A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 25 Chapter 1305: Swirl 1 angle

[Broadcast] Pay attention to the "starting point reading", get the first hand news of the 515 red envelope, and the students who have not robbed the red envelope after the Chinese New Year, this time can show their skills.

"Witcher! Are you not extinct by the Abyssal Demon?"

At this moment, Green's breath image gradually merged with the fragmented pieces of the head of the void of the emptiness of the world. In spite of the war between the Voidwalker civilization and the Abyss civilization, the Voidwalker is generally defeated, but still There are some partial victories.

Whether in the distant history, some ancient Voidwalkers have sporadic communication with the ancient wizarding world, or the information about the wizarding civilization learned from the abyss civilization, all indicate that this is a strange civilization that once had more splendid and splendid than the Voidwalker. But before the Voidwalker civilization, after being invaded by the abyss civilization, he lost everything and was extinct, leaving only some historical monuments.

Unexpectedly, I just fled to the unknown time and space, and I even met a guy who claimed to be a descendant of the wizard.

Although he is promoted to dominate, he is by no means a weak person, even if he can never ignore it.

The power of the unknown system in his body that is different from the masses of many biological groups is so amazing that the king of the emptiness of the world seems to have seen from him a group of rules for the mystery of the endless world truth, and to manipulate the rules of the world. The life of the community!


Hearing the king of the emptiness of the world, Green roared.

"No! The great wizard will never be extinct, but it has experienced the decline after a brilliant heyday. This is the tempering rule in the history of the rise and fall of the endless world. After the tempering of the wizard, it has become more powerful and must Will go to an unprecedented peak!"

Green's voice is very hot and powerful.

Even though only Green is standing here, even if he is facing a leader of a civilized ethnic group, Green is not even more humiliating and humble, but more proud. Don't take a break from the failure of the wizard, look directly at the failure, and use it as a wizard to move toward a stronger glory.

It seems that standing in front of the king of the emptiness of the world is not just Green. It is the sorcerer's will community of thousands of thousands of wizards in the entire world of wizards, burning with the constant enthusiasm of the teacher, the dead wood and the spring, the blazing flame of passing fire.

In contrast, at this moment, the king of the emptiness of the world is hateful. Filled with endless power, but the only Voidwalkers behind him have lost their fighting spirit, leaving only endless fear and despair, and no longer have the pride and pride of being a Voidwalker.

It seems that the poor dog who has a tail with a tail, facing the powerful enemy of the abuse, even the courage to reveal his fierce fangs is gone, only a frustrated sob, and a wolverine.

They have lost the most basic thing that a civilization has regained its peak, that is, the pride of civilization and unity.

Sad guys. The Voidwalker civilization is dead.

"The king of the vain emptiness of the world, in a world community that is not too far away, the wizarding world has established a new and powerful civilization. We have failed. We have never forgotten the failure that the abyss world once brought to me. Disgrace, in that world community, the Wizarding World is forming a new powerful army, ready to fight for the demon vengeful revenge! Please tell me, to what extent has the abyss civilization reached?"

Under the face of Green Truth, the three colors of light gaze at the back of the void. The purple light curtain that is constantly moving.

Although on the light curtain, the ancient runes that reveal a rich historical atmosphere seem to have an amazing role in time and space, but through the face of truth. Green has already seen a group of horrible scorpions like Himself, standing on the other end of time and space to spy on it!

They show a cruel smile, behind them are the endless abyss of the Demon Dragons, the abyss summoned minions.

They stretch out their own claws, fiddle with the door of time and space, and then sturdy time and space are confined to this endless magic. Erosion is only a matter of time.

This is not a door, it is just a piece of paper.

Once this piece of paper is broken, it will change the world, the battle of the five-party civilization that is enough to make Green's scale at this moment, at the touch of a hair!

"Hunting Expedition?"

The king of the emptiness of the world gaze at the wizard, although he is not strong now, far from the power he has at this time.

But somehow, the king of the emptiness of the emptiness seems to see a future full of legends from his body. The king of wizards with broken stars will lead the infinite sorcerer's army, swept into the wizard's will, sweeping himself. Thousands of worlds, wherever they pass, no one can violate their will, and they are invincible. As a more terrible dark world than the abyss world, sweeping around the world of large and small worlds, the name is easily spread to the depths of the deep and deep void.

This wizard...

"In determining the intelligence, the other end of the abyss civilization has contradicted the five civilizations of the Alliance of the Beasts, the Evil Dragon Empire, the Wuhuner civilization, the Devil World Group, and the Promise God Alliance, and there are other zero-star civilizations further away. In the gathering of a powerful army, marching toward the abyss civilization."

A group of purple time and space forces among the eagle claws of the emptiness of the emptiness of the world are collected, and some of the abyss of the abyss are collected, and the eyes look at the sky.

"In addition to the remnants of the tribe I led, the Void Avengers, the Jagged River civilization, the Suihua division civilization, the ancestor civilization, and the sorcerer civilization hunter expedition, even the more infinite endless civilization compiled by cause and effect. The torrent, the abyss world has no chance, it will surely go to ruin!"

The king of the emptiness of the world, a talon pointed to Green.

Here, Green represents the will of the entire wizarding civilization!


At this time, Green's tri-color ray also looked up to the sky with the emptiness of the emptiness ~www.novelmtl.com~ In the chaotic storm, many vortices were formed one after another, faintly able to see the void through these relatively calm vortex Among the behemoth war machines, the shadow of the iceberg, and the inexhaustible armies, the oppression of each other.

These whirlpools represent the endless dominance of the strongest form that lingers the infinite and endless legions.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen!

There are a total of 14 masters, overlooking the broken hollow into the crater of the Death Star, sensing the strong will to the sky.

"The king of the emptiness of the world? Tell me why you came here. The door of time and space behind you, where is it going?"

A vast expanse of will, from a chaotic whirlpool, which iron and blood will not have to say, must be a death star elders!

Ps. Chasing more children's shoes, free appreciation of the ticket and the starting point of the coin there is no ah ~ 515 red envelope list countdown, I came to pull a ticket, seeking overweight and appreciation tickets, and finally rushed! (~^~)

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