A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 26 Chapter 1372: Ancient wizard?

The door of the altar of time and space flashed, and after a slight twist, a small head emerged from the door of time and space.

"Wow! Good pure aura, I don't know how many times stronger than my next!"

The little fox looked nervously, and the color of excitement revealed. Immediately after the pressure came from underneath, the "squeaky" sound was squeezed out by powerful pressure, followed by thousands of free dandelion petals. Death crow.

"Hey, annihilate the wizard! Little, how are you?"

The three-legged death crow fell on the giant head of the outstretched body, and the sturdy life body sent from it, so that every cell of the three-legged death crow was excited. Once it was an enemy, it only felt as a bottomless abyss, but At this time, as a friend of my own, there is a sense of security and pride that cannot be said!

As long as this horrible wizard comes to the world, what the legions have counted! ?

"This respected annihilation wizard, what time is it from ancient times?"

On the other side, the sorcerer's sorcerer and the sorcerer whispered, and the cold air in the mouth continued. The horrible body appeared in the altar, except for the true spirit of the realm of the battlefield, it was unheard of.

But this kind of real body does not have the mighty and powerful force of the rule. As a result, the wizard who has exposed the ancient atmosphere above and below, need not say much, must be the second battle of civilization after the defeat of the ancient wizarding world. A powerful and horrible ancient wizard in exile in the endless world!

If this is the case, this horrible ancient wizard has escaped from the deep claws, freed the various world communities, and found the world of wizards all the way!

The power is terrible and can be imagined.

From its body like a mighty torrent of magic, surging and majestic, the tyranny of the real body, far beyond the ultimate meaning of the general saint mark wizard, the wizarding world can join a powerful and horrible stigma witch in the battle of civilization...

The waves of the waves of the waves seem to be centered on the altar, and the twelfth-level hurricane is blown up, and the sorcerer's robes are smashed.

The sorcerer's sorcerer, with awe and admiration, excites and glares at the annihilation wizard who has just emerged from the mouth of the altar with an incredibly large real head.

"Which period was it in ancient times? Hey, the sorcerer's sorcerer, the three feet did not tell you my identity? I haven't seen it for thousands of years. When you summoned the three-legged period in the Radiant World, it was only a fourth-level mark. It’s still promoted to level 5, it’s not bad.”

Bang, boom, boom, boom...

The black flame giant in the door of the altar of time and space, constantly violently struggling, even let this temporary construction of the simple altar is also collapsed, but the giant does not care, with a savage force has actually struggled out half a shoulder, The black flame is mixed with the hopeful ice, covering the altar with layers.

It seems that it won't take much time, and the giant will forcibly come to the world!

Without the rule of the rule, but with the power of the dominating level, this is a master who walks inside the world. In such a medium-sized world, it will be an invincible presence!

The dandelion gathers in the sky. Although it is an auxiliary six-level sacred sorcerer who is not good at fighting, it is precisely because of this that the ability to communicate, control, and transform elemental energy is more than that of other holy sorcerers. In this world, the power of all-round elements is like a whale absorbing water, forming a circle of waves.

"Good fresh and pure rule power, but unfortunately it was polluted by war, otherwise it is to cultivate the precious world of Asian experimental materials. Wizard world... I am back."

The sound of "噗", the free dandelion turned out to be broken again.

The sorcerer's sorcerer's sorcerer was separated from the state of admiration and fearlessness, and it was unbelievable to look at the horrible real body that had already surrendered his head more than a kilometer.

"The Tower of the Oblivion St. Mark Wizard! How can you? You are not..."


At this moment, a metal robotic corps came in the distance. Two crystallizers ended up with an exaggerated number of amazing regiments. Noisy alarms rang one after another. The war was overwhelming, and the source of the annihilation of a guardian altar was also fallen. Now!

“A medium-sized world in the district, why are there so many legions gathered?”

Green's soul and soul of the 10,000-headed bird combines with the real body of the ancestors. After trying to stretch out a small shoulder from the altar again, suddenly, the whole sky seems to collapse, and the flaming fireballs are in a string. This is the flame rule born from the pure water and snow rules, the world's self-protection will.

It’s awkward! It’s awkward! It’s awkward! It’s awkward...

After the arc of the blue water was shot down, after hitting the black flame burning in the body of Green, it was actually "squeaky" and splashed out a large piece of pure water, even the dark flame covered by the altar, the golden hope of ice, After being hit, it was also splashed into pure water.


Green, who is struggling to come to this world, a 100-meter spur on the shoulder blade was hit by a mine arc, and signs of material hydration also occurred.

Green was dull and screaming, and the three-legged death crow and the evil-speaking sorcerer hurried away from the scope of the world's will, and the free dandelion shrouded over and protected the green body.

"The master does not know, this world is an important node for the wizarding alliance to supply water to the base of the awkward world. Therefore, it is very much valued by the Wizarding League. There are a large number of wizarding corps, and it has become an important goal of the metal destroyer civilization, but there is no I thought it was the whole union that was dispatched..."

“Amazing world? Union?”

In the past four worlds of civilization, there is no such a big world. The Wizarding League has never heard of this world. It is probably the world of metal destroyers, that is, the wizarding alliance is in the war!

As for the union...

This title seems to be the title of the Legion System of the Metal Destroyer Civilization. It should be the process of contact between the Wizarding Alliance and the Metal Destroyer civilization. It gradually touches on some of the core cultures of the other side and has been promoted among the middle-level wizards. Increased understanding of this heterogeneous civilization.



The volatility and oppression of the altar is not only the Tianshan Island ~www.novelmtl.com~ the whole world is shaking for this!

The rolling seas and waves are soaring, and the world's origins are against the will of the mine, and the blue light spots are interlaced with black flames and golden ice. The island is sinking.

It seems that this world loves to give up part of it, and does not want to let that horrible behemoth come.

However, resistance is futile.

The world is shaking, the world is crying, this pain is like a pregnant woman before labor, every cell is shaking.


However, the evil cruel and ridiculous laughter, regardless of disregard, seems to be even more exciting. Even as a technology industry that pollutes the world of Tianshan Sea, it has become a friendly side in the will of the Tianshan Sea world, giving up its defense and wanting to With it, Green, who is forcibly invading, squeezes out his body.

"Want to take advantage of the power of these virtual aircraft carrier regiments? Hey, this witchcraft, which was studied during the leisure time of the second esophagus, finally came in handy. Hey, come out, destroy the Legion." (To be continued.) )

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