A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 25 Chapter 1333: Black gold world

After concealing the persuasion mark, it was another decade of emptiness, and it has been five hundred years before and after.

Innocent and empty, a gray world, a medium-sized world appears in the vision of Green and three-legged death crows.

Once again, I came to the world of Xifan. At this moment, it may be called the black gold world. The three-legged death crow, who had been warned by the hatred of the ancestors three times, can not help but regain some spirit.

For five hundred years, it is not too long for Green, the three-legged death crow, but the world's black gold technology development history, but it is the most prosperous golden development period!

Five hundred years ago.

The wing of the death of the terror creatures in the ancient legend, appeared in the Bailing Nest empire, easily destroyed the first incubator of the Bailing Nest, and the Bailing Nest Empire has never recovered from the first-class empire on the mainland to the end of the second stream.

Such unprecedented disasters, non-human-level destruction power, numerous empire shocks, the entire 100-bird society is in a state of panic, the end of the world's doomsday predictions continue, and even some timely enjoyment speech.

In the meantime, although there have been many negatives, it has also opened up the cold war mentality that binds the birds. The three-legged death crow is like a sword hanging over the heads of many empires, just like the abyss world is a sorcerer of many factions in the wizarding world. Many empire in the Cold War launched a sincere cooperation. This was the birth of the black gold technology of the millennium in the world of Xifan, ushered in the era of the big bang.

Under the unremitting efforts of fear and survival as the driving force, the empire exchanged core technologies and formed the Black Gold World Alliance, and the world was officially renamed the Black Gold World!


"Oh, finally come back, dear annihilation wizard, is our agreement over?"

The three-legged death crow cautiously asked Green.

For centuries, this guy was completely feared by Green. Even the title was accompanied by a respectful speech, and both eyes stared at Green, for fear of saying anything about remorse.

"According to the agreement, you will form a death corps to **** and leave for me. The key is that I don't have much time. So... half a year, if you can't assemble a death corps, you can only bother you. I personally traveled and escorted me for five hundred years. How? Hey, as the death wing of this world, you won’t be able to form a legion for half a year?”

The contempt that can't be said in Green's discourse.

At this moment, Green, through the insights of the wizard's rules of truth, and the level of life closer to the endless dominance, can perceive what many three-legged death crows can't perceive.

For example, this black gold world at this time.

In Green's perception, the rules of dark death that used to be almost extinct, I am afraid that the death crows in this world have been completely extinct.

Without the death crow, what is the formation of the death army?

Even if there are some sporadic death crows hiding in the deep mountains, they can be forced by the three-legged Jinwu to make up the number of a legion. However, the current black gold world is no longer the former world of the West!

In Green's perception, the perfection of this world rule is almost tens of times stronger than it used to be. If it is only a death crow who has just been promoted to the sixth level, it is impossible to be hostile to the whole world.

Even the world of leaf dragons has caused great trouble for the three-legged death crows. As a medium-sized world, the black gold technology developed under the unanimous rejection of the whole world, without the support of the legion, this three-legged death crow wants to be rampant, Worried about the mainland?

Hey, it's not a purely passive evolutionary creature, and it's far from reaching the strength that completely ignores the lower biological levels.

"Half-year time? Here is the king's dark death **** paradise, the king's world! The king only needs to scream inside, there will be countless death crow people coming from all corners of the world, responding to the king, following The king is fighting the Quartet, hey, the king is going!"

It seems to be to express the joy of his heart, to show the momentum of the return of the king, the three-legged death crow will open his own body to the limit, the death breath is transpiration, countless mourning heads come and go.

"Wow, humble slaves, come and welcome your masters to come back. This king has already thought about 10,000 kinds of death **** new ways for you, to ensure that you will enjoy the painful high + tide in death mourning! ”

With a big fart + a strand exposed outside, twisting and twisting, the three-legged death crow drilled into the black gold world from the crack that he opened.

There is no dark death rule in this world. The repulsive power of the three-legged King of Kings can be imagined.



However, this is only a three-legged death crow that has been screaming for a long time. It was almost blasted out by a terrifying explosion inside the world, causing a roar of pain and anger, but it was unable to move because of the crack in the clothes of the world. At the same time, it is necessary to resist the rule exclusion of the world, unable to fight back, and the state of wolverine can be imagined.

"Hey, can't you do it? If you can't do it, then the world's enemies are developing very fast. I have experienced several of this technological world. One common feature is that it develops very quickly and efficiently. Utilization, and specialization in a certain field far beyond imagination, if you want to fight against the whole world, you must ensure that there is a strong and true body as the basis."

Green tone, some ridicule and laughter.

Peeking through the face of truth, I don’t know if this three-legged King of Jinwu is not lucky, or deliberately, even chose a large city to force the sky, and it’s no wonder that it came to such a degree to resist ~www.novelmtl .com~ Wow, can't you? It’s so itch! If you annihilate the wizard, you will wait. After half a year, the world will be completely occupied by the king’s death army. Under the king’s joys and sorrows, the king will play and play, and the king will dispatch a team. The most powerful death army for you to drive! ”

The three-legged dead dying duck's mouth hard crow, hard propped up to the inside of the world, Green sneered, no longer pay attention to this guy, turned and flew in other directions.

Spirit is not the foundation of the wizard, knowledge is the true foundation of the wizard!

The extreme abyss magic wand adds a hundred points of spiritual power, which can no longer be applied to Green's progress, just as the higher wizards have rid themselves of their dependence on talent.

After all, the body of the true devil is the unique ability of the abyss, not the evolutionary path of the wizard.

At this time, Green is valued by Black Gold Technology. The core is to hope to increase the physical fitness through the black gold technology, coupled with an unknown elemental energy increase of the Thousand Worlds Ball, to realize the all-round growth of Green's rod for Green's ability. The azimuth enlarges the amplitude to replace the true magical body ability. (~^~)

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