.


The virtual mothership twisted into a ball and disappeared into the sky.

Green seems to have just done what he wants, and he has a look at the world’s few crystallizers who are about to come, a grumpy smile, and a three-legged death crow that is fighting with the end of the crystal: "Come back, hand it over to me."

"Destroy the wizard!"

The three-legged death Wu has just returned to Green's side, and feels that standing on the altar of the Dark Wizards, Green is in a state of arrogance and glory.

"Three feet, now I will tell you why the elemental wizard can stand on the top of the wizarding world. Hey, destroy, destroy the great witchcraft!" (To be continued.)

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