A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 25 Chapter 1310: Detonate the battle!

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At this moment, every breath is so difficult.

Obviously, these imposing abyss and the demons did not expect it. They thought it was only a feast of the final massacre. The result turned out to be this confrontation, and the whole equipment stationed these heterogeneous civilizations, obviously ready for a long time, is waiting for work.

Green tri-color flashes, this is now!

Never let those abyss and ancestors engage in any sexual contact with the three-party civilization here!


Just as Green held up his magic wand, the magic was burning, and the moment before the witchcraft was about to be performed, there was one who was one step ahead of Green, the king of the emptiness of the world!

Under the crown of the void, the eyes are full of hatred and anger. The only remaining one is the curved horn, and the king of the emptiness of the world is burning the soul of the omnipotent at the cost, instead of the natural healing that was expected before. The curvy horns of the broken horns are generally regenerated, and the **** chest skin is restored.


It turned out that an elder of iron age reacted in time, and the golden long fork energy bombarded it. Thousands of blood-blade energy smashed and fell over the same time, with the intention of preventing the king of the emptiness of the world from detonating the battle group.

In any case, the peace talks are the best choice for the Jagged River civilization at this time, and it is in line with the choice of the interests of the three parties.

"Hey, let me pass this before."

The sacred scorpion king swells, the force of the emptiness lingers to the kilometer, and the gems of the gems have formed an irregular polygon protective cover, which is shrouded in all directions.

In addition to the golden long fork energy cannon broke through the protective cover, was blocked by a giant tongs of the scorpion scorpion king, those overwhelming blood blade energy 斩, just splashed a little ripple on the defensive cover.

The scorpion scorpion king is a master who is good at defense and poisoning.

"Take you over and you will be able to calm this unnecessary dispute."

God does not know the ghosts, a purple-black half-human half-beetle form of life, only half a meter, suddenly appeared in front of the king of the void. I don't know what the position of the knife-infested mother in the mother-in-law civilization. At this moment, it is like a big explosion from the moment of hiding to the sudden appearance. A section of the Crescent Moon amputation, close to the king of the emptiness of the world.

The king of the emptiness of the emptiness at the expense of all costs, the azure color doubles.

After the batwing wings and fierce ones, the king of the emptiness of the emptiness of the world snarls, and a purple chaotic time and space force spurts out.

But see this small half-human half-horned worm. The six-petal insects are sharp and smirked, and the other black-and-white spotted amputation will be able to confuse the light and space. The light column is easily blocked, and the broken aura of the batwing of the emptiness of the king of the emptiness of the world cannot be threatened.

In the mother's nest, there is such a strong presence and possession.

As the strongest mother-in-the-sea civilization among the three-party civilizations for many years, even if only one rushed to the mother's nest is dispatched at this moment, there is no room for the outside world!

Meil Longwei, the king of the emptiness of the world, apparently did not think that it would be the case, the critical teeth, the doubles and the left and the right. Separately watched the savage sorcerer and the sacred sacred ancestors who were about to break out in the dead star squat.

Is it revenge or the hope of retaining the community?

The choice of a moment is as long as it is.

After all, with the purple energy ball that converges above his right arm, he screams and throws at the blade of the worm, and Mellongwei Stone chooses to preserve the hope of the group.

Booming rumbling...

In the sky, there was a wave of energy and light, and the power of time and space in chaos made the rules of the world of the world of the Nether Stars smashed into a large area, and the layers of the clouds were surging. Some of the regiments in the void were chaotic.


even so. With a black-and-white mixed silk thread crossed, the void armor in front of the King of the Voider is still easily penetrated, leaving a scar on his skin.

"My king!"

A pair of black small eyes of the scorpion scorpion king is full of anxiety, if it can not trigger the abyss of the abyss and the indigenous civilization here. Then as a fugitive comer, the Avengers will end up...

Merle Longwei, the king of the emptiness of the emptiness, gnawed his teeth, and wanted to ignite the soul of omnipotence again, causing war at all costs. However, he saw another elders of iron age and the common worms of the mountains blocked the worms. At the same time, the center of the violent light spot was overwhelming. Although the small blade of the worm's body figure suffered multiple injuries, it did not align with its combat state and caused too much impact.

It’s quite convenient to bring it to the body.

"Block him!"

With a low drink, the knife-worming insect roared, and the sounds of time and space of "咔嘣", "咔嘣", and "咔嘣" were heard, and their movements were very slow, apparently the cause of these time and space.


Suddenly, this knife-infested mother sensed something, flanked by the side, and then it was a life-shattering scream!

"The Holy One! You have betrayed the agreement!"

Along with the blade worm whistle, Green's body majestic magical fluctuations have ignited to the extreme. Because of the large amount of magic consumed in the past, Green spared a small amount of the soul that dominated Almighty.

"Let's come, annihilate the great magic of the stars!"

Holding up the extreme abyss magic wand, Green's hysterical snarl is high, apparently because it is too much to save the Almighty Soul, which makes Green's magic power not very sufficient, and there is no dark big wizard altar blessing, this witchcraft is very stubborn.

call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out……

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom……

It is almost the ancient body of the ancient ancestral ancestors who have just sneaked out of the first moment of the sacred dragon group ~www.novelmtl.com~ and they have suffered such a large-scale attack.

Tens of thousands of bursting fireballs and bursting ice cones followed the sin of the original sin, and they continued to fall, and the momentum was so vast that they even far surpassed the many foreign masters who were present, and even let this ancient ancestor think that they suffered After a large number of enemy legions attacked, the instinctive waved an arm, pointing to the high-altitude annihilation of the big witchcraft big witchcraft explosion point, the Jagged River, the Suihua Division, the Brood, and the Nether Avenger.

"Magnify them!"

The civilized war was ordered by the ancestors and instantly detonated.

The endless sorcerer's army, which was summoned by the abyss, followed the deep abyss of the ancient abyss, and the ancestors of the ancestors, and no longer have to be scrupulous, and they made a sound of abyss to summon roaring, rising to the sky, to the coldest and cruel. The will of the abyss will destroy everything.

"This is the guide for the mystery textile machine..."

Shi Zhongjian Kaifeng, the voice of the Holy One gradually came from the world of heaven, answering the words of the knife and the mother. (To be continued.)

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