A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 25 Chapter 1331: I am fighting with you!

With a three-legged death crow who was extremely resistant but angered, Green embarked on a journey to cover up the imprint.

Three small worlds are just a breeze.

However, in order to avoid trouble, let the crow come forward. The enemy of the Fountain of Hate is not only the Fountain of Eternity or Green. As the ancestors of hundreds and thousands of worlds, each spring ancestor will always It is commonplace to exchange exchanges of world dominance.

Seventy years later.

The long journey of the void, in accordance with the route given by the Eternal Moon, Green came outside the world of Ye Long.

This is an inconspicuous world under the Fountain of Hate.

It is still Green and the three-legged death crow. On the way, the words of the three-legged death crow are finally lingering at the moment, and a pair of blood-red eyes can't stop sloppily, looking forward to the innocent gray air. Near the world of Ye Long, the three-legged death crow suddenly "snapped" and smiled.

"Hey, this small world, but unfortunately the king's death army is no longer there, or the king's army can easily conquer this world. Hey, now it is the king's weak period, want to squeeze into this small world. Knowing how much time it takes, annihilating the wizard, you see it is so good, I will go back and form the death army, then..."

"No need."

Just as the three-legged death crow said, Green Shensheng interrupted the three-legged death crow discourse.

Green's body is gray and translucent, and the three-color brilliance flashes in a small world gazing at this side under his own pressure. The flat picture that is unfolding is centering on his own feet, like a wave, swinging around. Circle ripples.

With the extreme abyss wand in the hands of Green, the large inscriptions are gathered to resist, but they are gently touched by the extreme abyss wand in the hands of Green. On the leaf painting of Ye Long, the surface protects the source runes from retreating.

It’s awkward!

Ye Long World's clothing is blended by Green's regular arc, and the extreme abyss magic is easy to draw. A few kilometers of the gap is smashed and smashed. In the three-legged death crow, the blue sky and white clouds are huge. The tree is in the eye.

Under the white clouds, on the ridge of a lush green tree, the giant cockroaches in groups are chasing each other.

They are the rulers of this world, Ye Long.

Through the gap of the crack in the sky, the small things that were originally chasing each other under the gap, at this moment, have stood still, and suddenly look at the sky and suddenly look at the end of the black crack, the two shadows sneak horror .

The bird seems to be two green leaves, and it can faintly see the meridian veins in the green leaves. The long body is followed by a barbed venomous tail. The body presents a five-color camouflage pattern. At this moment, the leaf dragon shrinks into a needle tip and the hole is constantly swirling in the eyes. It can clearly perceive that every cell in your body is shaking.

"That... what is that!?"

Above the blue sky, above the white clouds, behind the dark cracks of several kilometers, you can see a gray-white head of a tri-color scorpion monster, and a pair of dead gray eyes sneak into the world. The sea is like a wave, one after another. Pressed from the sky.

"The leader, me, me..."

A leaf dragon with a much smaller volume, a scream in the trembling, could not withstand the pressure on the top of the head, stiff body falling from the sky, cut off many branches of the giant tree, and then roll from the ridge At the bottom of the mountain.


Among the ones that followed Ye Long’s mourning, they descended from the sky.


Ye Long is outside the world.

"Oh, kill the guardian of the spring of hatred in this world, and then wipe away the will of the hatred that flows in this world, collect the source of its purity, go."

Green's tri-color ray has been inducted for a while in this still rich world. Rich elemental energy, perfect world rules, if it is a world like the Demon Expedition, it has considerable predatory value.

However, among the embarrassing, the three-legged death crow was hesitant and hesitant, but did not move.

Green was cold.

"Why, can't the door of the invasion tolerate your true body? Or do you think that your own physical strength has reached the whole world and can't accommodate you?"

In any case, the three-legged death crow could not have imagined that the annihilation of the wizard had turned the world invasion into a common thing of breathing, and even completed the preparations for such world invasion.

As a result, the various deductive discourses prepared previously cannot be established anyway.

"Oh, this..."

After a while, I felt the greener's colder gaze. The three-legged death crow finally got the courage and shouted: "This is the world of Quanzu! You can go when you arrive, but I have my own." The ethnic groups need to take care of them. What if the hateful ancestor retaliates?"

"Hey, the spring of hate does not know how many enemies there are, you still can't take it for you to mourn. You can't go to another spring ancestor. I think the Fountain of Eternity is a good choice."

Green doesn't care, you don't want to let this guy go back in the deepest part of my heart. It's really convenient to run multiple errands.

Green is a good word, seeing the three-legged death crow but still has no intention to start, the face gradually gloomy.

"Would you still go or not?"

"Don't go!"

Although the three-legged death crow does not know the concept of Quanzu’s strength, there is no doubt that it is definitely more terrible than Green. If the two choose one of their offenses, of course, they must choose weak!

The three colors of Green are stunned, and the six pairs of compound eyes are "red".

"Do you dare to reject my will? Could it be that you hate that the hatred of the ancestors would be more terrible than the wizard? You can't sin the hatred of the ancestors, it won't give you any benefit, and you can't shelter you, but I am now in yours. Going forward... You shouldn’t think that the wizard is relying on the mouth to rule the world community? Well? Three feet, are you going or not?”

At the end of the day, with Greenson’s cold body, the body began to “squat” and “skull” quickly swelled up, and “black” flames burst into the sky, violent pressures swayed, and died in three feet. The crow stunned and stunned, and a slap in the face.

"Hey! You said to me, go or not!"

Open the third layer of wild to transform the body of the barbarian giant Green, violent roar, three-legged death crow black feathers flying, directly hit by Green slap.


"Can't go! Go no! Go in the end! Go and go..."

Green's series of slaps fanned out, it was a brutal abuse of small animals, and the feathers that lingered with the pure and rich death atmosphere flew in a large area, too violent.

"Hey! You treated this king like this, this king is fighting with you today!"

When the docile creatures are also angry, not to mention the long-term death of the crows in their own world. Since Green appeared in the history of its life, there is no longer a good memory.

Endless anger, almost anger that caused it to explode, three-legged death crow screamed hysterically.

Only the body of more than 500 meters, but this moment of death alone, more than seven hundred meters, very uncoordinated.

Rich and pure death, this is the strongest attack of the three-legged death crow, and even the attack of the three-stage period even if the crystallizer is terminated!

"Oh? I dare to give up my feet?"

Black flames skyrocketed ~www.novelmtl.com~ In the whistling sounds of "叽叽喳喳" and "嘶吼呜啦", Green completed the real body change of the soul of the 10,000 souls, and nine hundred and ninety-nine heads covered Heavenly day, tens of thousands of meters of the body of the body, the body of the three bodies, the death of the crow, more than 500 meters, the real body is like a chicken.

A pair of Shuangshen’s cold gaze gaze at the black little things that rushed to him. I saw that the three-legged death crow “wow” screamed and rushed to the Yanwan Wantou, and then came back. A hundred and eighty-degree turn, crying and rushing directly to the crack in the healing world of Ye Long.

"Hey, I am doing it, isn't it a small world? If you have something to say, why are you going to fight and kill the scary people? Hey, you have lost so many death feathers, how can you meet people in the future... ”

A smog, three-legged death crows got into the world of Ye Long, and vented their anger to Ye Long, who was feared by the high-level creatures of the three-legged death crow, and the black death fire raged.

"Oh, owe it."

Retrieving the true body and recovering the body of Green, and finally glanced at the crack in the healing world, and snarled: "There is no need to bring what I want within three months." (~^~)

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