A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 25 Chapter 1306: Destiny arm! ?

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[Broadcast] Focus on the starting point of reading, get the first hand news of 515 red packets, students who have not robbed the red envelope after the New Year, this time can show their skills.

Compared with the mother nest and the Suihua division, the Jagged Rivers, who invested a lot of energy, obviously care more about this unknown discovery, but did not expect...

Under the curved horn of the king of the emptiness of the world, the eyes gaze at the will of this blood.

"that area is……"



The king of the Voidwalker has just opened his mouth. Suddenly, the whole world of the Nether Star is so fierce!

It seems that the collapsed land found a certain balance at this moment, and then it was behind the king of the emptiness of the world. The original pure purple time and space door was quickly eroded by a little black spot, and an irregular shock was emitted. It’s like something is struggling.

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Oh...

The runes that reveal the simplicity of the atmosphere are like the shackles that are forcibly broken apart, one after another.

Immediately after an ugly abyss, the ancestral face of the abyss, a large curved mouth reveals an evil curved curvature, emerges from the door of time and space, and the overwhelming thorns will oppress, and in a flash, let a few relatively weak void avengers nearby. "噗", "噗", "噗" body explosion, turned into a group of pure purple mist.

"You can't run away, evil spirits, unless you are more adept at escaping than the former group of witches, otherwise you will contribute your own blood and flesh, offer your own civilization, enter my body, and the great abyss will Let it be one!"

In Green's eyes, horror is like the end of the general abyss of the ancestors, screaming evil words, even the oppression of the king of the emptiness of the world is also at a disadvantage!

woo woo woo woo……

The raging wind is like the devil's crying, the raging storm reveals a heart-rending unknown, that is the suppression before the end of the last days!

The abyss of the abyss, separated by time and space, apparently has not yet been able to perceive the terrible power of the world's chaotic storms.

The same. The gathering power of the three-party civilization in the sky is also unable to detect the other end of the space-time mirror, the Abyss and the Abyss!

If at the moment...

in case!

If the two sides realize that the other party is inexhaustible and powerful, as an abyss civilization that is being played by the hands of destiny. This kind of fragile space-time diaphragm will never be easily broken, and it will be here, and it will be involved in the whirlpool of the vast and vast destiny that is almost obvious to the eye.

The three parties here are contradictory and jealous of civilization, and will never take the initiative to fall into the war!

However, under the play of the hand of destiny, there is not so much if.

all. It’s a coincidence that...

Under the crown of the void, the king of the emptiness of the emptiness is suppressed by this powerful and incredible abyss, and the flaming flaming flame of the body is tumbling, but it is unbelievable to spread out, and can only be separated between the body surface. .

Around the king of the emptiness of the world, "咻", "咻", "咻", "咻", "咻" broke through the air, and these low-level vagrants even lost their courage to face the abyss. , vacated and fled.

Has been renamed the Void Avengers, except for the king of the deceased. The only emptiness of the emptiness of the world, the sacred scorpion king, stood beside the king of the ethnic group, and the tens of thousands of jewels above the crystal enamel flashed at the same time, and merged with the king of the emptiness of the emptiness, finally reluctantly resisted the abyss. The suppression of the ancestors.

The abyss of the abyss did not care.

The purple time and space light curtain is being quickly eroded by the abyss, and the area is getting bigger and bigger, and it is constantly changing from pure purple to dark.

Only after the time and space light curtains have slowly eroded, then these escaped mice will be seized one by one, completely destroying the vanity civilization!

This short period of time is the last chance to avoid the abyss civilization and the Jagged River, the Suihua Division, and the Broodel Civilization...

Among the high altitudes, the fourteen dominating will seem to have communicated with each other. At this moment, he came down with three figures, a black burly elder, an arborist, and a hand-held death sickle.

Although the three figures are not really strong within the family. However, as one of the peak forces, they are mutually constrained in a delicate balance, and together they spy on the faint unease in the strong time and space fluctuations below. What happened.

Once they are allowed to fall into the door of the space and space of the Nether Star World, it is very likely that an unprecedented war will break out and will be extinguished in the bud!


"Hey. Hey, hey!"

The door of time and space, the abyss of the sacred ancestors, the king of the emptiness of the sorcerer, the back of the scorpion scorpion king, the shadow of the inconspicuous, the anger, the euphoria, the evil laughter of the haze gradually become high, in the doubts of this abyss Surprised, a translucent little figure slowly came out.

On the gray face, the three-color light looks straight at this abyss!

The king of the emptiness of the world, the king of the sacred scorpion, who is confronting the abyss of the abyss, is looking forward to Green.

What is this annihilation wizard?

“Is it better to escape than the wizard mouse? It seems that the ancient wizards brought pain to the abyss world, and it was not as light as the magical demon grandson said. The witch world has been completely forgotten as a defeated man, 桀桀Oh..."

Grinn was a long, pale, thin palm, clenching the extreme abyss wand and gently stroked it.

In the gap of the dimension gap, the phantoms of the two six-level peaks of the abyss Mozu specimens gradually emerged, soaked in the transparent crystal ware solution, and placed in an ugly and indecent posture for the external reference to appreciate their own body, standing quietly.

This is a parasitic demon that is decomposed from Green's eclipse and the impermanence.

The appearance of two abyssal demon specimens surprised the king of the emptiness of the emptiness, what is going on?

Has the wizarding civilization been in contact with the abyss civilization?

Regardless of others, Green chose to take out these two abyssal demon specimens. The purpose is to irritate the abyss and the ancestors to quickly come to this world of empty stars, thus inevitably with the Jagged River civilization and the Suihua division civilization. The conflict between the mother and the nest civilization.

In the heart of the instinctual hatred of the abyss civilization, Green as a wizard will not be a means, and with the help of the three powerful and civilized world and the abyss civilization conflict, it is the most direct means of the current Green Revenge.

In this way, Green does not want any further accidents in any case, let the abyss and his ancestors continue to be so slow, waiting for the head of the Iron River, the Suihua Division, the Brood Civilization, and the two sides contact cognition. Negotiations that may occur, even to use yourself as a bargaining chip with these Voidwalkers!

Never allow such a thing to happen, you must thoroughly anger this abyss!

But ~www.novelmtl.com~ obviously Green has forgotten what...

At this moment, the abyssal ancestors on the screen of time and space, the two scorpions completely ignored the specimens of the abyss of the abyss on both sides of Green, but gathered all the eyes in the hands of Green, the extreme abyss magic wand!

"Thirteen rounds, you are the descendants of the seventeen rounds of true spirits. How dare you humiliate me so much, take my arm as... Hey! I want you to die!"

Inundated with the endless raging magic flame, this abyssal ancestor has been completely angered by the extreme abyss magic wand in the hands of Green, and the face of the ancestors rushed out to the outside of the mirror, and in a flash, The king of the emptiness of the world and the prince of the meditation sighed a sigh, and took a half step back.


The arm of this abyss demon!

Green was stunned.

Ps. chasing more children's shoes, free appreciation of the ticket and the starting point of the coin there is no ah ~ 515 red envelope list countdown, I came to pull a ticket, seeking overweight and appreciation tickets, and finally rushed! (To be continued.)

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