A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 25 Chapter 1340: Endless world

The source of darkness lingers, pretending to be a dark creature, and Greene is a smoky black smoke.

"I am the messenger of the dark world. These death crows are friends of the beginningless ancestors. I was ordered to invite these death crows to the dark world, oh..."

Gloomy low laughter, the source of darkness is not condensed.

No beginning holy ancestors! ?

Noting that the source of darkness that Green radiates from the inside out, rather than mobilizing from the outside world, the guardian's double pupils suddenly shrink to a needle tip size.

"The Diablo World Group has signed a contract with a number of ancestors here. Since you are a messenger of the beginning of the ancestors, please take it away as soon as possible. After all, it is the community of the ancestral world. I am the guardian of the dark oil."

Said, this guardian actually collapsed, integrated into the dark heavy oil well, disappeared.

"Green, I found a few good dark heavy oil wells."

The free dandelion flew over, and the heart was stunned and looked at the dark heavy oil well.

On the other hand, the three-legged death Jin Wuwang flew with his last people, like no one else. The former ruling ethnic group of the medium-sized world is now dying with only such a thing, which is really embarrassing.

"Small people, to absorb these deaths, you have to be stronger and stronger, more powerful than ever, and the death crows will never die!"

The three-legged death crow is full of sadness and sorrow, even if it is just facing the upcoming battle of the world's guardians, it will never have any retreat for these last people of their own.

Once summoned to the radiation world of the civilized battlefield, the burden of humiliation, and stealing, optimistic attitude, but now occupied by the full responsibility of the body, less laughter, have their own bottom line and persistence.

"My king, we... do we really have a chance to revitalize the dead crows?"

"My king, I want to die in Hell Paradise in the dark, oh..."

It seems that I feel that I am about to leave this world community. I am going to be far away from the unknown. Everything that has been brilliant has become a thing of the past. Nearly a hundred death crows are sobbing.

Touching the scene, even let Xiao Ba and free dandelion also mourn for it.

The ancient wizards who once humiliated the burden, and sneaked into the life, at the moment when Antonio incited the lever of destiny, like the dead crows, faced with the darkness, the unknown, the sorrowful, sobbing...

After the ancient wizards came to the world community of the Wizarding League at this time, they looked at the unexplored world community of that side, stood in the fragmented, endless ruins of the world of wizards, and stubbornly left the last eternal soul of the 17th round. The spiritual wizard, Pumirosius, stood up in the weeping, trying to make himself stronger, and carrying out the demon expedition and dedication.

The once-contradictory ancient wizards put down the barriers between each other, in order to save the wizarding world, in order to wash away the shame, in order to repeat the pride and glory of the past, to be united and united, to unite any force that can be united, and to form a wizarding alliance.

And now, these death crows...

"Do not worry, in the vast land, you will be reborn, and the dead crows will be more brilliant and powerful than ever, just like the wizarding world."

Green smiles and seems to be standing at the historical height of the wizarding world, overlooking the world of beings.

The official sorcerer hunts the world's resources, the sacred sorcerer hunts the world's treasures, the true spirit sorcerer hunts the endless treasures, and the endless treasures are only hidden in the endless world history.

Only with enough levels of life, standing at the height of history, can overlook history!

"The annihilation of the wizard, my people, the hope of the death crows, is on your body. As long as the death crows can be revived, even if they sell their souls, and go through the fire, I will not leave."

The three-legged death crow looks at the dawn of Green, crystal clear, and can't stop spinning.

There is no contractual constraint, no high roar, but it allows Green to feel a power, that is the power of the rules of the true spirit!

With majesty and grace, and not by means of coercive restraint, the rule power that everyone obeys is formed. Only one will is needed, and any force that dares to resist in front of it is crushed by the power of rules.

"I know."

Feeling the kind of trusted expectations, feeling the bud of the rules of the heart, Green clearly perceives that this is a stronger force than self-power and nature, otherwise no one will win the day, incite the endless world The heroic words!

"You can rest assured that the parasitic spore world that I have left is very empty. All the enemies in the world have been wiped out by the wizarding world. It is enough for you to kill the crows and reproduce to the peak. Let's go through the dark world community and reach the chaotic world community. , you can come to your new home!"

A dead crow swept over the body of the two-headed giant on the ground, absorbed the pervasive grievances, followed by Green and flew away.

"Green Beast, I am a little homesick..."

Xiao Ba seems to have whispered because of the recent sensation, and added: "Ye Ye must also miss me very much, I can feel it."

The wind whizzed past, and Green whispered: "Me too. Just... The endless world is too wide. We are too small. Even the space of real time and space is enough for us to travel all my life. In the endless world. Under the rules, as strong as Antonio is just one of the pieces, we are a small amount of gravel, and only endless knowledge and infinite rules can replace our small and humble individuals through the endless world."

"Will the Suma world call this guy?"

Xiao Ba naturally knows Green’s intention to die with three crows.

"I don't know, even if I can't, it's good to have multiple people go back. The true spirit is not far away and needs some assistants. Moreover, I can feel that the fate is paying more and more attention to the will of the abyss~www.novelmtl. Com~ Maybe "it" also wants us to go back soon..."

Green said that irresponsible words led the free dandelions, the small eight, the dead crows, across the vast continent.

The bio-groups living near a large, small, dark, heavy oil well looked up and looked at them in the sound of "咻", "咻", "咻", and "咻".

Every seven years, a big eruption, the migration of the Goblin family has been completed. At this time, the bubbling sounds of “deep”, “咕” and “咕” in this dark heavy oil well seem to be boiling.

it has started!

It was a frightened and desperate eye that was spurted out by the source of darkness. They were not willing to leave the dark world group. The dark world group was in the battle of the ancestors. Although it was dangerous, it left the dark world group exposed to the rules of the light source. Almost represents a dead end!

"Hey, rush in."

Suddenly, Sen’s cold and cool laughter came, a terrible existence, even bursting into the dark source, and actually rushed into the gap of time and space! (~^~)

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