A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 25 Chapter 1321: Box in the box

The world of confusion.

Although it is a small-scale world with complete rules and the rules of the Green World, it is still very difficult to squeeze into its internal freedom. The "squeaky" sound is finally squeezed out under the force of Green's full suppression of the seal itself. Go in.

As if the whole world is suppressing Green's body, a carelessness will be re-exited. In this world, Green can't play with his own 30% of the power, and even dare not play similar elements, such as teleportation, real time, etc. Instinct.

In the sky, the wind is rising.

It’s awkward! It’s awkward! It’s awkward...

The clouds of the yellow sands of the sky gather a strip of arcs, and the small figure of the hand holding the extreme abyss wand goes, but Green can't resist with any energy situation, otherwise it will produce a larger chain reaction, and it has to resist hard. Make a more delicate hidden seal by inadvertently leaking the power of the breath.

These arc sandstorms are the root rule of the world.

Although it is a small world, it is enough to help Green to stop the pursuit of hateful springs, so Green did not choose to force it.

As Green opened the "Book of Truth", "哗哗啦啦" flipped, more colorful runes floated out, layer after layer squirming on the body surface of the Green, followed by the four sides and the sandstorm The arc thunder gradually began to dissipate.

Green finally succeeded in stabilizing the world.


Only a sigh of relief, a few black sand smokes in the mouth, this is the legacy of the world of the lost world, causing some insignificant trauma left in Green, but with Green a little loose, surrounded by sandstorms and arc thunder Once again, Green was rushing to concentrate on suppressing his own strength.

Looking up, Green tricolor looked up.

Beyond the world of darkness, the black and raging spring of hatred flows, although the light of the balance rule brings it to the indescribable deterrent, but it also stimulates its endless greedy desire. After all, the essence of Green's life is just a six-level creature, without the tolerance of the soul of the Lord!

If you can seize the opportunity and find the weakness, a kill is enough.

"Or try it first. If you can forcibly break through time and space, it will be better to return to the world of eternal moon."

Think about it like this. The trio of Green's tri-color is recovered from the black torrent that circling outside the world's clothing, and the body slowly falls to the ground, feeling the rules in this small world.

Looking at the endless yellow sand, but the sand dunes seem to be alive, in the eternal wind, a burst of baby's sobbing "wow wow" sound, and constantly changing the shape of the movement.


Just as the figure of Green landed silently and landed a hundred meters above the sand dunes. Suddenly, a slamming sound on the sand dunes, a few hundred meters of craters appeared, followed by some low-level elemental creatures hidden in the sand dunes, which were broken by "噗", "噗", "噗", "噗" Open.

Green stopped his body.

"Oh! I don't think that my seal is not enough, but I am now... it's too strong! Although the scope is quite different, it is already an external manifestation of the power of dominance."

Muttered to himself. Green tricolor light looks out into a dune in the distance.

"come out."

Shasha Shasha...

It is an irregular form of secondary elemental creature that does not drop sand. In fact, its will has been completely shaken by the mighty energy fluctuations that have just erupted in the sky, for such lower creatures. Faced with the violent natural rules that may cause the world's cataclysm at any time, that is the unpredictable precursor of the end of the world!

And it is so obedient to Green's will, this is not its self-awareness, but its physical fear, instinct obedience.

At the moment, all of its consciousness is blank, leaving only shivering.

In its perception, Green is no longer Green. Instead, it appears as a mysterious phenomenon, like the ghosts in the mirror, the ghosts of the giants standing in the sky. It does not exist in the reality of the mirage, the rule phenomenon that it can not resist.


Did not pay attention to the ants at this foot.

Communicating with it is almost equal to the advent of cross-border will. A sigh, the biological level between the two individuals is too different.

After sensing for a while, Green flew in one direction.

After a few hourglass hours.

Even though Green did not hurry in the way of elemental teleportation, real time, etc., but a small world is too small for Green, and Green came to a sand spring.

"No, the blockade that dominates the power of time and space is too strong, and I can't break through."

Several attempts to return to the world of eternal moon through the talents of the time and space of the small eight, Green gave up and continued to try, stretched out the index finger and began to sketch a rune in the air, Green's demeanor is so focused, even every engraving a rune, I will think for a long time.

Although there are several eras of the esophagus, although Green is not a master of the magical field of knowledge, it is by no means a weak knowledge field.

At this moment, Green is actually combining the world nodes with his own magical array, trying to complete a space field against time and space blockade, creating a small isolation space in the world, and then fleeing with the annihilation!

It seems to be a simple appearance, but the truth knowledge involved is a simplified version pursued by the Gujaric Civilization Box Refuge. It is also the absolute most cutting-edge exploration knowledge in the entire wizard civilization knowledge system. It belongs to Green's unique knowledge field development. .

Its meaning is enough to be compared with the knowledge of the key to life, the knowledge of the annihilation energy system, and the knowledge of the secondary lever swaying dimensional gap theory!

one year later.

"It's done! It turned out to be really successful!"

Green stared at the combination of the runes and the world nodes in the sky~www.novelmtl.com~ for the faint confrontation generated by the external time and space, the surprise muttered to himself, and unwittingly attracted the rules of the world in all directions. Vision, Green rushed to control his strength.

In this box of box space, the light of hope is slowly gathering to a node in midair.

Green can feel that in an unknown world, the source of darkness is also gathering, and he is opening a door to time and space.

Although the whole process is very slow, it has been greatly affected by the time and space blockade of the Spring of Hate, but it is actually going on.

"The power of time and space in the box of the big world is combined with the fairy tale of Grimm, the gap between the dimensions and the runes of the time and space seal, if you can add another elemental energy blessing system, and the light of balance, in any case, the truth lever magic wand It will also become a kind of lever that rivals the fate of destiny, become the civilization of the process of changing the history of civilization, and supremely holy!"

Green licked the slightly dry lips.

"The basic theory of the truth lever magic wand head has been verified!" (To be continued.)

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