A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 25 Chapter 1307: Nothing in the ancient times

?[The latest broadcast] Tomorrow is 515, the beginning of the anniversary, the most welfare day. In addition to the gift bag, this time the "515 red envelopes mad" must be seen, red envelopes do not grab the truth, set the alarm clock ~

Hey! Hey! Oh...

Under the full struggle of the magical mask of the space-time mirror, the mirror of more than a thousand meters of space-time mirrors is only barely struggling to highlight a part, but sees the purple quaint runes that are constantly being destroyed, and is stained by the abyss. In the darkness, accompanied by the sound of the "咔嚓" and "咔嚓" spaces, a five-finger clutch suddenly protrudes.

The darkness of the darkness of the ink is like a dark abyss. It is like a piece of art, covered with black scales, and it appears as a semi-illusive phenomenon.

The Death Star squats over the pit, gathering the fugitive Nether Avenger Legion, and the predecessor of the Jagged River Legion and the Mother Nest worm that were originally vying for this secret exploration.

Obviously, the forces of the Tripartite Army are in a subtle confrontation, and at this moment they can not help but overlook the change to the bottom.

One after another, a deep abyss dragon, difficult to count, endless, the source of the endless spewing out of the dead star squatting, went forward and rushed to the unknown creatures here, opened the deepest killing state of the soul instinct.

As if the dark devil was born in the shadows, every smoky smoky magical sky rises into the abyss of the dragon, the body is insignificantly small to hundreds of meters between the frequent conversion, like the shadow of death.

Between the wings, it is like a gust of wind.

It has bat-like fleshy wings, and the crocodile is usually covered with hard, icy scales and a thick tail. Two pairs of scales, the claws, as the hind legs and the claws on both sides of the wings, a huge mouth with a blade full of teeth.

The nostrils are squirting with sulphur-smelling smoke, and the scorpion scorpion is like the icy luster of the phosphor snake. The breathtaking roaring sounds one after another, with the attitude of the topmost bio-superior in the most primitive hunting instinct food chain. For the prey in the shackles.

In the meantime, at the mouth of the Death Star, the Jagged River Legion, the Brood Swarm, and the Void Avengers all turned into the targets of these Abyssal Dragons, and the roar of battles came and went. Even the three descending lords were involved in this battle, making it difficult to explore the secrets of the cave.

Beyond the turbulent storms of the chaos, the three death stars, the six death stars, the blade mother nest, and the saints of the heavens are not yet included in the total war.

The group was attacked by the abyss and rushed to the captive dragons. The first time they detonated the Void Avengers, and the predecessors of the Jagged River Legion and the Mother Nest, who were vying for this secret exploration. .


The void star is in the big world.


In the hands of the extreme abyss wands, the light is staggered, and several nearby abyss dragons are shattered into the sky. The "嘭", "嘭", "嘭", and "嘭" were blown into the ice, and then an arc of annihilation flashed away, toward the claw that was stretching!

狰狞 residual shadow, a series of abyss dragons. With the space-time mirror that broke through the thousands of magic arms, it spewed out.

And the target of the arm of this demon ancestors, pointing to the green of the extreme abyss magic wand.

At this moment, the light was staggered and annihilated by the arc, and the sound of "噗". A piece of black as the ink scales disappeared, from which a large number of abyss magic and annihilation arcs were offset.

This claw will solidify the time and space of Green in all directions. Caught in Green.

"Hey! The abyss has no time to destroy the ancestors, destroying the hatred of my family, will surely make your blood debts pay!"

The king of the emptiness of the world, faced with the overwhelming pressure from the oncoming, although this ancient sorcerer’s target of the ancient sorcerer’s sorcerer pointed to Green, but at this moment, because the distance between the three is too close, the emptiness of the emptiness The king, the green, the meditation king of the scorpion are juxtaposed in a row, and there is no goal of the ancestors.

The king of the emptiness of the world, the batwings open fiercely behind, the right arm actually grabs a purple energy lightsaber from the roaring mouth, and the deepest hysterical roar in the throat, the five-meter body is expanding, wanting to open the real body Look like that.

He was imprisoned for too long, and his strength was retreating too much. Otherwise, he would never be so suppressed as the strongest person in the past.

It only takes some time to recover. When he restores his strength in the peak period, he has already won the crown of the void, and he will definitely open up a broader sky in the endless world!



However, at this moment, he is too weak. In the face of this imposing angry ancestor, the king of the emptiness of the world has only briefly touched, and the body slides out of a parabola and flies back.

The purple light sword is in contact with the magic arm. However, the king of the emptiness of the world has no power to open the real body, and the purple light sword in his hand is broken and dissipated.

"My king!"

The figure of the scorpion scorpion king was flashing, and caught the king of the Voidwalker.

Even if the king of the emptiness of the emptiness is in a state of weakness, as the strongest of the once empty stalkers, it is not easy to be dealt with easily, and the power of the abyss is surrounded by a circle of purple time and space, similar to The deep illusion and the real material world are not equal in time and space, attacking the abyss.

By the way, after the scorpion king of the scorpion catches the king of the void walker, the long tail behind him ignores the space barrier, and the poison hook slams into the magic arm, and even rushes to the sky.


Obviously, this ancient undead ancestor suffered invisible damage, and there was a terrible scream of screaming, but the magic arm continued to succumb to Green.

"The wild instinct is the seventh layer, the ancestors transform, open... oh!"

The power of time and space that has been completely banned in all directions ~www.novelmtl.com~ This one-of-a-kind ancestor is bound to be one of the top ones in the abyss civilization.

I don't know what kind of ability. At this moment, Green even turned wild instinct into a body. It is also so difficult. It seems to be suppressed by an invisible field.

It is no wonder that the king of the emptiness of the emptiness of the world has not been able to open up the real body. In addition to its own weakness, this invisible and strange field is also one of the important reasons.

"I still have my arms!"

With a bang, Green seemed to be penetrated by thousands of invisible shock waves for a moment, and the body unsuppressed and flew out. At the same time, the extreme abyss magic wand was smashed by a magical force, and was captured by this ancestral arm. The past.

"Abominable wizard mouse, die!"

The clutches were shot towards Green.

PS.5.15 "Starting point" under the red envelope rain! At 12 o'clock in the afternoon, I will grab a round every hour. A big wave of 515 red packets will be lucky. You all go grab, grab the starting currency and continue to subscribe to my chapter! (To be continued.)

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