A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 25 Chapter 1320: get away

Oh la la...

The black spring water rotates and bends, chasing the soul of the 10,000 birds in the void, both of which exude a mighty atmosphere, rushing to the deeper voids one after the other.

"Destroy the wizard? I once had a brief communication with the Black Witch King of your world. It is really a fascinating force, a real body shrouded in endless desperate power, a life force that has never been seen before, although you also have his A touch of breath, but it is too weak."

The spring of hatred is layered in layers of water and water, chasing and chasing, as if to swallow the black flame at any time.

"In an attempt to destroy my foundation, how much benefit will the eternal spring give you, will summon you to come, and you will be able to refine your body and energy to such a degree, even though my long-lasting years are only in my life, 哼哼哼The wizarding world is really fascinating..."

The Fountain of Hate has actually had a contact with the Wizarding World Black Witch King!

"I have not been summoned by the Fountain of Eternity. Going to the breeding world of spiders is just for my partner. If the great hateful spring can dominate and can persuade the propagating spider to release my companions, you will have the friendship of the wizard. ”

As a lonely walker in the exotic world, Greene is tireless in singing the great will of the wizard and selling the will of the wizard, not to be shaken by any difficulties and obstacles.

Oh la la!

In the violent emptiness of the vain, the Yanwan Wantou and the Spring of Hate rushed out and flew deeper into the void.

"The friendship of the wizard's will? Hey, your wizarding world is self-satisfied, is fighting with another civilization, and even exploring the friendship of the wizard's will? Maybe thousands of years later, even if you go back, you will only see Endless ruins, wreckage, and ruins. I have experienced too much in my long years. You talked to me about the friendship of the wizards?"

Although it is called the spring of hatred, but Green did not feel the slightest negative energy from this black spring water, and some are only vast and majestic. Condensation of the soul of the Eternal Lord.

"Not to mention, I am very interested in the desperate power, life and death power of your wizards, hehe!"

call out! call out! call out!

distance. The three masters of the world chasing each other, seeing the 30,000-meter-long sacred soul-stricken bird that suddenly rushed out of the void storm, and a dark spring water chasing it, suddenly the horrified soul screams, and then Also do not care about the grudges between each other.

In this world community. The spring water represents the supreme will of the supreme!

The black flames burned, and the flaming souls of the Netherstorm rushed out of the Netherstorm. Many bird heads noticed the three world masters.

A black spar behemoth, two four-winged monsters, are the main level of the four-level world. At this moment, the three world masters who were originally chased are shocked and stunned, staring at the existence of these two horrible atmospheres.

Compared to the black flame figure of the flaming souls and the hateful springs chasing after them, these three small things ranging from hundreds of meters to real are not worth mentioning.

For the three, Green and the Spring of Hatred suddenly appeared. It is like a virtual disaster of an encounter.

"This, this... this is the master of the great hatred of hatred, flashing away!"

A four-winged singular bird tried its best to fan the wings, desperately fleeing from the vortex of the airflow formed by the giant giant bird.

The other four-winged monsters were much worse luck. They were involved in the vortex of the airflow together with the black spar behemoths. After they were merged into the spring of hatred that they pursued, they did not know where they were transmitted by time and space.

In the black spring water, a rainbow fish swims and appears.

"The front is the world of the sand. Before you used six worlds in one go. For the lost way of the lost spring."

La la la, among the black splashes, there are many white bubbles, and the bubbles are filled with a shredded tobacco. The Spring of Hate reminds me of this past.

"Oh, it’s the time to discover the remains of the original sin of the Time Corridor... Well, you can’t continue to chase down slowly.”

In the mutter, in the form of a whirlpool, the spring of hatred that chased the soul of the 10,000-headed bird was gradually turned into a giant hand covering the sky, and the center of the palm was a face of a sulky smile. Gradually chasing the 10,000-year-old bird who had opened the wings and covered the sky, and slammed down.




Many souls of the Thousand Birds look back, and they spurt a black flame beam. Several of them are in the dark and the light, and the annihilation arc distorts the light that wanders in all directions in the void. It’s a full double of the sky-shaking giants.

The surge of tides, the black flames interlaced with the tides, annihilating the impact of the arc, the emptiness of the void, the violent energy and the power of the void.

Vigorously able to lead the sound waves, passed to the depths of the unknown.

However, this giant hand still fell, and pinched the flaming soul of the flamingo.

The screaming screams, the soul of the 10,000 souls struggled to resist, but they were still tied tightly by the black spring water. The heads and the rolling black waves were bitten and intertwined. The two sides were deadlocked with a small hourglass and hatred. The 10,000-headed bird in the palm of the hand is already at an absolute disadvantage. It seems that it is almost impossible.

"The eight-level master, the soul of eternal, what kind of power is it, let the soul of the Lord complete this qualitative transformation?"

In the infinite sneak peek of the higher-level truth, in the hands of Green, a cluster of white light suddenly appeared, which is the end of the root of the endless world balance rule, Green's gaze focused, a balance, suddenly in himself and hatred Formed between the springs.

For a moment, the palm of the spring of hatred, which was constantly gathering, suddenly stopped and stopped!

"You, what have you done to me!"

The spring of hatred dominated, and it made a horrified roar of will.

The stronger it is, the more the masters feel their own smallness in understanding the world without the endless world. In the endless world, it seems like a grain of gravel.

The endless world, there are too many unknowns, wrapped in the moment, this kind of crisis in the heart, even let the spring of hatred have a sense of instinct that hurts oneself as long as it hurts each other.

"This is the power of the wizard rules."

The black flames of the sky were gathered for Green's little finger, and Green held up the light of the balance rule, rushing to the world that the remote has been able to blur.

After a good moment, the spring of hatred in the void recovered from that absurdity.

"Inheritance! The essence of civilization! He holds the essence of civilization!"

Greed and sorrow, eagerness and unwillingness, the spring of hatred is filled with a lot of emotions in a moment, only the civilization can explain this ability to violate certain balance rules. (~^~)

PS: Today is two more.

Yesterday, many people said how Green's words were inappropriate. Explain, the collective sense of honor of the wizard is one of the main settings of the book, just like the setting of the fantasy theme type~www.novelmtl.com~ There is no reason because the author It is the story rule designed in this way, which is the story of the wizard, not the one who is green and the endless world.

Because too many people chanted yesterday, the last chapter used a half chapter to explain, and it is estimated that other people will say water.

But if you don't explain it, what do people who questioned yesterday?

The water is not water, the egret has been thinking for a long time today, not the author's later water. If you stand on the author's point of view, the readers who see it one day say the amount of information, hundreds of them, the author wants to explain one by one, Information is like snowballing, it is too much.

The more you write, the more careful you will be, because the number of people who are paying attention has increased. When you say a word to me, the author is going to improve, and more and more things are needed.

The readers often read books in their own single world view. For those who are not interested in themselves but are interested in others, they choose to ignore them automatically.

The setting of this paper is really huge, and it is about to go to another stage system. According to the historical law of the previous article, it should be like the wizard apprentice advance is the wizard, when the formal wizard advances the holy mark, it should be said that the egret substitution wrote.

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