A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 25 Chapter 1323: Xifan World

The name of the world is changed, and it is less than two thousand years old.

The creatures who once lived in this world can never forget the fear of being dominated by the crows of the world in the world. It is a dark and cruel era of life, painted by the historians of various nationalities as a **** **** history.

According to the history books, until one day, the strongest king of the dead crow family, the three-legged death King Jinwu took the door of time and space to leave the world, and after exploring the ancient treasures of the unknown distant world, the world was dominated by the dead crows. The ethnic group began a large-scale rebellion against the leather + life movement.

Among them, the first to lead the various ethnic groups to resist, is the king of the Western Vultures of the vulture of the family!

Hundreds of years before and after, the death crows gradually lost in the rebellion of many ethnic groups after losing the three-legged death of King Jinwu. The death empire established in the past fell apart.

The Baizu entered a new era at that moment, and established the Xifan Empire in the name of Xifan.


The history of the Xifan Empire was short-lived. The three-legged death crow that had left the world for centuries was back at the beginning of the establishment of the empire!

The change of the world, the collapse of the empire, the demise of the ethnic group, all the changes, all the three-legged death crows completely lost their senses and fell into the hysteria of hysteria.

For the three-legged death crow, it was only a short-term departure from the motherland, and went to a distant foreign world to participate in a forced civil war, but for the Western world, it was hundreds of years passed.

A world war broke out!

The three-legged death Jinwu Wang is stronger than ever.

However, it seems that he was seriously injured when he explored ancient treasures. After returning to the Western World, his physical strength was seriously inadequate. After killing a large number of strong people, he eventually lost.

However, the three-legged death Jin Wuwang is too strong. As the king of the dark ages, the three-legged death Jinwu Wang is defeated, and these are not the only kings of all ethnic groups who can survive the short-term killing, and when they reply After some physical strength, it will inevitably drag the world into the endless darkness again. Never ending!

As a last resort, the same weak Samsung vulture king Xi Fan, at the expense of his life, used the Sanxingdui seal to seal this shackle, the world's strongest, and watched the eternal guardian of his descendants.

After that, the strong powers of all ethnic groups have passed away. The more powerful the ethnic group, the more deliberately cared for by the three-legged death Jinwu Wang, and the loss was heavy, and it was destroyed by the once weak group.

Hundreds of years later. Adjacent to the world, Trama opened the door to the world and tried to invade the world of Xifan. Although the Baizu defended the world's sovereignty under the counterattack of the Baizu, the dying Baizu also declined, and the Xifan world entered. Withering the era.

After that, the samurai vultures became the guardian of the world of the remote, the successor of Xi Fan, and the generations guarded the Sanxingdui seal.

Sanxingdui seals the place, the mountains look around. It is a fragmented ancient battlefield. It has no resources and is not desolate by the weak empire established by later generations.

Gradually. With the death of the last strong men of the era of dying, the newly established empire is not paying attention to the stories of the ancient myths, and has developed the black gold technology, fighting for resources. Carrying out the empire for hegemony, creating a new era.

Everything seems to end there.

With the arrival of a new era, this world will be because of Black Gold Technology. And embark on a very different path.


"Death lupin! Success!"

A dead crow that died in death, as a rare third-class powerhouse in the world, was now sorrowful in front of a stagnation in the cave of the Yinsen cave.

"Collecting all the feathers left in this world during the three-legged death of the Golden Age in the ancient times, and finally refining this dead feather fan! With it, we will be able to rescue the great three-legged death King, the recovery The glory of our dead crows, let the world repeat the glory of the past!"

The three-legged death crow roared high.

"We want to save the great three-legged death King of gold! We want to die of the death of the crows! We must defeat the descendants of the despicable Sifan, the Samsung vulture! We want to..."

With the death of the crow roaring, the tens of thousands of large and small death crows staring at the black flame in the cave also sent out unhappiness and anger.

For a moment, the sounds of "呱", "呱", "呱", and "呱" in the caves are one after another.


The Sanxingdui is a giant mountain with a gentle slope, or an unprecedented giant tomb.

The broken earth in all directions, that is the remains of the ancient battlefield, only the Sanxing stack does not move, standing in the center of the ancient battlefield in the West World.

"Black gold technology is gradually destroying the rules of this world. Our strength is getting weaker and weaker. This fragmented world no longer gives us more strength."

A female sagittal vulture with a golden five-pointed star on her forehead whispered.

"Lelia, don't immerse yourself in the past. This is the change of the times. No one can stop it. We just need to remember our mission and guard the will of Xifan. We must not let this death demon again harm the world."

An old man came over and stood on the towering pine tree branch.

"The spies of the death messengers have once again appeared. Every few decades, those evil and ugly death messengers will try to destroy the seal, calculate the time, this time it should be faster. We must be strict defense during this time. Let those death messengers succeed."

The old man's words, let Lilia respectfully bowed.

"Yes, with you, those death messengers will never succeed."


A few months later.

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Oh...

The black crows all over the world tried to break through the defensive hood over the Sanxingdui, but they were shot by the Samsung vulture guardian feather arrows in the defensive hood. One and another corpses fell from the sky.

This kind of meaningless rushing has not known how many times it has gone through. In addition to several times in the final stage, the Sanxingdui defensive hood is not full of energy. Often these dead crows only leave tens of thousands of bodies, leaving only a small amount of dingy to escape. Become the humble existence of everyone in this world.

Snoring, snoring, snoring, snoring...

"Elders, the number of death crows seems to be extraordinarily high. Should we ask for help from the outer empire?"

After Lilia shot the death crow outside for a while, she fell to the top of Gusong~www.novelmtl.com~ and asked the old man.

"This is the last pure land of ancient civilization. If you let those black gold technology enter, here is no longer a vulture that can inherit the great Xifan will and protect this bitter cold. If the demon king of the following seal breaks out, No one in this world will be able to stop it, we will return to the ancient **** **** that is covered by the shadow of death nightmare."

Just as the elder of death said, suddenly, outside the defensive hood, a large group of dead crows rioted, and a death crow with a flaming black flame fan appeared.

"You are a group of despicable Samsung vultures, waiting for the vengeance of the great three-legged death King King!"

In the roaring sound, as the death lupin fan, a black flame falls.

It was the most pure death suffocating, and it formed a giant death crow image. Under the horror of many Samsung guardian vultures, the crow of this death smoldering flame spread out the third claw foot, facing the defense. The cover is scratched.


On the hood, a huge gap was torn open. (To be continued.)

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