A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 25 Chapter 1322: Destroy the door knocker

This annihilation of light and darkness forms a ring of light and darkness, which is very slow.

Green waited patiently, and constantly observed the possible movements of the spring of hatred outside the world of seclusion. The spring of hatred seemed to be too much taboo for the balance of rules in Green's hands. Nothing was done except for the blockade of time and space.

After the time estimation, Green left a lot of time-space distortion marks at the door knocker of the annihilation, and then left and flew in the other direction.

In addition to the moving sand dunes, the world of the sand has an undercurrent river that runs through the world, as well as a quicksand river.

This Liusha River is the root of a branch of the lost spring.

After a few days of flying along the roots of this root, Green found the source of this lost spring.

"Snoring, snoring... um! Who is it?"

Green's will to touch, so that the end of the lost spring will wake up.

For these ancestors, each branch is the root of its inexhaustible power, and it draws the power of rules from all kinds of worlds. However, in most cases, most small worlds are in a state of slumber. It is only passively taking advantage of the rules of the world.

"I am a lost ancestor, a powerful and unknown creature. You seem to be blocked by the time of hatred? Oh, I can give you any help as long as I can afford it."

The source of Shaquan formed an ugly monster face.

Immediately after the monster observed Green for a while, it turned out to be the image of three main eyes, six vice eyes, one mouth, one nose and two ears. It is obviously carrying out a shape simulation to facilitate communication.

"Any help?"

Green is only holding the extreme abyss magic wand, low: "Only by the insignificant strength of your fine branch, can you help me? Could it be that I want to trick me into your body. Exile me to your communication. The lost world of illusion?"

Green even saw the illusory world connected by the body of this ancestors!

Unicom lost the illusory world, this lost spring itself is a time and space seal.

"Oh, no, no, no, you are such a powerful world leader, it's rare. Compared to other transactions, if you can implant my source of will in my medium-sized world, I will grow myself. The power of the source, I think I will not mind helping you through the difficulties."

Green's gaze flashed, hesitating for a while, suddenly said: "So, do you know the wizarding world?"

"Witcher World?"

After thinking about it for a while, the lost spring shook his head.

"No. Although I have contact with several nearby world communities, I have never heard of the Wizarding World."

"So what do you know about the world community?"

Green asked, with the intention of understanding more information here, at least to distinguish the world community distribution profile here.

“Let me think about it. The dark ancestors in the Diablo World community are engaged in a continental merger war. They have not been in contact with there for many years. The Sanskrit King Kong community is preparing to suppress the abyss demon war, the Fountain of Love and There was frequent contact there. A great world in the wild world community attempted to complete reunification, and I heard that there was a command from the abyss demon. Oh... yes, the Suihua Division world community..."

Sanskrit King Kong World Community!

Wild world community!

Green once again got two world community information, and both are related to the abyss world.

A vast and endless world. Green chose to have the information community of Suihua Division to return to the real world, which is really the right choice. Otherwise, if it is farther away, it will probably be completely lost.

If the heart is lost, Green is low. "That's really apologetic. I hate the ancestors and can't help me. I can't sleep with me. There is only one wish, and that is to return to the wizarding world."

Hearing Green’s answer, the lost spring is slightly pitiful.

"If you have such a strong man, it will be much easier to develop some medium-sized worlds. If so, then I can only trade this world to the hatred, I wish you good luck."

Saying, the lost spring is actually in the midst of regret, the source of the spring is no longer flowing out of the sand river, but the quicksand begins to go back.

It is retracting its stubble roots that are stationed in this world.

Green was unmoved, and the three-colored light looked at the sky, his eyes seemed to have penetrated the white clouds and blue sky, passed through the world's clothes and emptiness, and fell on the rapids of hatred around the world of the lost world.


With a sneer, Green quietly left.

Ten days later.

During the period of low-level wizards, limited by the perception of vision and the level of life, Green's perception of the world is only a vague concept.

Now, Green knows through the higher knowledge he has come to know that the world he sees is different for the different worlds of the world, and the wizards are undoubtedly the rule world.

At this moment, Green can feel that the world is actually endless!

The edge of the world is a twisted rule that distort the material energy that attempts to break away from it by a layer of rules.

At this moment, Green has been able to clearly perceive this layer of distortion rules through the dominant vision. The first layer is space distortion, and the low-level creatures of linear motion are unconsciously twisted and turned, losing the sense of direction.

The second layer is time warping. Time will make the creatures without real sense of time completely eliminate the possibility of breaking through the world's edge through the edge of the world.

As a creature above the world's lord, you can break through the edge of the world with the power of real time. In the simple thinking of lower organisms, rely on the straight line to "walk" out of the world boundary.

"No, you want to rely on this way to get out of the world, relying on energy, quality and speed, breaking through the rules of the ring, not the durability. The direction is just the endless astrological chart, the higher the central thinking, the most middle straight line of the fusiform The shallowest representation in time and space."

With such understanding, Green has completely had a gap between time and space with lower creatures. This is also the knowledge base for making the rules of truth balance magic wand head box.

In the muttering, Green figure disappeared.

In the next moment, in the distortion of time and space, Green appeared in the box of space-time distortion recording, and the ring of annihilation that hopes the light and the source of darkness has gradually formed a ring that twists time and space~www.novelmtl.com~ The door to time and space that leads to the nearby world is about to open.

This is a sacred paradise invasion rule!

"Strange, this breath is..."

Through the aura, Green's tri-color light peeped into the apparently wider and more spacious world, accompanied by the excitement of the “内部” death shadow inside a mountain. It was the excitement of the freedom to recover from the seal, and Green recalled the distant future. The guy in memory.

"It turned out to be you, you are in this world community? It's so interesting! Hehe..."

On the ground where the source of innocence is rising, Greene is at the mouth of the bottle, overlooking the war below the world. (To be continued.)

PS: Two more.

I have already written three more to reunite the master, but after two days there may be something, maybe it will take two or three days to delay, can't get the code word, and don't want to take time off, so I have to reserve it for the first two days. Sorry, the arrears of the owners of the repayments always feel that they owe the human condition, and the Egret’s heart is also very unpleasant.

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