A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 25 Chapter 1313: Eternal moon

? Against this mysterious textile machine, Green was full of a month.

Oh, oh, oh...

However, no matter how long Green Watch has been, this kind of mystery textile machine has never changed in any particular way. Just put a piece of silk into a cloth and send it to the other side of the hippo, and then enter the new cycle again.

"Hey, the sun is blocked by the clouds, the early insects are eaten by the birds, I am the sun, I am the cloud, I am the insect, I am a bird, life is endless, singing is not endless, oh yeah..."

Outside the grimace pumpkin tower, the scarecrow in a white robe flew from far and near.

In the stunned eyes of Green and Xiao Ba, the Scarecrow jumped into the room from the outside of the window and sang the song with its alternative singular tone.

"If you are happy, just clap your hands with me, hey, I am a fool to send you, oh, if you like you, just clap your hands, if you want to go back to the wizarding world, you will follow me, 哟吼吼吼......"


Green and Xiaoba, who were stunned, couldn’t help but swallow.

"Mom, don't think that I haven't seen any world in the Lord. I don't know how many years I have been in the world. I haven't seen a thousand or hundreds of masters. I am the first time like you." See you."

Xiaomilian’s honey juice on the wings is forgotten to drink.

"Is the altar of the Fool Master communicated well?"

Green asked in surprise.

Although I don’t know the exact location of the world community in the eternal moon and the eternal spring, it must be one step closer to the wizarding world. I have left the wizarding world for such a long time and thought of returning to the wizarding world, even though I have already had tens of thousands of years of life. Green, at this moment, can not help but a wave of heart.

If it was said that it was still the Green of the Little Wizard. The biggest thought for the wizarding world is the words of the mentor of Peranos. At this time, Green is a powerful ancient wizard, and the biggest mourning is his own disciples and friends. And the inheritance of the wizard world civilization.

Unconsciously, Green's heart has completed the transformation from the wizard's will to the historical master!

"Hey. The altar of the cross-world community has been opened, and it will be closed if you don't hurry, oh..."

Green took the little eight and followed the scorpion scorpion and flew out the grimace pumpkin tower.

The sky is overcast, along the way, in the whistling wind, this white robe sculptist continues its strange song, gradually disappearing into the sky.


Sparkling. On the horizon, the hippocampus squinted and pulled a big sailboat.

After the white robes sent the green and the little eight, they laughed and continued to sing songs and flew away. A group of strange birds called "呱呱" followed and flew into the distance.

"The moon of eternal?"

After Green fell on this sailboat, Xiao Ba stood on his shoulder and glared at the extreme abyss magic wand, stepping forward to the front of the big fire basin in the center of the sailboat. Staring at a round of meniscus in the illusion of the blue flame.

The brazier looks like a huge coconut shell. It looks like two meters. The blue flame is like some kind of mysterious force that can make up for the loss of will in time and space.

"This is what I told you about the annihilation of the wizard."

The fool holds a basket. It was filled with black, dry, ball-like things. After seeing Green, it was introduced to the crescent moon in the blue flame. Green sniffed and sniffed, it turned out to be a wolf dung ball, and there was a little strange energy. stone.

In the blue flame, the eternal moon turns toward Green.

"Sure enough, it is a wizard."

The Eternal Moon seems to be a regular life, the light of the rules and the light of the rules, and the divine atmosphere of some exotic gods, which are very familiar to the wizard.

"I told your fools about your affairs. . I can tell you how to return to the wizard world, but I can't help you. Although I used to communicate with a great wizard, I was very Unfortunately, the great sorcerer has fallen in the war of your world community. My father also warned us that the nine sons gave up communication with your world community. You can only reach the chaotic world group through the dark world group, and then listen to the other side. Return to the wizarding world community."

"Mom, it’s really not close to the three world communities! If you are running a little, you may be completely lost."

Xiao Ba finally figured out the general distance.

The world community is too vast, and the relative positions between the world communities are constantly changing, so it is difficult to record them in a long-term way. If the years are too long, even the relative positions of the world communities will happen. Variety.

The three colors of Green are flashing and low: "So... what is your community in the world, how do you call it?"

"The outside world used to call us the world of endless springs. In addition to my father's eternal spring, there are springs of time, fountains of origin, springs of thoughts, springs of ancient Dao, springs of destruction, springs of hatred, springs of love. ......"

Green is stunned, and the characteristics of this world community are distinct.

It seems that it should be like the Alliance of the Beasts, which belongs to a loosely organized coalition.

The chaotic world community is better. Although Green only passes through the world of the human world, the parasitic spore world, and the world of thunder and thunder, the world of chaotic worlds has a glimpse of the tip of the iceberg. Only the chaotic world in the center of this world community is the semi-illusion of irregular chaotic fog. There is nothing special about the world.

But this dark world group makes Green feel a bad feeling.

These things can be said later. In any case, even if there is more danger and hardship ahead, Green must return to the wizarding world. At this moment, he is not allowed to ask: "So, how should I go now?"


After the fool had coughed twice, he extended a finger and burned a blue flame on it, apparently the presence of a blue flame in the brazier.

"Although I have the exact time and space coordinates, the distance is too far away, and your body seems to be very large. Well... you can only temporarily demystify you and then pass it on. The process may be a bit painful."

Mystification! ?

Green did not understand the fool's instructions ~www.novelmtl.com~ Xiao Ba responded and shouted: "It is cursing you, temporarily turning into another kind of mysterious phenomenon creature, don't look at the Lord, you have passed eight I will pass the past directly across the dimensional gap."

After a while.

With the full cooperation of Green, the body gradually became a cluster of burning blue flames. The fools who were turned into giants mixed with mud balls. After "hhat" and "ah" chewed two, they spit in the brazier. .

After mystification, the stinging state of the body caused Green to suffer every minute and every second.

Fully endured for a few days, with the distortion of time and space in all directions, the time and space returned to normal, Green's eyes lit up, a huge meniscus, a tens of thousands of meters of giants, by the rules of the world, appeared in front of Green!

"Welcome to the world of eternal moon."

Around, a flash of sparkling crystals, tens of thousands of octagonal rules of life, golden light, full of the sky. (To be continued.)

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