A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 25 Chapter 1334: 3 feet of death Jinwuwang?

"Never let it destroy the seal!"

Lilia, who was originally a singularly dignified color, was eclipsed. After all, she was a young and strong, and she was only in power for more than a hundred years.

"Block the gap!"

Lilia screamed, but the black flame filled with death, destroying the earth and destroying the land, easily covered 100 meters, even if several tyrannical Samsung vultures joined forces, it is difficult to be an enemy.

The golden five-pointed star on Lilia's forehead was bright and bright, and she was bathed in golden fluorescence for a time.

As the guardian of the world of Xifan, Lilia has not reached the level of the heroes of the ancient Bai people recorded in the book, but it is already the strongest among the generation of Samsung vultures.

Her talents are extremely extraordinary, and her wisdom is outstanding. She has created several sets of unique abilities that have become their own. It has become the mainstay of the guardian of Sanxingdui.

I saw that this golden vulture has been inflated, and this is the strongest of the heroes of the ancient tribes, and the only real skill that can be displayed!

Glittering and screaming, Lilia’s real body is less than thirty meters at the moment, but it is already a bit extraordinary.

As she smashed her wings, she gathered two groups of blue and red rotating light balls, which rushed toward the gaps in the high-altitude death lupins, intent to prevent the influx of the gaps. The death crow invaded.

"I don't want to be the guardian of the Sanxingdui seal! Oh, so powerful, the empire's sacred poultry is nothing more than this. No wonder the death leaders of the previous generations who tried to open the seal have fallen here. Even I have some tremors. It."

Having said that, this death crow leader is full of sarcasm.

"Oh! But under the death fan, even if you can only borrow the great three-legged Jinwu Wang, you can't fight it. You can't cry under the flame of death! The crows of the dead in recent years have been The humiliation of the death crows will be ten times and hundreds of times back to you, and enjoy the fear of the death crows!"

Hundreds of death crows squeezed into the defensive hood and rushed toward the mountain, which was covered with lush high pines and engraved with Founder Samsung seals.

The guardian vultures are eager to stop the black crows who are screaming.

If you both live and die, no one will retreat.

The leader of the crow's death crow was in the "呱呱呱" laughter of the peak, and the death fan was again. Once again, another huge three-legged crow virtual shadow appeared more than a hundred meters, and the two wings soared, and the two scorpions revealed the coldest pure death light, and rushed toward the bottom!

Easily, this mighty three-legged death crow will immerse Lilia's red and blue lightballs.

"As long as I am there, you will not succeed, you want to destroy the seal, unless you step on my body!"

Lilia is full of justice, roaring, and is the righteous messenger who guards the world. Facing the prepared evil forces of evil, there is no fear and no death. The body rushed up against the shadow of the three-legged crow without fear, trying to block the death fan attack with his true body.


However, when the black death flame wrapped the moment of the golden flame around Lilia, the kind of thorny cold. Suddenly Lilia was so horribly as if she saw the evil demon king under the seal of the Sanxingdui, and was laughing at her coldly.

For the peace of this world, the evil devil must never reappear in the world!

Tightly biting his teeth, Lilia used her strongest strength, and a red crown appeared on her head, and then the heartbeat frequency "咕咚", "咕咚", "咕咚" continued to accelerate. The strength of the body is also constantly strengthening.

"Ah... no, these powers of death are too strong. Is this the power of the three-legged death King?" Ah..."

Slightly resisted for a while. Lilia eventually lost her battle, and the golden flame on her body had already seen the engulfing power of death. The flame of death is about to invade its body and pull it into the dead hell.


The calm words, Lily's exhausted oil lamp was added, it turned out to be the surviving elders of the ancient war, and Lilia was saved in the wind blade, and the two forces were combined into one, which gradually summoned the death fan. The three-legged death crow illusion gradually offset.

"Snoring, snoring, elders."

Difficult to die, Lilia gasped for a breath, greedily breathing the air of the world.

"Well, this is the power of the three-legged death king. We must not let it out of the seal. Otherwise, no one in this world can stop it. It will make the world fall into the abyss and fall into eternal death and darkness. Now Do you know that we are here to guard the sacred responsibility of the seal?"

"Yes, I understand!"


Endless fierce battle for seven days and seven nights.

"Snoring, snoring, snoring, I didn't think that there is still an old guy who didn't die after the War of the Ancients. Now you have been so badly injured, how long can you live?"

In the sky, only the dead crows are left, and the situation of the Samsung vultures is obviously better.

"Oh, now that you have this evil sacred weapon, you have no power to use. It is your death today! Without this death lupin, your dark death crow will no longer be able to make waves."

Invaded by the breath of death, the oil lamp is exhausted, but the elders of the vultures of the saints are warlike, and the intention is to leave the leader of the death crow forever!

"Oh, hey, it’s a pity..."

Slightly pity, the leader of the death crow sighed: "It's over."

Yep! ?

Many of the Samsung vultures were in doubt, and Sanxingdui sealed an unremarkable place in the Yinshan Mountain. A transparent death crow flashed a wave of water, and swallowed a feather burning with a burning flame.

"Despicable Sifan, in order to die the crow!"


The black flames of the sky broke out, and the large-scale towering ancient pines and Samsung runes were inundated in an instant. Once destroyed, the mountain "bang" and "bang" occurred in large-scale landslides.

"Do not!"

Lilia screamed and was eclipsed.

The elders of the samurai vulture can't help but look back, and the deep eyes are flashing. It did not show panic.


The entire Sanxingdui mountain body swayed violently, faintly screaming and screaming under the earth, even though this silk was breathless, it also caused the sky to rise, the lightning and thunder, and the sky seemed to collapse!

"Let's come, the great three-legged death King of gold. Your loyal people have been waiting for you for a long time! Desire to follow your steps and restore the death of the crows to the former Hongguang, which makes the world tremble under the control of the death crows !"

The leader of the death crow is passionate and full of infinite desires.


However, with the endless green foliage of a tall pine gale on the top of the mountain, let the mountains tremble. However, it has not been able to cause substantial damage to the seal. This ancient pine is automatically repairing the damaged seal.

"It’s useless. The great King of Sifan thought that there would be some accidents here, so I left behind, you... um!?"

In the high words of the samurai vulture elders, there is no sign, no inexhaustible darkness, the origin of this ancient battlefield rises. Gradually gathered toward the sky.

The unintentional fluctuations caused by these dark sources have caused indelible damage to the Sanxingdui seal.

"No! What is this? It is destroying the seal, fast! Fix the seal quickly, fast!"

Sanxing piled vulture elders. There is no more self-confidence before, and the death crows in the high air seem to usher in a new life, and they are infinitely revered towards the unknown natural phenomenon in the sky.

This...this must be the power of the great three-legged death King of gold!

For a time, the two sides fought again, as most of the Samsung vultures made every effort to make up for the Sanxingdui seal, which led to the absolute advantage of the death crow.

The time is not equal.

For another world, Green has spent a lot of time, but for this is just a few hourglass time. The entire Sanxingdui mountain is swaying violently, and even in the distant ancient battlefields, there are cracks in the violent shaking.

"Oh. Hey, despicable inferior creatures. Even robbing the world that belongs to this king, I want to turn all of you into the power of my death, mourning in my body forever, oh, Come out, I will be out soon, and it’s still the last one!”

In the depths of the rift, a huge giant is excited about being about to return to freedom.

"You humble inferior creatures don't understand what is the real power! The wrath of the king will completely baptize the world, awaken the dark memories of death in this world, let the beings shiver under my wing of death, leaving that wonderful Mourning..."

The three-legged death crow is so excited that nothing is more exciting than tearing the enemy a little bit!

You must know that the once three-legged death crow is already a famous strongman in the nearby world community. After the war, the three-legged death crow has made a breakthrough. It already has the power of a six-level creature, and now it is about to break open. Seal and welcome the new students who belong to it.

The seal of Sanxingdui is in a collapse, and the world will cry in the world, crying in the laughter of the three-legged death crow!

"This... This is the power of the three-legged death king of gold. No one in this world can stop it. Even if the great king of Xifan is born again, he can no longer stop it."

The elders of the Samsung vulture guardian feel the desperate power in the memory of the old ~www.novelmtl.com~ The body can not help but tremble, the old tears.

"This world is about to re-emerge in the dark age, no one can stop it..."


At this moment, above the sky, a majestic will interrupted the battlefield.

"It turned out to be you, you are in this world community? It's so interesting! Hehe..."

The voice is curious and very exciting.

Hey! ?

Among the dark cracks in the ground, the three-legged death crow eyes and many Samsung vultures and death crows changed to see a giant kilometer of eyes suddenly appearing in the huge dark circle, and then the horrible giant continued to illusion In the distortion, in the appearance of incomprehensible inferior creatures, the upper body is extended in the ring, kneeling at the mouth of the ring, overlooking the battlefield.

For a time, the battlefield was originally in the doomsday, and the strangeness was quiet. (To be continued.)

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