A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 25 Chapter 1341: Dark melody

Here, the darkness is the melody of the world, and the light is the lonely boat in the darkness. It is trapped in the corners of the corners, and is called the unsalted polar spot by the dark creatures.

The dark continent is getting wider and vast, boundless.

This is based on the mysterious power of the source of darkness. It is a super-world that combines hundreds of large and small dark worlds with the unparalleled true body of the original dark ancestors, and is still expanding.

There is no beginning of the ancestor, want to connect all the dark worlds of this world community into one, forming an unparalleled super world!

In this way, once it is completed, the power is terrible. In this world community, it is almost equal to the "God" that controls life and death, and the enhanced version of the Super World Tree.

However, although the Diablo World Group is far from the vastness of the Wizarding World and the Metal Destroyer World Community, and even worse than the Spring World community, there are still thousands of worlds with the main rules of darkness. sheet.

Today’s vast and boundless dark world is far from the ultimate goal of the beginning of the ancestors. The dark world group has not yet completed its reunification. The ancestral war continues, but it has opened some taboos and caused This has never been a big change in the vast world.


Every day, under the rule of the original ancestral genre, the worlds collide and collide, and in the process of splicing into an integrated dark world, the source of darkness will disappear with a large number of light islands. Formed a annihilation of different sizes.

These not purely annihilation methods often cause a period of time and space to collapse, sucking in the nearby dark creatures, and spraying them into the unknown time and space of random communication through the annihilation.

But after all, the rule of light is the mainstream rule of the endless world.

The mysterious power of the source of darkness is nothing but the special rule of this vast world.

Ordinary creatures come to the dark world community, lose the perception of the light source, without the plant light and function as the most basic energy consumables, the dark source of darkness will gradually erode the flesh and blood and energy body, extremely difficult to survive.

In contrast, the same is true for dark creatures.

The light source is the most powerful poison for the dark creatures. Only when the physical soul is degenerated, it can survive.


Booming rumbling...

In the time and space cracks of the annihilation, these are being synthesized and unified between the two worlds of the dark continent. The annihilation of the time and space collapses and is squeezed out to be filled with desperate dark creatures. There is a sudden burst of "桀桀桀桀" in front. Cruel, vast, but incomparable will.

Under this horrible will, the dark creatures that were about to be erupted into the dark and heavy oil world suddenly found that the source of darkness ceased in the distorted time and space passage. ← Baidu search →

This is followed by a surge in the density of the surrounding dark sources.

These little guys who lost their self under the circumstance of nature, each one was squeezed into a ball and made a "hmm, wow" cry.

"Hey! Green, your real body... is so powerful!?"

Blessing the free dandelion around the Green Real Body, at this moment clearly perceive the horrible degree of the Green Reality, the kind of shocking and tremulous pressure, the kind of unstoppable violent violence, the dandelion will not I suspect that my true body is in front of him, but it is an ant that can be pinched to death.

Even this is not his ultimate state of extremes, even the whole body is not, but the hard life will erupt the power of this dark source, with his own strength to resist, and backlash back!

If you can return to the wizarding world, I am afraid...

Free dandelion has not dared to imagine, the United States can not help but think about it.

At this time, this person around you will surely become the legend of the modern wizard, and achieve the new element of the true spirit wizard!

"Right, Green, the wizard of the wizarding world, how many rings?"

Three heads and six arms, Green with the ancient giant scorpion magic body holding the extreme abyss magic wand, amber ring, Jiu Chongshan, the soul net, yin and yang dissimilation light, ninety-nine return to the sword, against the eruption of the dark source, surrounded by the number Thousands of dark cockroaches and some low-level dark creatures, biting their teeth, step by step.

"After you left, there has been the birth of the Eight Rings Wizards by the Guangling Fortress. After so many years, if there is no elemental depravity, the demon sacred altar devotion and curse series witchcraft will be promoted and promoted. It is likely that they have achieved success respectively. Nine rings and ten rings, as for the rest, I am not sure... well!"

At the end of the day, Green's fierce force, so that the surrounding time and space also fluctuated.

These dark creatures, which were about to be ejected, are gathering more and more around the Green Square body. They are attracted by the source of darkness. These little guys are clinging to the spurs of the bones on the bones. Squirting a group of black smoke, this is a source of darkness mixed with poisonous breath, and occasionally forms a mourning head that died in the hands of Green, and it is fleeting.

"Hey, hold on, the front is the exit!"

The three-legged Jinwu is better, but its people are generally only the first-class and second-class creatures. These dead crows can survive in the black gold world, among the modern birds that are deteriorating. This death crow is already considered a pole in the black gold world. Strong, but here is not enough to see.

Fortunately, there is a rare auxiliary sorcerer protection of free dandelion, otherwise the death crow family may be ruined here.

"My king..."

"My king!"

At this time, only a few three-level death crows can be spoken. The other death crows have been stunned in the free dandelion protective cover.

In front, the pure source of darkness, heavy and quiet, revealing the unknown, but at this moment, I have been looking left to look at the little eight looking right, suddenly exclaimed ~www.novelmtl.com~ Green is also in Instantly feels and makes a soft scream!

"Just... I didn't feel wrong?"

Green secretly communicated to Xiao Ba, and at this moment, there have been huge waves in his heart.

At that moment, Green didn't know if he was an illusion. He even felt that the light of superconducting time was completely closed. Although it was only for a moment, it made Glenn's heart shockless.

Because in the wizarding world cognitive knowledge system, there is only one case of this phenomenon, that is, the channel with the deepest channel of the straight channel light, that is, the phenomenon of streamline backtracking!

Green just returned from the Digestive Esophagus and experienced the same phenomenon of time.

"Mom, has it opened an eternal gap to the secondary esophagus?"

Xiao Ba gasped, accompanied by the surrounding time and space squeezed more and more loose, suddenly, "squeaky", a very empty, broad, but extremely chaotic rules, overwhelming pressure. (To be continued.)

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