A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 26 Chapter 1371: Human ancestor raging (7)

"This... what is this!"

Glut, whisper, whistle, whistle...

More and more fluorescent green liquid is sprayed in the mouth, the skin is constantly cracked, and the unclear luster of the human body is rushing. After the skin melts, the pieces fall down. This vitality annihilation source is half-squatted on the ground, hands and feet are actually Even the strength of support is gone, the Wanmi body is constantly concentrating, and slowly breeds six arms.

It is in the degenerate Green Savage Giants turned into the sixth layer of the ancient giant red devil form!

These unknown energy bodies are actually eroded by the incomprehensible form of the wizard, eroding the source of the annihilation, and even spreading from its mouth and body to the land, so that there is no degradable microbial life between the stones. Losing self-reproduction ability, ore, trace element energy stone is contaminated by this fluorescent green energy body!

"It's like being sucked into the bone marrow, oh... there is an alternative cool feeling!"

This source of annihilation is a metamorphosis. It seems that I know that I am irreparable. Even the screaming of the corner of my mouth reveals that I have no smile. I shook my head and simply no longer struggled, letting these pollutants erode themselves.

"There is something to play with, and it should be coming out soon. Hey, there is a legion coming over there, and the battle is getting bigger and bigger..."

The source of annihilation is getting smaller and smaller, and the open instinct level is getting lower and lower. The sound is almost inaudible to the end, and the sound of "噗" is a large amount of fluorescent green smoke. Green liquids flow in all directions or infiltrate into the ground.

"Hey, what!"

Another source of annihilation, which is not responsible for guarding the altar, witnessed the source of this polluted annihilation from normal body to complete disappearance, but only a few dozen breaths, and even too late to make too much reflection, stunned, The pupils in the depths of the depressions are rapidly enlarged and shocked.

call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out……

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom……

After hundreds of smoky spurs in the hands, "咻", "咻", "咻", "咻" slid a long black tail flame, destroying the small things that are nearby "flying" mosquitoes Around the Giant Sky, there was a large fireworks. The ancestors stepped on the ground and slammed the earth to "bang" and "bang" toward a large fluorescent green land.

In the midair, the fire of the 10,000-meter ancestors is surrounded by clouds and chaos, and the air is driven by the ancestral body.


The recharge sound is a kind of anti-gravity bastion general sphere aircraft similar to the storage energy block. The black outer armor is thick and simple, but it is much larger than the energy block anti-gravity bastion. It is close to the diameter of the kilometer and the middle is the side. Transparent glass spar light curtain.

Anti-particle gun!

In the war with the wizarding civilization, the metal destroyer civilization is also constantly developing weapons of war demand. Although the speed of progress is far less rapid than that of the wizard, the degree of adaptation is far less than that of the wizarding civilization. However, many technological innovations have occurred compared to the past.


The impatient and exhaling sound in the deep throat, this weapon is developed for the lower sacred sorcerer, although powerful and novel, but the source of the annihilation is almost equivalent to the level of the sorcerer's world's top sacred sorcerer, not worth One mention.

The same is the extension of the index finger, the rough ugly nails "smack" without a trace, the next moment this grotesque explosion.

"噗", this source of annihilation came to the source of the annihilation that had just been melted by the banned weapons. The stone soil here has been completely polluted, becoming a substance like a sticky tooth, but it was ancestor. The astounding weight of the body was splattered with juice.

"What the **** is it?"

The four-sided and dense metal robotic army group was surrounded by their own bombardment. The "bang" and "bang" fragments were splashed and indifferent. The ancestors bent over and bent nails carefully raised some green and sticky substances from the ground. Some of the green gas emitted is inhaled into the body.

"Hey, pollution of energy..."

The ancestors of the ancestors screamed, and spit out the infiltrated green turbidity. It is known that the source of annihilation will suffer such a disaster, because the essence of annihilation is the energy body and the dark matter of the virtual mothership. The higher utilization principle of the reactor!


Suddenly, this source of annihilation stood up fiercely and looked toward the distant Snow Mountain Canyon.

"Oh? The body is finally coming out!"


Across the vast ocean, it is also a fleet that had been raging in other Tianshan continents in the Tianshan Sea world, rushing in.

"These... um? Prohibited weapons, what's going on!"

Just staying on the five human ancestors for a while, led the squadron of the squadron to focus on the green pollution, some pollutants began to spread from the edge of the island to the ocean current.

The fear of the crisis of the banned weapons is from the old human period through the basic science knowledge, passed down from generation to generation to each new human subconscious. Once the old humans fought each other, the prohibited weapons used to be the most Strong and powerful, once used, the world is destroyed, so long-term peace is maintained.

When the web terminator appeared, everything changed.

These contraband goods are only the traditional destruction of flesh-and-blood creatures, elemental energy creatures, and the destruction of deterrence, but they can not affect the Skynet Robotics Corps. In the ancient world of the universe, the old humans and the Skynet war were almost extinct...

Nowadays, this is a colonial battle for the world, and there are signs of illegal weapons!

"It is Sorenzo. Vantage Quantum Technology serves the whole human race with the aim of new human evolution. Now we are facing the crisis of life and death. The top management is already discussing the lifting of the ban. This is just an experiment. Soon, there will be a higher That prohibited weapon is lifted!"

A black Terminator responded with a low response, adding: "However, Sorenzo was destroyed before it died, if... um!?"

Suddenly ~www.novelmtl.com~ Many high-level robots sensed what they were looking at, and they were looking at the virtual fleet that was raging around the four thousand meters of giants all over the sky. Under the war, the four giants, that On the altar, with time and space turbulence, "噼里啪啦", "噼里啪啦", "噼里啪啦", "噼里啪啦" violent thunder arc is endless, a heart-rending repression is unclear.

That is……

"Hey, hey, hey, fresh air, ah, this is the swing of the wizard's will and Skynet, a familiar feeling! Wizard World, I am back, 桀桀桀桀桀桀!"

Suddenly, in the center of the altar, a gray-white head was drilled with a thunder arc.

Through the burning black flame, the three-colored light on the gray-white mask excites the light and looks round, and the low-pitched and sinister laughter reverberates, as if an exiled ancient wizard came home to excitement!

"It's very safe here, let's get out first."

Green, who was stuck in the gate of the altar of time and space, looked around the battlefield and said that it was safe. Let the free dandelions, the three-tailed foxes, and the dead crows appear. (To be continued.)

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