A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 25 Chapter 1332: Imprint cover

Three months time.

In the tragic world of Ye Long, the legend of the Wings of Death ravages the mainland, and countless Ye Long has invested in this Hell Invaders War, leaving only broken and devastated.

Snoring, snoring, snoring...

The three-legged death crow is in the mad chase of tens of thousands of small and small leaf dragons, flying against a high black sky with a giant black water polo. It seems that there is hope for victory.

"Destroy the wizard, save me!"

At this moment, the three-legged death crow has become a public enemy of the world, killing too many Ye Long.

The sixth-level biological level, in addition to the first few rare Ye Longwang brought some threats to it, almost the existence of the vertical and horizontal continent, but in the endless wave of controversy throughout the world, not just Physical strength and energy have come to an end, and there are several mixed poisons in the body, and the state is extremely poor.

Behind the dark cracks at the end of the sky, there is an incomparably large gray-white face hiding in the darkness, peeping through the cracks into the world.

The giant face is three-color, narrow and bright, and satisfactorily gazing at a black water polo floating on the top of the three-legged death crow.


At the moment, in the appearance of the Ye Long world.

This gray-white face hidden behind the crack is 10,000 meters long. Compared to this face, even if you turn on the three-legged death crow that is hunted by tens of thousands of leaf dragons in all directions, it is just a small fly. Worm only.

The pressure of the majestic descends from the sky, even if it is only inadvertently prying, the power is enough to make these leaf dragons discouraged.

A six-winged dragon swayed its wings at a high frequency, and the eyes looked at the death crows that were getting closer and closer to the crack in the sky. The horrible giant face behind the cracks gave off a wicked laughter. The Ye Long World Guardian bite. With the teeth closed. Full of unwillingness!

"Hey! The ancestors gave us shelter and brought us endless sources of water. If we can't regain the source of the ancestors, we will lose all meaning in this world. We have no retreat! Give me a punch, no matter what is ahead." Be sure to regain the source of the ancestors!"

In order to better chew the teeth that have evolved from eating the world's spiny hard leaves, the square is hard and can easily chew the leaves of steel.

These leaf dragons emit a squeaking sound like a scorpion, like a sword, and the long tail of a barb swaying in the wind.

"This time I did a good job. It seems that you still have some use, hehe..."

Behind the dark cracks, with the dazzling brightness of the giant face, the already stressful Ye Longs were suddenly swept by a mysterious force. Except for a handful of powerful leaf dragons, most of the lower leaf dragons gradually became scattered at this moment.

The power of dreaming, the power of reproduction!

At the beginning, Green added this ability to the face of truth, mainly to distinguish the black terminator. As for the incidental reproduction, it was rare to play. The number of killings caused by Green has been numerous for a long time, and after the sublimation of the world community of the Suihua division, the state of mind is not known. I feel that something has changed.

The overthrow of higher life. Some meaningless killings don't reveal anything.

Killing does not create rules, deterrence and favor. It is the source of the power to rule the rules!

Such a state of mind, Green has already crossed a crucial step relative to the existence of the path of the pursuit of dominance, at least the final step before the dedication of the spirit in the wizard's promotion.

At the time, a bark of dragons and screams changed.

It turned out to be the cry of pleading for courtship. The original charge of Wanlong Qiming turned into a large courtship rally, chasing each other and tangling.

Snoring, snoring, snoring...

"Destroy the wizard, this is the source of purity you want. I have erased the will of the hatred ancestors inside. The hatred ancestors said that it has already me remembered, I am completely finished, oh wow..."

At the end of the day, this three-legged death crow actually burst into tears.

It is no wonder that it is so warned by an eight-level life body that if it is normal, it is enough to hold these lower living bodies.

"Don't care, the next world will warn you exactly the same, hateful ancestors are thousands of people, don't take yourself too seriously."

Green said in an understatement that after the three-legged death crow gave the water polo to himself, the 100-meter black water polo was observed by Green Truth for a while, and began to refresh the bath to cover up the seal of the ancestors.


The spring water is contaminated by the body of the Green, and it is evaporating constantly. This is a kind of repulsive force of time and space, and some of the hatred of the hatred is left on the body of Green.

"You demon..."

A few of the most powerful and elite Ye Long saw the Green in the bath through the cracks in the world's clothing. However, the angry roaring sound just came out, and after being looked at by the tricolor of Green, "咔嚓" and "咔嚓", Several leaf dragons were petrified and fell from the sky.

Then, Green immediately touched the world and the cracks closed.

This abusive language has not known how much experience has been experienced in Green's long life, especially as Green becomes more and more powerful, and those who look up and down but seem helpless will seem to be screaming one or two sentences.

Aside, the three-legged death crow eyelids jumped wildly, and the wizard was so strange that he was frightened!

What are their ethnic talents?

"Let's go, go to the next target, this time the void is a bit long, you have to take out the poison in the body during this time."

Of course, Green said that the three-legged death crow flew to the depths of the void.

Overlooking the sky, under the original rune protection rules, Ye Long World's original lush green paintings have been stained with dark spots at this moment, which is a large dead zone pollution left by the three-legged death crow.

"That... 呱呱呱~www.novelmtl.com~ These toxicities are too strong. I don’t think that it’s not clean for a few hundred years, it’s hard to play the strongest fighting power. Dear annihilation wizard, you can’t see it like this. I am helping you out the wind..."


Green screamed coldly: "Do you think that my real body is like you, can you freely enter and exit this small world? It is better to persuade you not to play a slippery head. If you can't show value, there is no need to exist."

Green is no longer aware of the three-legged death crows, and Green leaves.

Three hundred and fifty years later.

Under the long-term void, under the supervision of Green, the three-legged death crow broke the three small worlds of hatred.

Three hundred and fifty years is not a big deal for the eight-level master of long life. Needless to say, this crow has been completely remembered by the hatred of the ancestors, and the three-legged death crow almost burst into tears.

And Green, finally completed three sources of bathing, covering up the mark of Quanzu. (To be continued.)

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