A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 25 Chapter 1311: The battle of alien civilization

?In the eyes, the war is staggered, and one of the masters is affected by the general trend and is inevitably involved in the war.

Green knows that it is time for him to leave.

On the surface, it is not in the interest of the Greens to participate in this war. It is Green's best choice to leave this dangerous battlefield and return to the Wizarding World as soon as possible. Everything seems to be taken for granted, even if the mind is rooted in the bottom and everything is explained.


If one day in the future, the Wizarding World Hunting Expedition will join the infinite world of besieging the abyss, which must have the reason for Green at this moment.

This is the coincidence in the appearance, let the endless world low latitude creatures can not be destined!


This war, it is just a gust of wind, to help a contract reel that appears randomly in the heart of the empty world, complete its mission, and open the door of time and space.

The reason why the iron-blood judge was so flustered was that the top of the head, Green's unscrupulous bombing, made it greatly affected .

The reason why Green will come to the Nether Star World is the arrangement of the secret textile machine. Even the reason why the Suihua Division launched this war is also the arrangement of the secret textile machine!

Without the secret textile machine to launch this war, the Jagged River civilization and the mother-in-the-sea civilization will not extend the war to such a long period of time, and there will be no smashing of the shackles of the iron-and-blood cage trials. Green summoned to complete the coincidence of these accidents.

Even going back.

Without Antonio's lever to gain fate, there is no way for the Wizarding World to flee after the defeat of the war, and to open the Demon Hunting Expedition, Green will not have the opportunity to play at this moment, and all coincidences will not come.

Go back ahead!

If the ancient wizarding world did not have a civilized war with a nightmare, the elemental wizard was not born. Then Antonio has no way to create a fate lever with luck and wisdom.

If you go back to the bottom...

I am afraid that it will come to the ideals of the people. The ancestors ended the passive evolution of the barbarian giants. The savage giants who only know the destruction and destruction will become wizards who attempt to realize the transformation of ideals and reality. Completed the historical changes of the life group.

Is this all really fate?

No, it will not. This is just a historical development process. It is just a coincidence. It must be like this!


"The body of the true devil!"

The eternal life of the eternal life of the ancestors, the original has more than 30,000 meters of the real body, at this moment actually completed the transformation of the true devil body.

The horrible figure is after the infinite endless aura. Nearly unlimited expansion.

Facing the high-altitude two stars of the Iron Star River, the descendants of the Supreme Masters of the Heavenly Kingdom, the sea of ​​the nest, the ancient ancestors roared in the sky, urging the endless magical army to rise to the sky, but they did not choose Join the battle group, but turned to open the dead star squat at the foot!

The shock of "bang" and "bang", with the death of the crater was vigorously exploited by the ancient no-devil ancestors, the abyss of the abyss is more and more violent, and the number of the dragons is almost endless. .

"Evil evil..."

The violent laughter of Morihan, these abyss of the abyss are summoned by the abyss, and each abyss can easily control hundreds of thousands and millions of abyss.

Some of them are lower abyssal demons. The abyss dragon that controls the world's Lord level!

The pair of abyssal dragons that soared in the wings, sometimes turned into nail-sized flying insects, sometimes covering the sky. Dozens of meters, hundreds of meters, thousands of meters!

Such a scale, such strength, such ability, the abyss civilization has become closer to the Xia He civilization, and even in some respects has surpassed the Xia He civilization.

Deep in the void.

Behind the battle of civilization, Green is hidden near the skyscraper, as if he was just a passing passenger, staring at everything that happened here.

Have to admit that the wizard world as the defeated player . Although it absorbed some of the characteristics of the abyss civilization, it developed the abyss refining wizard. A nightmare wizard was born, and the civilization system was more advanced. Has a stronger potential than the ancient wizards.

However, potential is just a potential.

The abyss world is a winner. After receiving all the wealth of the ancient wizards, it has expanded and now it has reached such a point!

I don't know how many real-time preparations for the Wizards' Expeditionary Expeditions, but there is no doubt that all the Demon Expeditions plan must be based on the enemy's strength and weakness.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

In the overwhelming and endless battle between the abyss of the Demon Dragons and the Insect Sea, the half-meter-high worms of the half-man beetle, at this moment, teamed up with the King of the Void, to fight against a powerful The ancient ancestral ancestors, it is Green's use of the light of the balance rule and the other side to lose an arm of the non-phase ancestors.

The two have already suppressed the ancestor, which is not only a single battle against the lord, but also a huge battle group of dark gold insects and worms in all directions, fighting each other with the abyss of the Abyss. .

Under the leadership of the iron-and-blood hunters, the iron-blood arbiters, and the iron-blood judges, an iron-and-blood battleship of the Iron and Blood Corps has never flowed from the Rubik's Cube, and each of the iron-and-blood battleships carries hundreds of them. The warrior is ready to be sent, and the metal mask is flashing with iron, blood, discipline, glory, and brutal light.

An iron-and-blood elder who carried the body of the Abyssal Mozu, stopped in the battlefields all over the world, and the gray wolf head mask looked down at the fascinating figure.

There is no Suihua division to follow, there is no mighty Suihua division, the straw man who walks alone in Qingyun, the sword in his hand is rusty, but it seems to have endless power.

"Sword in the Stone!"

The strongest of the Suihua division, the saint!

And it is the strongest form of holding a stone sword.

Thousands of years ago, in the battle of the three-party civilization of the ancient and modern, it was this hand-held stone sword saint who destroyed a dead star.

The Jagged River Empire will never forget the hatred in the heart, and it will be listed as one of the real powers of the Iron Star River Empire!

At the moment ~www.novelmtl.com~ I saw the saint who was surrounded by black tobacco. In the case of holding a sword in the stone, he even ignored the low-lying abyss of the dragon.

Any abyssal dragon, even if it is the main level of the world, will be rusted and solidified after being close to a certain range, and the sound of "嘭" will become a shard.

The goal of this saint is, the one who is the most powerful abyss of the smashing squat, and the stalwart giant!

In this unprecedented war of unprecedented scale, all kinds of exotic life are densely packed and smashed, even though Green’s current vision may have been able to serve as a bird of view in the fortress-level war that once radiated the world. Peeping in the whole picture, but now, it is still just a look-aheader who is reluctant to spy on the overall situation.

In the world of heaven, a famous teacher passed through Green, but there was no communication, and he rushed to the battle group outside the virtual world and the virtual world.

"It's time to go back."

Green knows that in the eyes of these sluts, he has completely ended the mission of the Weaver. (To be continued.)

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