A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 26 Chapter 1373: struggle

The so-called Destruction Corps is a high-sounding witchcraft created by Green in the period of the nine-chongshan period of the Dimensional Esophagus, which is a long, lonely and boring period, combined with the fragments of the world heart and the fresh higher biological bones!

The original intention of Green to create this witchcraft is to preserve the energy of the fragments of the heart of the world and delay its dissipation.

The energy will be sealed and protected in the way of magical props consumables.

Otherwise, the fragments of the heart of the world pass through the door and spurt into the secondary esophagus. It is like the fragments of the world that are falling from the world of the wizarding world. After a long time, it is necessary to dissipate energy and turn into a general existence of witches. It’s just the body.

And Green is not like those lower creatures, they choose to take a small amount of world debris, and taking too much of the world's debris has no effect on Green's gain.

Therefore, this squadron summoning technique is officially generated!

With the shin bone as the body and the heart of the world as the core, the squadron's summoning is the top biological level under the world's master. The strange monsters that have been shaped out, at this moment, even with the burning of the blazing black flames of Green, the real mouth is big and rushing out!

These bodies are between three meters and ten meters, burning monsters with black flames, behind the bones, bones, bones and tails, like the miniature version of Green's second layer of wild instinct to transform into ivory arms.




These skeletal monsters are swaying, resilience, speed, and fierceness, as if the black torrents of the Greens ancestors’ heads spurt out, and the source is constantly coming out of the altar.

"Go, kill all this without the sorcerer's activity creature!"

In a twinkling of an eye, there are tens of thousands of scorpion monsters squirted by Green, but it seems that they are still far from reaching the end. I don’t know that Green’s ecstasy of the eclipse of the Dimensional Esophagus is ruled by the Nine Chongshan Rules. And ample resources to shape how many of these magical guides are consumables.

"Green, Green!"

Free dandelion calls, let the third erect on Green's forehead look at the past, but at this moment, a mine of lightning is densely stunned, so that the dandelion is extremely unstable, there are already a lot of dandelion hydration, "哗哗啦啦" pure water The beads are splashed.

"These things you summoned are too strong in the exotic atmosphere. If you continue this way, I am afraid that the world will awaken the will to live and die, and purify all things that bring your breath. We can say that this little fox and those The little crow, I am afraid I will not survive."

Hey! ?

The three-legged death crow stared at Green.

The three little foxes, which were protected by a group of dandelions, looked pale and sorrowful. "Tang dan sister, what can't be survived, will we die?"

"Yes. However, it will not be painful, because death is only a matter of moments for you. This is the origin of a medium-sized world. You have not yet turned on the real and real life levels, as long as they are arced by these mines. Hits will instantly turn into the world's most pure rules of water and snow."

The little fox was holding his mouth nervously, and the three tails kept moving. Is this a robbery?

"Oh, I see."

After thinking about it, the head of the kilometer closed his mouth.

Then, these black torrents burning with flames also came to an abrupt end. Even so, these tens of thousands of three-level peak creatures will be led by the six sources of annihilation and will surely destroy the world. Sexual consequences.

One of Green has created a legion that conquers the world. Such a rule of control is far from being comparable to a sorcerer!

"Ontology, you don't know the irritability of these things. If our real body is strong enough, the regenerative power recovery speed is sufficient, and the source of energy is not enough water resources to replenish the physical strength, I am afraid that they have been smashed into slag, this is all for Protecting you from this passive beating, do you know how many wounds in my body?"

"Rely, it’s just that you are alone in this guardian. Is it better for us to have a few?"

"What else is there to dispute?"

Bang, boom, boom, boom...

At this time, another one was not responsible for guarding the altar, but the source of the annihilation that took the initiative to attack, striding back from the distance to the altar, the twilight and dignified color, the sticky fluorescent green pollutants after the nails fell off automatically In front of the truth of the earth.

"Oh? What is this, a new weapon developed by the Metal Destroyer civilization?"

After a little glance at Green, Green did not care too much. Obviously, he did not realize the role of this weapon.

In other words, at this time, all of Green's goals are to work hard for himself to come to the Tianshan sea world, and the rest are secondary.

Once it fails, Green is re-squeezed back to the Diablo World by the time-space tunnel. As the existence of the sacred ancestors of the beginning, the situation that Green will face is far worse than the return to the Wizarding World!

"You don't have to pay attention to this first. If you have a problem and collect it, you can hand it over to the Alliance Spiritual Witch Master. I have to do my best now... get in, um!"

With a fierce effort, Green finally put half of his shoulders into the world. With a cry, the black flames rose into the sky and turned into a flaming soul bird head, which also shattered the sky clouds. .

These elements have finally lost the **** of time and space channels and completely released themselves.

"Get up!"

A roar, "bang", the entire island seems to rise from the ground, a fierce high.

"Little eight!"

"Wow, this is what, this is the fresh air, I have already smelled the world of the wizard, oh oh oh, Ye Ye dear, your husband is back!"

After the small eight closed their eyes and took a breath of fresh air around them, they opened their eyes and excited.

However, suddenly, the little eight neuropathy seems to shake his head and smile.

"Oh... yes, Xiao Ba, Xiao Ba, mature, as a great steel emblem star who was born in the wizarding world, the final glory and pride of the steel emblem starling, how can it be revealed for such a small thing? It’s too unstable. Hey, hey, but I’m so excited, I’m so oh, I’m a big **** in spring, I want to...”

Green didn't pay attention to Xiao Ba, but he turned to the sources of annihilation: "Get those annoying metal robots into the sea."

From time to time, some dead robots sneak attack on Green. However, these moves are tens of thousands of degrees and tens of thousands of attacks. For Green's real body, even the defense can't be done, but Green is extremely irritating.

"Know it... um?"

This feeling!

Peeping from outside the world ~www.novelmtl.com~ There is a huge force to think that the world is close, and the target is locked here!

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom……

Because the number of virtual airships is too large, every few hundred meters and thousands of meters of mutilation of the virtual mothership will be splashed, and the Thunder will be mixed.

In this intensive war, a source of annihilation was successively hit by several main aircrafts of the virtual mothership in the chest. The "bang" sounded a sigh, which led the corps of the Destroyed Corps to fall. Fly out.

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Oh...

However, the skeleton monsters who follow the Green Destructive Will are still advancing, destroying the creatures of any activity.

"Do you support from outside the world? Hey, this medium-sized world can form such a repression. If the metal destroyer comes, the pressure will be several times that of the present, plus my internal attack. It’s up to you to see if you can get in. But it seems that it’s just some of the crystallizers.” (To be continued.)

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