A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 25 Chapter 1325: Eve of the last day

Repressed and quiet.

High altitude, incomparable phenomena in the eyes of lower living creatures.

At the moment, in the circle where the light and the dark meet, Green is distorted by the various manifestations of the world rules. First, a few kilometers of giant eyes sway from the ring, and then the upper body is drilled out of the ring. This monster sometimes has a small body, sometimes dark and staggered, and sometimes a black flame is distorted, completely inconsistent with the reality.

"That, that... what is that!!"

This world is too confusing.

First of all, it was rendered as the three-legged death King of the Doomsday King. It is also an unknown phenomenon in the sky. The Lily, who has never left the seal of the ancient battlefield, feels that the whole world has become very strange.

From the birth, Lilia has shown far more talent than ordinary people, coupled with her efforts and wisdom, has become the most controversial and strongest in Sanxingdui.

Unconsciously, her heart has begun to meet.

Although they have not left the ruins of ancient battlefields, the empire's sacred poets have visited this seal mountain and have had a confrontation with Lilia.

This world, you have belonged to the true top level.

Although she did not show it and tried to restrain herself, Lilia still couldn't help but be proud of herself, and began to secretly doubt the true power of the heroes who were praised in the history books.

Maybe they are just exaggerated by the legend?

"Invaders! It is an alien invader! In addition to our world of Xifan and the well-documented world of Trama, there are actually many strange worlds around. The heroes of the ancient Bai people have had contact and communication. The three-legged death of King Jinwu ruled the world, and it was the war of plundering and invading several distant worlds."

The voice of the vulture elders is full of sadness and resentment, and is extremely desperate.

"Damn, I didn't think it was destroyed by a foreign invader. This poor humble ignorant guy. It doesn't know what he is doing, he doesn't know what kind of horrible existence he is releasing! We will all die, all People will die, and Xifan’s legacy says that when the three-legged death Jinwu Wang re-emerges, the world and all the surrounding worlds will be completely destroyed by the flame of death!"

this moment. All the Samsung vultures can't help but sorrow, it is the pain of their most precious things being broken.

Without the seal of Sanxingdui, their beliefs were destroyed, as if they lost their self-existence value and meaning, and the body had a feeling of being instantly hollowed out.

The hatred of the eyes looks at the sky.

They are only fearful and unwilling to die for the three-legged death king, but for this alien invader. It is the anger and hatred of its ignorance, it is dragging everyone into death **** together with everyone!

"You disgusted ignorant monster, do you think you will get this world?"

The elders of the sacrificial saints of Samsung are heartbroken and have their own burdens on Xi Fan’s legacy, and they are still empty. The voice is sad.

"No, you will only let yourself be completely ruined in this world! The end of the darkness has come, and I seem to have seen the earth of the ancient times!"


Sanxingdui seal inside.

A three-legged death crow with a bloodshot eye. Through the seal that has gradually become unable to bind itself, from the broken crack of the earth, gazing into the sky, suddenly the eyes of the hatred and anger filled, the pupils are shrinking!


this is……

The three-colored light on the gray face, the sneer sneer, the cruelty inside. This is the wizard, who once summoned himself to the vast battlefield of the civilized world, met the annihilation wizard!

For a moment. The three-legged death crow is a long-lost body that has been sealed for a long time. It trembled.

It seems that a cold water has been poured from head to toe. The three-legged death crow hatred and anger are gradually replaced by fear. On the vast battlefield of hundreds of world leaders, he is just a humilis of an ant... ...

"Wu Wang! Those who are despicable to Xifan are fleeing, please break free from the final seal as soon as possible, and give them endless torture, let the world regain the endless fear in the **** of the dead crows!"

The leader of the death crow flew to the crack and felt the presence of the infinite endless horrible power, and the heart surged.

This is the real power, the absolute power of fearless!

"However, please still first guard the seal and kill countless two guys who rescued you from the people."

The leader of the death crow, the eyes of the scorpion, looked at Lilia and the elders of Samsung who had completely lost their will to fight.

With the three-legged death of King Wu, the death crows will soon be able to regain control of the world!

As a solution to the existence of the great three-legged death king of gold, it is doubtful that it will become a person under the world, the existence of thousands of people!

Imagine the death crows who used to be like street mice and everyone shouting, proudly flying in the sky of every rich city, stepping on everyone who once looked down on the dead crows, when you are unhappy, you can do it a little bit. Torture them and provide joy for yourself. When you are happy, let them kiss their dirtiest toes and ask them to pray for the most happy way of death.


Imagine that kind of beauty, at this moment, the leader of the death crow is so excited that he is going crazy.

"Wow, my king, the world will tremble under your feet. The world has been dead for a long time without death and darkness!"

"Don't worry about these!"

The sudden, three-legged death of King Wuwu roared, one side was "banging up" and twisting his body, breaking the last seal on his body, and the other side was looking at the sky with the eyes that could not shake the pupil. The hysterical scream in the deepest part of the throat screamed.

"Block him! Be sure to stop him from coming to the world! Let all of you go together!"

Hey! ?

Holding the death lupin fan ~www.novelmtl.com~ is the leader of the death crow who is at the peak of the enthusiasm, staying down and looking forward to the incomprehensible light and dark intersection distortion in the sky.

Isn't that the great three-legged death of the King of Jinwu in order to break free of the seal, and then to display the supreme power?

Hearing the decisive sound of the three-legged death of King Jinwu in the seal, the leader of the death crow was in the middle of the night, and the instinctive led the surrounding and flew toward the unknown natural phenomenon in the sky.


High in the air.

The body slides into the world a little bit, and through the annihilation of the time and space, the door immediately invades. It is easier to compare the forcible world than the forcible. The repulsive force of the world is greatly weakened by the supply of the dark source of the world.

"This three-legged death crow has passed through the wizarding world, and if it can achieve communication again..."

Overlooking the world, Green screamed at his lips. (To be continued.)

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