A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 25 Chapter 1342: Dark world

call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out……

A figure and then a figure spurted out of the crack, endless darkness, almost at the first time, free dandelion, three-legged death crow, Xiaoba was completely blind.

"Mom, fortunately, I have prepared for the Lord, Wow, the sub-quality sound of the stinky bat is really good, let the Eight Lords look east, West look, um..."

Xiao Ba stood on Green's shoulder and shook his head.

"Hey, the source of darkness, the soul of the 10,000 souls wants to grow the first thousand heads alone, I am afraid it is somewhat difficult."

Green stands on the ground, with his right hand holding the extreme abyss magic wand, his left hand in the grip, sucking the source of darkness in all directions, lingering in the palm of his hand, feeling the desire of the soul of the 10,000 birds for the source of darkness.

"However, if you absorb more, it will be much easier to return to the wizarding world to advance to a thousand heads. I don't know where there will be more pure and dark sources. Unfortunately, there is a holy ancestor war here, otherwise there will be nothing to stay here for a while... …Ok!?"

Green muttered to himself, not only did the dark cockroaches and other dark creatures around him not decrease, but more and more, and it caused a large-scale incitement in all directions.

More and more dark creatures are gathering in Green.

Green obviously didn't expect to be like this. At this time, Green was like a torch in the dark night, attracting countless moths.

Although, after the mysterious power of the source of darkness in the world of the soul, Green knows that in the world where the darkness is the main theme and the light is the shadow of the boat, the source of his own darkness will inevitably attract the attention of some dark creatures. But did not think, it will be so huge!

“Wow? This is not so wonderful!”

Xiao Ba also noticed hundreds of thousands of millions of various dark creatures around Green, and more and more. Zhang opened his mouth.

Since these sleazy and subtle creatures can be attracted to Green, those high-level dark creatures are not sensible, even those dark ancestors who are in a state of intense war...

at this time. The three-legged death crow and free dandelion have also adapted to the unique rules of this world community.

The first to adapt is the three-legged death crow. As the wing of the death of the world's rulers, in fact, the death crow's perception of the dead air is far greater than the perception of the light field, so after a short period of time, it will adapt to the first time.


Although the dead air can not judge the biological level, it is a symbol of the degree of danger. A deadly master does not kill, there is no danger, and an unreal creature that cannot be judged by the material world level. But it may be a killing devil. Rebirth of the League of Legends

"Mom, it’s a ridiculous world, and only these dark creatures can survive."

Without plants, the earth is full of bare rocks, and Xiao Ba complains.

On the other hand, the free dandelion does not have much ability to perceive the source of the darkness of the world. It can only use the natural power of the elemental wizard to blur the induction, but as an auxiliary sorcerer, it relies on others to bless and guard. It is the most powerful perception in itself!

"Green. What do we do now?"

After the discovery of the Green State, the free dandelion was also asking, and wanted to sneak away from the world community as quietly as possible. But now, in this case, how can you complete the smuggling?

The green tri-color diaphragm is slightly dignified.

However, giving up the source of darkness is tantamount to giving up the true body of the soul of the 10,000 soul birds. This is Green will not try anyway.

"Go first!"

Green said, as much as possible to reduce the fluctuations of his own source of darkness, flying to a distant place.

However, Green did not want to hurt the dynamics of dispelling these dark creatures, because Green was surprised to find that he was actually baptized by these dark creatures.

This is the offering of dark creatures. This is one of the power rules of the Dark Holy Father!

If you can get the blessings of the dark creatures in one big world, you will be promoted to the Diablo ancestors. It is also the dark sun of the dark oil world, the achievement of the dark sacred way.

have to say. This dark world is too wide.

call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out……

Under the protection of free dandelions, the death crows woke up.

Relying on the three-legged Jinwu Wang to follow Green and many dark creatures, it took a few days to pass, but Green still did not perceive any geographical changes in this world, and it seems endless.

There are more and more dark creatures that are instinctively attracted by Green, and some powerful dark creatures with strong self-awareness have run far, seemingly avoiding Green as much as possible.

"Hey?" Beauty Holy Book

In the distant energy fluctuations, the face of Green Truth was noticed in the first time, and the light of the suspicion looked into the past and carried out a more detailed observation.


Two powerful dark creatures, all at the level of the world.

One of them is a boulder that is twitching with passive sources of darkness in all directions, and the source of darkness is lingering.

The other is a giant amputation creature that has the upper hand in battle.

What surprised Green, however, is that the amputation creature has the upper hand in combat, even because its pair of tentacles can ignite the arc source!

Some dark creatures are actually using the light source as a means of attack, a magical evolution!

"Three feet, you go there to explore the situation, it is best to secretly explore."

Green said, and said: "The source of darkness is obviously very thick and dense. It should be an island of light. I will go there and see."


The three feet are gone, and of course, Green will not be the body to personally explore, otherwise these dark creatures gathered around will inevitably receive harm or disperse.

As the source of the darkness of the world, the rule of light, inevitably much higher than the ordinary material world ~www.novelmtl.com~ After a body squirming, a source of annihilation appears.

"What are you doing this time? Let me say it first. I will strike if I die!"

Green did not speak, and the source of annihilation was turned on first, so that Green didn't know what to say when he opened his mouth. Instead, Green laughed on the shoulders of Green.

"Just a colorful beauty fox ran to the other side, there should be a bright island on the other side, you go to see the situation, it is best to get back to the Baye I am looking for fun, or long distance, Ye Ye is not around... ..."

"Ha!? Colorful beauty fox? Wow hahaha, it turned out to be like this, I will pass!"

This source of annihilation is obviously interested in this colorful beauty fox, opened his mouth, his tongue licked his lips and dried his lips, and flew away in the direction of the bright island that the distant Green felt.

"Don't look at the Lord, the Lord is a good faith lie."

Xiaoba shrugged and said. (To be continued.)

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