A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 25 Chapter 1312: Between 恍惚!

? After a few months, Green returned to the nearby Talima world.

Because it is too far away from Xiaoba, I want to start the time and space to return to the Fools of Heaven. If you don't want to consume the soul of the Almighty, you can only use the world nodes in the world to travel through time and space.

Glut, whisper, whistle...

One is obviously the bottom of the gully pothole that was bombarded by the Iron Star River energy. One Wang Quan’s eye was “sucking” and “咕嘟” braving, and the dense water element was filled with breath.

If the low-level wizards come here, they will be very happy. If these springs are collected, they can be used as experimental materials for lower wizards, but for Green at this time, there is no meaning .

After seeing Green, a group of people who are drinking water, "咕", "咕", "咕" ran away, and Green surprised that these cockroaches turned out to be half-blood, half-element mixed life, and thousand eyes. Cancer has a similar element of crab claws.


After Green took a few of the creatures here, the three colors of light under the face of truth gaze for a moment, and the face gradually appeared a little surprised.

"Oh... I didn't expect that the elements of the Jagged River civilization will have such a effect, and it will be discovered unexpectedly! If it can be integrated into the wizard's ancestral plan..."

The reason why the cockroaches here have such a mutation, Green found that it is because an iron arbitrator who is at least equivalent to a five-level creature is behind here, and the blood elements of the chemistry are polluted here. Most of the lower organisms die. However, these cockroaches have adapted and some evolution has taken place.

Just because of this coincidence, I am afraid that it will not take too long, and the world will soon be born a new life group.

The Suihua Division, the Jagged River, and the Brood Civilization Dispute, for the indigenous life of this small micro-world community. It is a disaster of the end of the world, but for these emerging ethnic groups, it is also the beginning of a new first year.


Sufficient heterogeneous civilization specimens have been collected. Green did not stay too much in this medium-sized world, and was twisted and connected with a coordinate outside the foot and space. Under the stagger, Green's body seemed to be pulled into a slender noodle, and the time and space fluctuated.

"Wow, my Green Beast!"

It took only a few months to go, but most of them were from the Talima world to the virtual world. When Green returned to the Fools, he heard the voice of Xiao Ba.

Too distant time and space are teleported. Almost as soon as possible to cross a world community, even to the extent of Green's present, almost to the limit, the spirit of the "squeaky" sound, three colors of light appear in the abnormal blood, Green's left hand can not help but make his forehead, posture After a slight sway, it was stabilized by the right hand holding the extreme abyss magic wand.

Green hasn't spoken yet, and the little eight standing on Green's shoulder is going crazy.

"Quick and fast, I said what you are still doing. What do I say to you? I want to make it difficult for my Green Beast? Still a thousand years? Go home, see Ye Yezhen, Wow."

This guy. Obviously, I can't wait to return to the wizarding world to see Ye Ye.

After the mental energy "嗡", "嗡", "嗡" rang for a while, the mental strength and blood gradually subsided, and Green just stunned his head, and the three-color glory gradually recovered, and looked at the pumpkin tower. A pair of black-rimmed glasses on a rocking chair, a fool who slowly puts down a cup of bamboo leaves.

"Cough and cough."

After the straw man helped the glasses, he stood up from the rocking chair that was shaken by "嘎吱" and "嘎吱".

"Cheng, I will go to the altar to see it. It takes some time to activate the Moonstone. You can just turn around here now."

Watching this old guy walk away, Xiao Ba couldn't help but smile again: "It's still a thousand years? A thousand years of fart. I haven't arrived in a year, wow. Over there. How about, what's so fun? Try this honeydew juice, not bad."

Xiao Ba took a glass of juice with a bamboo tube and handed it over to Green .

"Well, there is a lot of fun there, and I will tell you on the road."

Green swallowed the juice from the bamboo tube. Some of them were sticky and scented with banana and pineapple. At the moment, it seemed that they could not form any attraction for Green. Moved to the top of the pumpkin tower, the whole Fool’s core. It is next to the mysterious textile machine that is constantly screaming and screaming.

"Look at it, I have turned it over a hundred times. I don't even have an energy guide. There is no mysterious power at all. I don't know where this broken textile machine comes from."

Xiao Aiyi, who was very uninterested, flew to the side.

Oops, Oops, Oops, Oops...

The textile machine kept moving. Except for the huge hippo mouth that was constantly consuming the cloth on the other side, the whole textile machine did not have any abnormalities. Even the operating energy was the most primitive power through the windmill on the top of the pumpkin tower.

After staring at it for a while, Green did not find any abnormality. On the contrary, the various ways of perceiving the face of frequent conversion of truth gradually became tired. Perhaps it was because of the mental exhaustion just across the whole world community.


Just in the moment when Greene's forehead wants to give up, suddenly, I don't know if it is Green's spiritual illusion. I suddenly saw another self in the mystery textile machine, the corner of my mouth showing the arc of evil, looking at myself with cold and ridiculous.

The fingers of the forehead fell sharply, and the mystery textile machine continued to operate "Oops" and "Oh," and the silk pattern that Green Joy saw just after a moment disappeared with the continuous weaving of the textile machine.

"Little eight!"

Green shouted, enjoying the little eight of the honey-sweet juice, and a flash appeared on Green's shoulder.


“Did you have any other mysterious power fluctuations here?”

Green's voice was a little trembling, and Green never believed that it would be his own illusion. He was a six-level sacred sorcerer!


Everything is so real~www.novelmtl.com~ A mysterious and unknown means of power, through the weaving of these silk cloths, affecting yourself!

"There are mysterious powers everywhere, this is the Fool's Sky! What are you talking about?"

Xiao Ba saw the ghost and looked at Green, his eyes were weird.

"You shouldn't see the gap in the above dimension? After the gap between the old things and the free dimension, there have been some phenomena that he could not understand. After all, that is the film of the dimension dimension, theoretically the limit of the arrival of this dimension dimension organism. It is also the limit that theoretically high latitude creatures can reach. Maybe there is a higher latitude guy who noticed you and left something for you. Peace of mind, nothing."

Xiao Ba does not matter how it is explained.

"Is it really?"

Green groaned, and he was dubious about Xiao Ba’s explanation. (To be continued.)

Ps: Start to reinforce the Lord tomorrow!

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